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BAKU: Solving Karabakh Conflict In A Way Not Suiting Baku Will Provo

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  • BAKU: Solving Karabakh Conflict In A Way Not Suiting Baku Will Provo

    Oct 28 2011

    News.Az interviews Zahid Oruj, member of Milli Majlis, the Parliament
    of Azerbaijan.

    The OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs have said in their next statement that
    "the contact line cannot be an eternal barrier between neighboring
    states." What is the reason for increasing statements from the
    co-chairs that it is unacceptable to maintain the status quo is
    Karabakh conflict?

    The current statement by the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs is different
    from previous ones to some extent because if in recent past they
    were coming up with various proposals and a model of the conflict
    resolution trying to bring the conflicting parties to the compromise.

    But now amid increased likelihood of resumed hostilities in the region,
    they issue statements calling the parties to avoid escalation.

    Worthy of note is that Armenia has stored the bulk of its weapons in
    Nagorno-Karabakh over the past period to conceal its large quantities
    of weapons from the OSCE mission and shape a formal opinion that it
    complies with arms control agreement for the South Caucasus.

    Moreover, Armenia has begun to hold military exercises in occupied
    lands of Azerbaijan more often. Possibly, some believe this is an
    integral part of information war or an attempt to take preventive
    measures amid growing military, diplomatic and economic potential
    of Azerbaijan.

    However, reportedly, Armenia seeks to make provocative action on the
    contact line of troops to provoke Azerbaijan to resume hostilities.

    That is why the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs make unsuccessful calls to
    the parties to withdraw snipers from the contact line of troops. Of
    course, these calls apply to the Armenian side first and foremost
    because it is Armenia who accumulates weapons in the occupied lands
    which kill Azerbaijani civilians.

    In other words, the world community saw maintaining status quo in
    Karabakh conflict as it major accomplishment earlier. But now it
    becomes clear that unresolved conflict may deal a blow to their
    strategic goals in the region.

    Does it mean that world community, which solved a number of similar
    problems earlier, has more interest to resolve Armenia-Azerbaijan
    Nagorno-Karabakh conflict?

    I believe a time has come when the world community has begun to pay
    more attention to resolution of the Karabakh problem. At current
    situation unresolved Karabakh conflict begins to deal a real blow to
    Russia's interests as ongoing conflict enables the West to maintain
    its interests in the region.

    On the other hand, the West is aware that preserving status quo is
    fraught with unpredictable consequences, since resumption of war can
    cause irreparable damage to their strategic interests.

    I say this once again that the status quo should be changed for this
    reason. However, the main point is that in whose favor this status
    quo will change. Resolving Karabakh conflict in a way not suiting
    Azerbaijan will pave a way for a new war. This is inevitable.

    Following French President Nicolas Sarkjozy's recent visit to the
    South Caucasus, some observers said that France begins to play the
    role of mediator in the Karabakh conflict settlement.

    Meanwhile, President Dmitriy Medvedev said recently at a meeting
    with his Armenian counterpart in Moscow that Russia would continue to
    play an active role in resolving the conflict between Azerbaijan and
    Armenia. Can active mediation of Moscow or Paris play a significant
    role in resolving the Karabakh conflict?

    Once while implementing his economic reforms Chinese politician
    Deng Xiaoping stated that a result is more important for him. In the
    meantime, he uttered his already famous aphorism that "it does not
    matter what color is the cat, so long as it catches mice." Azerbaijan
    adheres to a similar stance in resolving Karabakh conflict.

    Over the long period which Karabakh conflict has remained unresolved,
    different countries came up with various proposals in a bid to boost
    their position in the region, or use their intensified efforts to put
    pressure on either side of the conflict. Much effort was made by the
    U.S., Russia and France at various times. Russia, as evidenced by
    secret documents, in order to neutralize accusations from the West
    that it intends to occupy the South Caucasus, has begun to arrange
    meetings between the presidents of Armenia and Azerbaijan since 2008
    despite it is not interested in resolving the Karabakh conflict.

    At that time, even the staunchest skeptics hoped that Moscow's active
    mediation will help return at least three or four occupied districts
    of Azerbaijan and an option of the Karabakh conflict resolution which
    would serve the interests of Russia will emerge.

    It was felt that President Medvedev intends to take certain steps in
    this direction. Perhaps Medvedev believes that the resolution of the
    Karabakh conflict will weaken Western influence in the South Caucasus,
    giving Russia a distinctive status in the region.

    However, these intentions were never realized as Russian political
    elite did not change their stance. Therefore, Moscow is irritated that
    at increased efforts by Paris to solve the Karabakh conflict. Moscow
    believes that solving Karabakh conflict through mediation of Western
    countries means a blow to Russia's interests.

    Nevertheless, I believe that Azerbaijan will be able to change
    entrenched situation in the region, the system of relations of the
    great powers towards the region and thereby achieve a solution to
    the problem in its favor in the near future.
