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ANKARA: Taner Akcam: Confronting 1915 Is Necessary In Order To Be Ri

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  • ANKARA: Taner Akcam: Confronting 1915 Is Necessary In Order To Be Ri


    Today's Zaman
    Oct 27 2011

    On Wednesday I attempted to summarize the European Court of Human
    Rights' (ECtHR) judgment in the case of Taner Akcam v. Turkey, in
    which the court found that Article 301 of the Turkish Penal Code
    (TCK), which concerns the denigration of Turkishness, violates the
    freedom of expression.

    I believe this was a landmark decision and will force Turkey to
    eliminate this law in the future. I asked Akcam what he thinks
    about the decision and about Article 301, whether he feels more
    comfortable after receiving this judgment in the case, and whether
    this decision will help Turkey confront its past. Akcam sent me
    some thought-provoking responses to my questions and remarks on the
    importance of confronting the past in general. I would like to share
    Professor Akcam's comments with you:

    "This ruling will in fact work in Turkey's favor. The decision
    helps the country take a step forward on a matter which is a problem
    everyone's been aware of for years now. There's this law out there but
    the executive branch obstructs its implementation and enforcement. In
    other words, they [the government] are behaving as though the very
    law they created doesn't exist. Could this situation get any more

    "We [Turkey] act like this with every single issue. We know there's
    a problem but instead of really resolving it, we act 'as if' we are
    solving it. We wait for a ruling from the ECtHR even with respect to
    a simple and ordinary application on freedom of speech and the rule
    of law. Was that really necessary? For this reason alone, I cannot
    take any joy in this decision.

    "But let me draw your attention to a much more important aspect of
    this issue: The ruling is historically important because the court
    points out the close relationship between discourse on history
    and democracy. Very simply said, in 1915, around 1 million Ottoman
    Armenian citizens were annihilated. I know that just saying these words
    outrages many people, and actually it's this anger that has fueled
    the government's equating historical discourse with 'crime' under
    Article 301. Even our newspapers prefer to refer to 'the historian
    who defends the Armenian side's arguments' rather than 'the historian
    whose freedom of speech has been impeded' when covering news on this
    case. What we need to realize is this: If you cannot speak freely
    on history, you cannot call your country a democracy and you cannot
    create a society and a future that respect human rights. There is no
    'Armenian' side or 'Turkish' side to history. To discuss what really
    happened in history is to speak freely and openly about it, without
    legends or myths. Today, no one refers to a 'German version' or a
    'Jewish version' when they're discussing the Holocaust.

    "Turkey has made huge progress in democratization by way of the Balyoz
    and Ergenekon investigations in recent years. It has acted to reduce
    the influence of the military's guardianship regime. But democracy
    won't be achieved solely by taking the military out of politics.

    Everybody needs to focus on this connection: Those who organized
    hatred against Armenians and Christians in Turkey, those who staged
    smear campaigns against Hrant Dink and myself, and those who ran the
    campaigns against the 'genocide lies' by defending the murderers
    of 1915 are basically members of the Ergenekon circle. Article
    301 is essentially a law propounded by the Ergenekon circle. Now
    the pro-Ergenekon figures are locked up in prison, but their law,
    Article 301, is still in effect. Let us not forget that it was the
    pro-Ergenekon figures who criminalized speaking about history and
    equated it to treason and insulting Turkishness. They were the ones
    behind all the cases filed against Hrant and it was because of them
    that I initiated the application process to the ECtHR. If we do not
    want Turkey to fall under the influence of the military guardianship
    once again, if we do not want to revive Ergenekon, we have to learn
    how to speak about what happened in 1915 and admit that a grave
    injustice was done in the past. The ECtHR reminded us of this fact
    with its ruling.

    "Now we, as a nation in the midst of creating a new constitution,
    need to rid ourselves of those bits of law which are the final
    remnants of Ergenekon. There is a direct link between denying what
    happened in 1915, accusing those who want to talk about it of being
    'pro-Armenian' and 'traitors,' and being pro-Ergenekon. I know it
    is hard for many of us to accept this, but this is the crux of the
    matter. We are either on the side of Article 301 and those who accuse
    others of being traitorous when they discuss history freely, or we are
    people of free conscience who are part of a free Turkey that speaks
    freely about its own history and views the future with confidence,
    while condemning the murders of the past. We have no third option.

    "I consider myself a part of Turkish civil society and will continue
    together with it to do whatever I can to make sure that Article 301
    is removed from the TCK. That article was the murderer of Hrant Dink.

    This murderous provision must be removed immediately. Turkey is
    better than that. I am dedicating the court's ruling to Parliament
    Speaker Cemil Cicek. In the past, he has expressed support for this
    murderous provision. Now it is up to him to clear up the mess. This
    is his duty to Hrant Dink and all victims."
