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TBILISI: Far-Seeing Decision Of The Turkish Authorities

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  • TBILISI: Far-Seeing Decision Of The Turkish Authorities


    Experts' club
    Sept 1 2011

    On August 27th the Government of the Republic of Turkey issued a decree
    about the return of assets to communities of religious minorities that
    were confiscated in 1936 and following years. Assets were returned to
    Greeks, Armenians and Jews of Turkey. If their properties were sold
    and they already have other legitimate owners then the authorities are
    obliged to pay their former owners relevant compensations. The list
    of assets that the Turkish government decided to return to Christian
    and Jewish communities include former monasteries, buildings of former
    hospitals and schools, cemeteries, etc.

    The process of confiscation of assets from religious minorities began
    in 1936 and all non-Muslim communities were told to present full
    information on their assets. According to the decree of 1974 these
    communities were categorically prohibited from buying new properties.

    Despite the fact that Parliamentary opposition of Turkey and their
    supporting other forces spoke against this decision of the country's
    government Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan made the
    following speech at the traditional dinner (Iftar) which was dedicated
    to the end of the holy month of Muslims - Ramadan and which took place
    in the Central Museum of Istanbul on August 28th and was attended
    by representatives of countries political and religious circles as
    well as over 150 non-Muslim religious and public figures: "pressure
    on individuals for their ethnic origin, faith, different lifestyle is
    now a thing of the past. In Turkey all citizens are equal before the
    law and the Constitution and no one stands above others. Everybody of
    the 74-million population of our country is of first-grade. We are in
    Istanbul where mosques, churches and Synagogues co-exist peacefully
    side by side and this makes us different from other countries.

    Provocateurs can interfere into legalized relations no longer ".

    The leader of the country issued a decree for specially created groups
    to examine and study register and fond archives in the following 12
    months in order to start instituting measures stipulated in the new
    decree in real life. A list of those important objects that are to
    be transferred in the near future has already been specified.

    Despite the fact that it's only been several days since the Turkish
    government announced about this far-seeing decree coming into force a
    large number of people assessed and unanimously welcomed this humane
    step that is directed at restoration of hisotrical justice and which,
    first of all, will become one of guarantees of further progress of
    the Turkish state and the Turkish society.

    The European Union also welcomed this historical decree. The EU had
    previously recommended Turkey to abolish laws that limit rights of
    non-Muslim population of the country of 74 million. This non-Muslim
    population amounts to less than one percent of the entire population
    (only 120 000 Christians and 25 000 Jews).

    This decision will be perceived as a new impulse for descendents of
    those Muhajirs that were expelled from their homeland and robbed
    multimillion diasporas of which today live in Turkey and dream of
    their return to their historical homeland.

    This decree should give food for thought to those imperial forces
    that are artificially creating ethnic and confessional problems in
    the North Caucasus and which is a reason for destruction of tens of
    thousands of people.

    This precedent must be a good lesson for the Russian authorities and
    the new leadership of the separatist Abkhazia that are so deeply
    engaged in seizure and distribution of properties of those three
    hundred thousand Georgians that were expelled and robbed that they
    do not even want to hear anything about resolving this issue. And
    delays in resolving this issue may even result in another irreparable

    It is clear to every reasonable person that resolving this issue
    has no alternative and that is why the international community is so
    persists in demanding restoration of historical justice and timely
    restoration of rights of the afflicted population.
