The European Court of Human Rights published factsheets for each of
the 47 European countries which have ratified the European Convention
on Human Rights.
The "country profiles" available on the Court's official website
provide wide-ranging information regarding the human rights issues
which have been and will be dealt with by the Court for each State.
According to a press release by the ECHR, both the profiles and
thematic factsheets covering the ECHR judgments made between1959-2011
are intended to help make the Court's work and case-law better known.
Armenia, which joined the Council of Europe in 2001, has so far had
25 cases heard by the Court.
The country statistics on the Court's website suggests it was mostly
found in violation of the right to fair trial (Article 6 of European
Convention on Human Rights). Thus in 34% (or 13 cases) of the total
number of cases vs Armenia, the ECHR satisfied the citizens' claim
for violation of the right to a fair hearing.
In six cases (15%) the Court found the country in breach of Article 11
(freedom of assembly and association) of the Convention. Another 15%
of the rulings (or 6 cases) dealt with ill treatments (Article 3),
some 10% (4 cases) - with protection of property (P1-1) and 26% -
with other rights (security and public safety, freedom of expression,
right to education etc.).
It is noteworthy that the right to fair trial was found characteristic
to most European countries. Thus, Article 6 was predominantly violated
by Iceland (47%), Spain (47%), Sweden (42%) and Russia (42%). As for
Armenia's neighbors - Georgia, Azerbaijan and Turkey - they were found
in violation of this right in 16%, 19% and 21% of cases, respectively.
The European Court of Human Rights published factsheets for each of
the 47 European countries which have ratified the European Convention
on Human Rights.
The "country profiles" available on the Court's official website
provide wide-ranging information regarding the human rights issues
which have been and will be dealt with by the Court for each State.
According to a press release by the ECHR, both the profiles and
thematic factsheets covering the ECHR judgments made between1959-2011
are intended to help make the Court's work and case-law better known.
Armenia, which joined the Council of Europe in 2001, has so far had
25 cases heard by the Court.
The country statistics on the Court's website suggests it was mostly
found in violation of the right to fair trial (Article 6 of European
Convention on Human Rights). Thus in 34% (or 13 cases) of the total
number of cases vs Armenia, the ECHR satisfied the citizens' claim
for violation of the right to a fair hearing.
In six cases (15%) the Court found the country in breach of Article 11
(freedom of assembly and association) of the Convention. Another 15%
of the rulings (or 6 cases) dealt with ill treatments (Article 3),
some 10% (4 cases) - with protection of property (P1-1) and 26% -
with other rights (security and public safety, freedom of expression,
right to education etc.).
It is noteworthy that the right to fair trial was found characteristic
to most European countries. Thus, Article 6 was predominantly violated
by Iceland (47%), Spain (47%), Sweden (42%) and Russia (42%). As for
Armenia's neighbors - Georgia, Azerbaijan and Turkey - they were found
in violation of this right in 16%, 19% and 21% of cases, respectively.