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Foreign Policy Journal: In 1918-1920 International Community Did Not

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  • Foreign Policy Journal: In 1918-1920 International Community Did Not


    Oct 27 2011

    "The year of 2011 has been marked for the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic
    (NKR, or Artsakh as Armenians were calling it for centuries) with
    the 20th anniversary of its independence from the Soviet Union. The
    people of Artsakh, despite various endemic challenges, made a choice
    for a free and democratic development - something previously unheard
    throughout the oppressive Communist era. The freedom-loving people
    in Karabakh followed the requirements of then effective (i.e. Soviet)
    legislation and norms of international law, and voted for independence
    at a nation-wide referendum on December 10, 1991 - right two weeks
    before the Soviet Union legally disappeared," says the American
    analytical online publication Foreign Policy Journal in the article
    entitled "Nagorno-Karabakh Republic: The First 20 Years of de-facto

    Since restoring its independence, note the authors of the article, one
    of the toughest challenges for the NKR remains convincing those against
    Artsakh's freedom, and first of all - neighboring Azerbaijan, that
    the world has changed since 1991, and that decolonization processes
    take place much smoother with the adequate reaction by former members
    of a single political-administrative entity. But, unfortunately,
    few of former Soviet republics refuse to accept the new realities,
    and cherish a partial and selective retention of Stalin's deeds.

    Authors note, that historically and legally, Nagorno-Karabakh or
    Artsakh has been one of the ancient Armenian principalities. During
    the short period of independence of South Caucasus republics (Armenia,
    Georgia and Azerbaijan) in 1918-1920, the League of Nations refused
    to recognize newly-created Azerbaijan because of its territorial
    claims towards Georgia and Armenia, particularly, claims over
    Nagorno-Karabakh, stating that "frontier disputes with neighboring
    states did not permit of an exact definition of the boundaries of
    Azerbaijan." "Thus, it is extremely important to underline and keep
    in mind that in 1918-1920, international community, particularly
    the League of Nations, did not recognize Azerbaijan's authority over
    Nagorno-Karabakh," writes the Foreign Policy Journal.

    After the region's Sovietization, in 1921, the Bolshevik government,
    under the leadership of Joseph Stalin, placed Armenian-populated
    Nagorno-Karabakh inside the newly drawn borders of the Soviet
    Azerbaijan. As it is said in the publication, when during the era
    of perestroika and glasnost declared by Gorbachev the people of
    Karabakh sought to legally rejoin Armenia, Azerbaijan responded
    with anti-Armenian pogroms in Baku, Sumgayit, Kirovabad, Mingechaur,
    total blockade of Nagorno Karabakh, and escalation of the peaceful
    process into a full-scale war, which has claimed thousands of lives.

    Noteworthy, that in 1991, when Azerbaijan adopted a declaration on
    state independence, it proclaimed itself the successor of the 1918-1920
    Azerbaijani Democratic Republic, thus, as it's said in the article,
    rejecting the Soviet Azerbaijan's legal and political heritage,
    including Soviet-era authority over the Nagorno Karabakh Autonomous
    Oblast, because the League of Nations didn't recognize Azerbaijani
    authority over Nagorno Karabakh in the years of 1918-1920 Republic.
