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Information Disputes Council Expert Conclusion About The Article Of

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  • Information Disputes Council Expert Conclusion About The Article Of


    Noyan Tapan

    Information Disputes Council Expert conclusion about the article "Know
    the Pharaoh" published in the 09.04.2011 N322 issue of "Fourth Power"
    newspaper and on its website:

    1. Details of the Case

    On 09.04.2011 an article titled "Know the Pharaoh" was published in
    the N322 issue of "Fourth Power" newspaper. The article was about
    director of the ARM National Gallery Paravon (Pharaoh) Mirzoyan.

    Paravon Mirzoyan turned to the First Instance Courts of General
    Jurisdiction of the Center and Nork-Marash administrative districts
    of Yerevan (from here on - the Court) demanding that "Fourth Power"
    newspaper, which belongs to "Koghmnaki Andzants M" ("Outsiders M")
    LLC, retracts the information that hurts his reputation, and pays the
    claimant AMD 3,000,000 as compensation for the damage to his person
    and dignity as a result of slanders and insults; and AMD 360,000 -
    as compensation for his forensic expenses.

    The Court has not yet passed a verdict.

    2. The Function of the Information Disputes Council

    Taking into consideration the fact that the function of the Information
    Disputes Council is to form and publish professional conclusions of
    advisory nature about disputes over slanders and insults, based on the
    request of "Fourth Power" newspaper the Council has studied the case
    and has published its professional conclusion on the disputed article.

    3. The Relevant Principles of Local and International Right

    According to article 27 of the ARM Constitution:

    "Everyone has a right to express his/her ideas freely... Everyone has
    freedom of speech, including the freedom to seek, receive, impart
    information and ideas, with every information means, regardless of
    the state frontiers. The freedom of media outlets and other means of
    information is guaranteed..."

    According to article 43 of the ARM Constitution:

    "The basic human rights and freedoms established by article 27 of the
    Constitution... may only be limited by law, if it is necessary in the
    democratic society... for the protection of others' constitutional
    rights and freedoms, dignity and good reputation...

    The limitations of the basic human rights and freedoms may not exceed
    the framework established by the international obligations of the
    Republic of Armenia."

    According to article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights
    (from here on - the Convention):

    "1. Everyone has the right to freedom of expression. This right shall
    include freedom to hold opinions and to receive and impart information
    and ideas without interference by public authority and regardless of
    frontiers. This article shall not prevent States from requiring the
    licensing of broadcasting, television or cinema enterprises.

    2. The exercise of these freedoms, since it carries with it duties
    and responsibilities, may be subject to such formalities, conditions,
    restrictions or penalties as are prescribed by law and are necessary
    in a democratic society, in the interests of national security,
    territorial integrity or public safety, for the prevention of disorder
    or crime, for the protection of health or morals, for the protection of
    the reputation or the rights of others, for preventing the disclosure
    of information received in confidence, or for maintaining the authority
    and impartiality of the judiciary."

    It follows from article 43 of the ARM Constitution and from part 2
    of article 10 of the Convention that human freedom of expression may
    be limited if the intervention

    ~U "is anticipated by law",

    ~U serves at least one of the "legitimate aims" listed in the article
    - in this case human "dignity and good reputation" or "protection
    of the morals or rights", and "is necessary for the democratic
    society". This last condition requires that the Convention decides
    whether intervention subject to complaint derives from "urgent social
    needs", whether it is proportional to the "legitimate aims", and
    whether the reasons, brought up by authorities in order to justify
    intervention, are "relevant and sufficient".

    4. The Analysis of the Disputed Article

    The evaluation of the expressions mentioned in the claimant's
    application for the disputed article is based on the demands of
    the case law of the ARM Constitution, article 10 of the European
    Convention on Human Rights, the European Court of Human Rights,
    article 1087.1 of the ARM Civil Code, and on journalistic ethics.

    The analysis of the disputed article shows that some of its
    expressions are evaluative judgments and present the journalist's
    opinion which is protected by article 10 of the Convention. When
    publishing these expressions the journalist used his/her right to
    create them in satiric style, which is also protected by article 10
    of the Convention. Article 10 not only protects information, but also
    the style and way in which it is presented. The remaining disputed
    expressions do not lack factual bases.

    Meanwhile, the expressions that the claimant qualifies as slandering
    were published by another media outlet before, and "Fourth Power"
    newspaper once again brought them up, with a relevant referral to
    the initial source media outlet.

    Evaluating things in their context, the Council finds that when hearing
    this case it is preferable to use high level legal protection for part
    2 of article 10 of the Convention. This is to say, that in every case
    the necessity to intervene in media outlets' freedom of expression
    ought to be assessed based on whether there is an acute public demand
    and whether such an intervention is "necessary in the democratic
    society". It is preferable that the Court views this case not only
    as competing individual interests, but also from the point of view
    of public interests. So, when passing a verdict, the Court may leave
    the framework of narrow personal interests and pass such a verdict,
    which can create favorable consequences for the public as a whole.


    The Information Disputes Council finds that the disputed issue is not
    so much in legal field, as it is in the field of journalistic ethics.

    Hence, it would have been reasonable and effective if the claimant had
    granted the hearing of the case not to the Court, but to non-forensic
    bodies, particularly to the body of Ethics Observer, in order to
    study and evaluate the disputed article.
