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Robert Kocharyan Gives An Interview About The Independence Of Artsak

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  • Robert Kocharyan Gives An Interview About The Independence Of Artsak


    Aug 31 2011

    Yerevan/Mediamax/. Armenian second President Robert Kocharyan gave
    an interview to Public TV of Artsakh in connection with the 20th
    anniversary of NKR independence to be celebrated on September 2.

    Here is the main content of the interview.

    About the proclamation of NKR independence on September 2, 1991

    - It was obvious that the Soviet Union was collapsing and the
    appropriate moment for the proclamation of independence was
    approaching. If you remember the movement began under the slogans of
    unification with Armenia. Why independence? It created more serious
    legal grounds for the future existence of Artsakh. There are two
    circumstances. First, it was more in tune with the laws of the
    time, and secondly-it meant an actual realization of the right for
    self-determination, and the right for self-determination is one of
    the fundamental principles of the international law. This was the
    reason: the formation of serious legal grounds for the existence of
    the future republic.

    It was a right step in a right moment. I was not alone. A big team had
    worked over the preparation and the legal basis of the declaration-
    Karen Baburyan and others, there were two specialists from the
    Institute of Philosophy and Law of the National Academy of Sciences
    of Armenia. It was, of course, a very serious political document.

    About the responsibility to generations

    - In such cases the responsibility is always very great. But at that
    time we didn't think about our responsibility to the generations. We
    were simply doing our job, defended our families and our land,
    ensured the safety of the people.

    Casting a retrospective glance, one can give all this some elements
    of pathos. But at that time we had a definite task and everyone was
    trying to do his best to keep the land, feed the people and ensure
    security. But the responsibility was big of course. Can you imagine
    what labels people would pin on me (laughingly) in case we have
    failed to succeed then. We have taken on that big responsibility at
    that moment, and not only me but the others too.

    The State Defense Committee of NKR

    - There was a big need to centralize the power and all human and
    material resources to withstand the challenges of that time. The
    State Defense Committee was the highest level of governance of
    Nagorno Karabakh then. It was not me who had invented that name. Such
    structures existed still during the World War II. However, I had
    defined the whole structure of authorities and I received authorities
    from the parliament as a chairman of that Committee. It allowed
    to significantly change the situation several months after the
    establishment of the Committee.

    About the formation of the NKR Defense Army

    - The first task was to form an army and to unite various detachments
    into one army system. It was the demand of the time. If we hadn't
    done it then, we would have lost everything. It was very hard. It
    required strong will. We worked in that direction very consistently
    and hard, making very harsh steps, but we had no other variants to
    change the situation.

    There were certainly problems, but they were not that urgent. Finally,
    the Armenians in the Soviet Army used to serve in combat units and
    many of them were with us, also the officers who had passed a serious
    path in the Soviet Army. There was a problem, of course, but the rival
    had had even more serious problems. We started from a scratch. There
    was a need to direct all capabilities of these structures to one
    point- provision of security. It was task number one on the agenda
    at that time. There was a physiological aspect too: to make people
    believe. Yes, Armenia was behind us, but there was little Karabakh, and
    big Azerbaijan in front of us, there was a lack of arms, ammunition,
    a blockade, etc.

    Artsakh today

    - Karabakh undoubtedly marks big progress from year to year. But the
    challenges Artsakh faces today don't give us the right to say that we
    are satisfied with the situation. I think the moment when we start
    saying that we are pleased with the situation is very dangerous. We
    have to reckon with the reality, a very complicated situation and
    we have to understand that we need to work day and night to achieve
    our goals and demonstrate our endurance and will. I have no doubts
    that everything will be all right, but I should repeat that we have
    no right to be pleased with the today's situation.

    About moving to Armenia

    - It was very difficult, of course. My family experienced the biggest
    difficulties. My family couldn't put up with this idea. There was a
    feeling of responsibility. I was elected NKR President and several
    months later I received that proposal, that request... The situation
    in Armenia was very complicated then both in economic and political
    sense. It was clear that Karabakh would have the most serious problems
    alone, without strong Armenia behind it. It was the major reason
    they used trying to persuade me to agree to move to Armenia. I should
    admit that these reasons were very serious. I agreed and everything
    began to develop the way we know. Surely, it was very hard...

    About ideals, achievements and failures during 20 years

    - We didn't think about ideals during first years. There were such
    issues on the agenda that there was neither time nor desire to think
    about ideals. There was a primary task to protect the lands and the
    people and everything was concentrated on solving these issues. Then,
    years after, we gained more experience and during international
    contacts we learned to better understand the developments in the state
    construction, began to better understand what kind of state we had to
    build, what kind of state could ensure prosperous life for our citizens
    and allow to preserve our national system of values without weakening
    our capabilities to withstand today's challenges. We faced the task
    to balance these extremely important circumstances. And today this
    task is still urgent. This is the reason why the word "ideal" is not
    appropriate. There should be a pragmatic approach through which we
    can find a better model for the development of Armenia and Karabakh
    today, which, I repeat, will enable us to withstand all challenges,
    get integrated into international community and preserve our national
    values, because the threat of losing all this still exists, especially
    in conditions of globalizing world.

    The future of two Armenian states 20 years after

    - Everything depends on how we are going to work and what kind of
    brave decisions we are ready to make today to advance our national
    interests. I have big hopes that everything will be all right,
    but I can't just say that we will have a bright future. I believe
    that prosperous life is not granted, it is earned by hard work,
    by determined and complex decisions. There are no simply other options.

    And independence too. When you ask about whether it will be recognized
    or not.... Independence is achieved, it is not granted.
