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Barsoumian: Armenian American Voices In 'Occupy' Movement

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  • Barsoumian: Armenian American Voices In 'Occupy' Movement

    By: Nanore Barsoumian
    Fri, Oct 28 2011

    BOSTON, Mass. (A.W.)-Spread over 80 countries and 1,000 cities,
    the global Occupy movement is growing fast, with protesters camping
    out in financial districts and public areas, demanding an end to
    "corporate greed." In the U.S., they come from various walks of life,
    sharing similar-and often interrelated-grievances, from exorbitantly
    high-priced educational opportunities, to a lack of health insurance,
    to the flood of home foreclosures, and anger over bank bailouts. Many
    Armenian Americans share the same frustrations as their fellow citizens
    and, like them, have taken to the streets, lending their voices to
    the occupying masses.

    Occupy Boston (Photo by Nanore Barsoumian) Action Through Poetry

    Sevan "Apollo" Aydinian, also known as Apollo Poetry, is an Armenian
    American poet who is the spokesman for Occupy Phoenix. He hopes
    the Occupy movement will result in "a complete restructuring of the
    political and monetary system," he told the Armenian Weekly. Once the
    public understands the relationship between the two systems, once
    "they see that they are being used as slaves," they will join the
    "revolution," he said.

    Occupy Phoenix began on Oct. 15 when protesters gathered in the city's
    Cesar Chavez Plaza at noon. Less than 48 hours later, many were already
    arrested, charged with trespassing or loitering, and then released. As
    in many other cities, however, the protesters kept coming back.

    Aydinian has been careful in discussing the movement in on-air
    interviews with leading channels. The media often tries to misrepresent
    the protesters, he said. In a recent interview, he went to great
    lengths to explain the lack of vertical hierarchy in the movement to an
    interviewer bent on pinpointing "the leaders." There are facilitators
    and organizers, maintained Aydinian, and anyone can assume either
    position. But Occupy Wall Street, or any of its side-shoots, has no
    leaders-not in the conventional sense, anyway.

    The poet stressed the diversity of views present on the ground. You
    can't box the protesters in a single category. "There are people from
    all parts of the political spectrum. That's the main reason [Occupy
    Wall Street] grew to over 1,600 cities in a couple of weeks. It
    includes everybody. This is truly the people's movement," he said.

    The "We are the 99 percent" slogan has caught on. It refers to the
    increasingly better-known and disturbing statistic that the top 1
    percent of Americans controls between 40-50 percent of the country's
    wealth. And that wealth, say Occupiers, has been used to undermine
    the democratic process and the wellbeing of the other 99 percent.

    Blogger with Eye for Signs

    Hrag Vartanian, the editor of the New York-based art blogazine
    Hyperallergic, has paid close attention to the signs used by the
    protesters. He has recorded his observations in half-a-dozen posts.

    Impressed by the establishment of a library and an art station at
    Zuccotti Park, "Art and protest should never be separated," he wrote
    in one. New signs hover over protesters' heads every day, their anger
    and frustration vented through a handful of words thickly traced on
    cardboard squares. "Some of the signs point to the lack of healthcare
    in the lives of millions. Others are about the crippling debt college
    students leave college with. And there are some who are angry that
    corporations are being treated as individuals by our broken legal
    system," Vartanian told the Armenian Weekly. Sometimes the signs are
    especially artistic, or witty. "I will believe corporations are people
    when one of them gets executed," read one sign.

    Social media sites, like Facebook and Twitter, have been instrumental
    in organizing the movement. But even with all the new technology,
    good-old-fashioned newspapers-you know, paper and ink-are still
    appreciated. The proof is the Occupied Wall Street Journal, which
    printed its first 50,000 copies on Oct. 1.

    Vartanian finds the movement inspirational. "It's great to see people
    standing up for what most people believe in, like justice and equal
    treatment under the law," he said.

    Canada-based Adbusters Magazine-which advocates for environmental
    and social responsibility, and political and corporate
    accountability-called for the "occupation" of Wall Street on July 13.

    The magazine urged their 90,000 online followers to embrace the new
    revolutionary tactics seen around the globe-a "fusion of Tahrir with
    the acampadas of Spain," in reference to the recent protests that
    unfolded in Cairo and Madrid.

    Like many, Vartanian hopes Occupy Wall Street will bring about larger
    participation in the democratic process, and an end to "the incestuous
    world of D.C. politics and corporate interests." This movement does
    not focus on one or two key issues, he said. "It's about people's
    anger towards injustice and being denied the opportunity to succeed."

    He pointed out the professional and ethnic diversity of the Occupiers:
    "At first, reporters tried to dismiss the protesters as white
    middle-class college kids, but it's far from the truth. The diversity
    of faces and background is mind blowing."

    Vartanian has seen an increased interest in the movement, evident in
    the growing number of visitors to Zuccotti Park. "When they step foot
    in that small block in lower Manhattan, they realize it's not some
    hippy dippy thing, and they become aware that the mainstream media
    isn't telling the public the whole story of what's going on," he said.

    "In my circles, Occupy Wall Street has become part of the daily

    Teacher Calls on Armenian Community to Join

    Simon Beugekian, a creative writing teacher in Boston, says the Occupy
    movement there represents a truly grassroots mobilization. Beugekian,
    who has spent time at Dewey Square-chosen for its immediacy to the
    city's Financial District-says the Occupiers are demanding fair
    treatment by their government.

    Represented on the small plot of grass, facing Boston's Federal
    Reserve building, are students, workers, war veterans, and retirees.

    Their professions are as diverse as their backgrounds. There's the
    younger generation, in college or fresh-out, with youthful zeal
    and vigor.

    "Every single one of us recent graduates feels the crushing weight
    of student debt," said Beugekian, who feels lucky to have come out of
    college with only $20,000 in loans. "A friend of mine, who graduated
    from Northeastern University with me...had to take close to $100,000
    of student debts to graduate college. Due to that, he is unable
    to move out of his parents' house, or even to save real money," he
    said, adding, "When you're paying more than $500 a month to a bank,
    and you will do so for the foreseeable future, it's hard to see your
    financial situation improve."

    Beugekian, a former assistant editor at the Armenian Weekly, wishes to
    see the Armenian community's involvement in the Occupy movements. They
    should support it, he said, "as a matter of principle." Support can
    encompass various actions, from donating food and basic supplies,
    to showing up to the marches, to vocal endorsements. "If the Occupy
    movement is going to make any real change in the political arena,
    it will be thanks to resilient pressure and determination."

    Activist Jaded by Voting

    New York City-based activist and novelist Nancy Kricorian identifies
    with the Occupy Wall Street agenda of prioritizing the needs
    of the common folk over those of corporations. "Voting no longer
    represents democracy," she told the Weekly, since elected officials
    and corporations are in bed together. She hopes "the wealthy realize
    that their well-being is dependent on the health and happiness of
    the 99 percent."

    Kricorian is frustrated with war-related expenditures, which have
    come at the expense of fulfilling domestic needs. "Our country has
    been bankrupted by colonial wars and occupations while local needs,
    such as education, healthcare, and physical infrastructure, have been
    starved of needed resources," she said.

    "The anti-war movement, of which I have been a part since early 2003,
    was practically eviscerated by the hope of 'Yes We Can,' but now people
    have realized that [President Barack] Obama can't and won't unless the
    people push him harder than the wealthy one percent have been doing,"
    she said. That feeling-that they were let down by President Obama-is
    prevalent among Occupiers.

    Kricorian has been frequenting Zuccotti Park since the Occupiers set
    up camp. She was there when Marxist academic Slavoj Zizek addressed
    the General Assembly, and even brought along her teenage daughter
    to one of the marches. Kricorian, who has authored Zabelle and
    Dreams of Bread and Fire, both of which deal with the Armenian
    Genocide, sees hope in the movement because it aims to hold the
    responsible parties-banks, multi-national corporations, and the
    government-accountable for the "mess" the country is currently in. As
    a national staff member of CODEPINK Women for Peace, Kricorian has
    helped at the organization's table in the park, where members hand
    out "Make Out, Not War" stickers. One of her favorite features of
    the movement is the People's Mic, where the words of the speaker are
    repeated by the crowd. It always starts with one person yelling out,
    "Mic check!" which is then echoed by those within an earshot.

    Hopes for 'Pragmatic' Solutions

    New York-based novelist Arthur Nersesian believes government leaders
    intentionally overlooked Wall Street crimes. This is not a partisan
    issue, he told the Weekly. "Wall Street orchestrated the collapse in
    cahoots with Rating Services and government regulators. Instead of
    appointing a special prosecutor, the crooks were rewarded."

    For Nersesian, one of the saddest aspects of Occupy Wall Street is
    that those camped out at Zuccotti Park-"those kids"-were not the main
    victims. "Mainly hardworking Americans, probably conservatives-those
    were the ones who lost their homes, savings, and jobs. The fact that
    these kids are responding is ironic," he said.

    The novelist supports the Occupy movement because "it is simply the
    only action I've seen to respond to this heist."

    Nersesian, who is currently working on his 11th novel, has visited
    the Occupy Wall Street protesters sporadically. He believes his
    country was "mugged" by the wealthy few, and is angry they faced no
    repercussions. "It would've been as if Bin Laden flew the planes into
    the towers and we did nothing," he said.

    And the Occupy Wall Street movement is "as if a group of private
    soldiers flew to Afghanistan to try to take on Bin Laden because the
    military didn't do its job."

    Although he is mostly supportive of "the liberal agenda," Nersessian
    wishes the movement had a more "pragmatic" focus, "like a special
    prosecutor to indict the primary culprits of the Wall Street heist,
    or rallying behind some legislation, or, for that matter, opposing
    the Koch Brother's private gang, the Tea Party." Yet, he worries
    that "mainstream America's disdain for hippie protests" may hurt the
    movement in the long run. He believes that was the case in the late
    1960's, when Richard Nixon was elected president.


    Although police response has been heavy-handed at times, and has
    included mass arrests and the use of pepper-spray, stun grenades,
    and tear gas, the movement has also enjoyed the support of many of
    the largest unions in the U.S., as well as high-profile individuals.

    Author and activist Cornel West joined Occupy Boston days after the
    tents were set up, and about a week before joining protesters on the
    steps of the U.S. Supreme Court, which led to his arrest. Hundreds
    of U.S. writers signed a declaration supporting Occupy Wall Street
    and the Occupy movement around the world. They include authors Noam
    Chomsky, Tariq Ali, and Salman Rushdie, along with Kricorian, as well
    as Armenian American writers Nancy Agabian and Bianca Bagatounian.

    Those who identify themselves as part of the 99 percent resent the
    established political and economic machine. The popular slogan,
    "They Got Bailed Out, We Got Sold Out!" sums up their deep frustration.

    Author Daniel Handler (penname, Lemony Snicket) had this to say after
    observing protesters at Zuccotti Park: "Someone feeling wronged is
    like someone feeling thirsty. Don't tell them they aren't. Sit with
    them and have a drink."

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress