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Remembering Dr. Jacob Orphali

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  • Remembering Dr. Jacob Orphali


    Friday, October 28th, 2011

    Dr. Jacob Orphali
    A year has passed since the community lost one of its more
    compassionate and generous members, Dr. Jacob Orphali, who died
    unexpectedly on October 14, 2010. Dr. Orphali will always be remembered
    for his warmth, humor, but most important, for his generosity and
    compassion toward his family, friends, patients and his unwavering
    commitment to elevate Armenian community institutions.

    Dr. Orphali was born on December 3, 1948 in Beirut, Lebanon. He was
    the second child of Joseph and Hermine Orphali, who left Palestine
    as a consequence of World War II and made their home in Lebanon.

    Some time later and due to work considerations the Orphalis moved
    to Jordan, where Jacob attended the local Armenian school and later
    completed his studies at the Amman State High School.

    1968 was a fortuitous year for Jacob. He received word that he was
    accepted into the Yerevan Medical University. So, the 18-year-old
    Jacob moved to Armenia to complete his studies.

    In the shadow of Mount Ararat and on the soil of his homeland, he
    worked hard and received his medical degree, with high honors. He
    moved to the United States to complete his doctorate degree and
    finished his residency in Gary, Indiana.

    In 1984 he became a Medical Doctor specializing in family medicine
    and set-up his practice in Los Angeles.

    That same year, Jacob met his life partner, Verona Meliksetian, with
    whom he married and created his traditional Armenian family. The
    Orphalis were blessed with three children, Jayna, Raffi and Cindy,
    who became the light of Jacob and Verona's life.

    Jacob was of the second generation of Genocide survivors, who as a
    result of the great calamity were forced to rebuild their lives from
    scratch, through determination and belief in God as only Armenians can.

    Jacob's family was poor and lacked resources, so the late Jacob was
    forced to work and study at a very early age. At the young age of
    10 he worked with his father and uncle, who were cobblers. Then he
    worked in the printing field and later as a jeweler and then at a
    photography studio.

    Before graduating high school, Jacob was already an accomplished
    photographer and was able to make a living and also support his family.

    Despite the dire financial condition of the Orphali family, Jacob's
    mother, Hermine, always insisted and encouraged Jacob to continue his
    studies and become a doctor. Heeding his mother's encouraging words,
    Jacob applied and was accepted to the Yerevan Medical University and
    arrived in the Armenian capital, Yerevan, with $10 in his pocket. This
    is when Jacob starts wrestling with life's realities and strives to
    better himself through hard work and perseverance to reach his goals.

    Dr. Orphali with his wife, Verona and children Jaina, Rafi and Cindy

    It wouldn't be fair to describe Jacob as just a doctor. He was more
    than. First and foremost he was a human being-in capital letters. He
    had an eternal love for his family, his friends and acquaintances,
    and more importantly for his homeland, the Armenian language, culture
    and the Armenian Church.

    Jacob firmly believed that it was better to give that to receive
    and therefore his door was open to all, without exception, be they
    a political office holder, the Catholicos or a poor worker; be they
    a colleague or a stranger.

    It is difficult to describe the manner in which he treated people,
    young and old. His heart was filled with love for all.

    Jacob's commitment to his nation and the church was evident from
    a young age when he became a cub scout and a boy scout, and as an
    adult he was a national delegate representing the Pasadena Armenian
    Apostolic Church and later a member of the Western Prelacy Executive
    Council and constant and generous supporter of community organizations
    and institutions.

    During the worst days of the Nagorno-Karabakh liberation struggle, Dr.

    Jacob Orphali spared nothing to morally and financially assist the
    heroic people of Artsakh, and continued his contribution until his
    untimely death. He and his wife, Verona, became active members of the
    Armenian National Committee where they gave their utmost to ensure
    the success and advancement of the Armenian Cause.

    For Jacob, his homeland, Armenia was a sacred altar to which he bowed
    and dedicated himself.

    Jacob was a staunch supporter of Armenian culture and he often
    sponsored cultural events and projects. In 1999, through his leadership
    and dedicated work, the Yerevan Medical University was able to have
    a modern library on the occasion of the school's 70th anniversary.

    As a physician, Jacob became one of the first Armenian doctors to
    become Board Certified and later he deservedly became the chairman
    of the well-renowned Hollywood Presbyterian and St. Joseph hospitals.

    Jacob Orphali was dedicated to his field and his specialty. Hundreds
    of people can attest to the level of care they have received from the
    late doctor. For many years, Dr. Orphali had designated Wednesdays
    as the day when he would treat patients free of charge, providing
    care and medical attention to a wide-spectrum of people and earning
    their respect and love.

    For 50 years Jacob worked relentlessly, without once thinking about
    his comfort or taking vacations. He had decided that in 2011 he would
    lighten his workload and take his family to visit Amman, Jordan to
    show his children the place of his humble beginnings and the place
    that provided him the impetus to flourish and success. Unfortunately,
    his untimely death put an end to those plans and dreams.

    His death is mourned by his family, his brothers and sisters, his
    relatives, friends, colleagues, patients-everyone. His passing is a
    big loss for the Armenian community of which Dr. Jacob Orphali was
    a venerable member.

    Orphali Family Thanks the Community Verona, Jaina, Rafi and Cindy
    Orphali would like to thank all their friends and relatives who
    donated to the Dr. Jacob Orphali Memorial Fund established within
    the Armenian Cultural Foundation.

    The fund was established with Dr. Orphali's long time dream of helping
    poor Armenian youth in Armenia, Artsagh and Javagh. He always fondly
    remembered his youthful days going to school in Armenia and wanted
    to give back to the homeland.

    Every year the fund will make a grant to the Armenian Youth Federation
    project that best reaches out to at risk youth in Armenia, Artsakh
    and Javakhk. This past summer the AYF submitted a proposal to the
    family and we made a grant to the Youth Corps Program. "Jacob's Grant"
    helped the Youth Corps open three children camps in Armenia and one
    in Artsakh. We know Jacob would be thrilled to learn that 600 at
    risk Armenian children attended these camps at absolutely no cost to
    their families.

    Twenty-five Diasporan volunteers served as counselors for the neediest
    children in each region, providing them with educational lectures,
    revolutionary/patriotic song practice, arts and crafts, games,
    daily meals, help learning English, discussions about the fate of
    Armenia and much more. The children overflowed the capacity at each
    camp! The positive reactions from local parents showed that the camps
    and counselors truly touched the lives of the young campers.

    For the counselors involved, serving the youth directly on the ground
    helped them build a stronger connection with their homeland. As much
    as they gave, they received even more in return.

    Thank you all for helping start this program we intend to continue it.

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    Family $100 Aslanian Hagop & Anait $100 Aslanian Dikranouhi &
    Family $200 Aznavour Jewelry Inc. $300 Baghdassarian Sahag &
    Kathleen $200 Bakalian Arsen $100 Balian Jacques & Yvonne $150
    Balian Michael & Jennifer $150 Balian Alice $200 Balian Haroutune
    & Sirarpi $100 Balian Alec & Shoghig $100 Balian Armen $200
    Balian Sossy $200 Balian Aram $400 Bardakjian Vatche M.D.
    $500 Berberian Nerses & Anahid $100 Boyadjian Aram & Anait $
    50 Boyadjian Karine $ 25 Chemsian Angele $100 Cherkezian Lena
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    $200 Dourian Harry $ 50 Eftekhari-Kalinjian Roshanak-Krikor $100
    El Radi Sharbel, Silva & Joe $200 Feferian Rafi & Kabakian Lucy
    $200 Festekjian Annie $ 50 Foothill Dental Group K. Donabedian
    $250 Fournouzian Minas & Hourig $ 50 Gambealas Lucas & Louisa $200
    Gared John $100 Gentlecare Transport Inc. $100 Ghassan Al-Jazayrly
    MD $100 Ghazarian Vahe & Alice $150 Ghazarian Zar $100 Hakop
    Mkhsyan M.D. A Professional Corp $100 Haroutunian Samel & Anaid
    $150 Hovakimian Hermina $200 Hovsepian Viken & Nora $250 Iknoyan
    Meline $ 50 Iskenderian Haygan $100 Iskenderian Rita $1,000
    Jamgochian George $ 75 Kalajian Vartan & Vartenie $100 Karakashian
    Aram $300 Kargodorian Stepan & Shakeh $100 Kargodorian Ardachis &
    Alice $100 Kasparian Shahe & Sylva $300 Kazandjian Ohannes & Rosa
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    M.D./Adjemian Hrant $200 M.K. Designers Inc.

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    Maronian Bedros Meline & Siamanto $100 Marselian Manuel & Siran
    $100 MCSSG Chobanian Mihran Muhran $100 Meliksetian Asdghik $300
    Meliksetian Melik, Priscilla & Family $150 Melkonian Vartivar &
    Florine $200 Minassian Guiragos & Annie $200 Minassian Haig &
    Sylvia $150 Momjian Avedis & Deana $100 Moujoukian Agop & Mary
    $200 Mr. & Mrs. Hatcherian Arto $150 Kitsinian Sarkis & Suzane $200
    Nadjarian Hrair Harry $1,000 Nareg Int. Inc. Aghjayan Adour & Helen $
    150 Nobility Cleaners Inc.

    $100 Ohannessian Rosemarie $100 Orphali Jirair & Zoufinar $200
    Osmosis Technology, Inc. $250 Orphalian & Orphalian Raffi & Sarkis
    $500 Ouzounian Osep $100 Pacific Horizon Bancorp Aposhian Kevork
    & Houry $100 Panosiaaian Movses & Hasmig $100 Sakissian Marie $
    25 Sarafian Theodore & Ann $100 Sarafian Arshalous $100 Sarian
    Hripsime $100 Sarkisian Dikran & Mariam $100 Shirvanian Hacob &
    Mina $200 Simonian Sosi $ 50 Soghbatyan Lusine & Naira $100
    Sroujieh Khaldoun & Brigitta $250 St. Garabed Armenian Apostolic
    Church $200 Suzy Salman Trustee $200 Tavidian Mher & Sossy $100
    Tchamanian Hagop & Silva $200 Tcholakian Krikor & Vartouhi $100
    Topalian Mourad & Arpi $300 Tutunjian Edward & Nancy $500 Varakian
    Lucik MD $200 Yaralian Zohrab & Carmen $100 Yeramian Hrach &
    Maggie $100 Yesayan Migran $300
