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Azerbaijani Official Says Sarkisian Statements 'Nonsensical'

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  • Azerbaijani Official Says Sarkisian Statements 'Nonsensical'


    Sept 1 2011

    BAKU -- A top adviser to Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev says recent
    statements by Armenian President Serzh Sarkisian about the disputed
    Nagorno-Karabakh territory are "nonsensical" and "unpresidential,"
    RFE/RL's Azerbaijani Service reports.

    Novruz Mammedov, head of the Foreign Affairs Department in Aliyev's
    administration, told RFE/RL in an exclusive interview on August 31
    that Sarkisian's attempt to compare the situation in the breakaway
    Azerbaijani region of Nagorno-Karabakh to the recognition of
    South Sudan as the world's newest country "does not correspond to
    international law or a realistic understanding of the political

    Sarkisian said at an annual meeting of Armenian ambassadors in Yerevan
    on August 30 that "this year we have witnessed South Sudan obtain
    independence after decades of struggle, making another successful
    precedent of self-determination in world history."

    South Sudan gained independence from Sudan on July 9 in a process
    determined by the signing of a peace agreement and a referendum on
    statehood that was supported by the United Nations.

    Sarkisian added that the "same solution" for Karabakh was "inevitable,
    although today I cannot speak of any softening of Azerbaijan's position
    in the negotiation process."

    Mammedov said that "on one side Sarkisian is conducting negotiations,
    but on the other he is making this kind of nonsensical statement.

    Lately he has been making a lot of unpresidential statements. This
    is his tragedy and sooner or later Sarkisian will get an adequate
    response to his behavior."

    Mammedov also responded to Sarkisian's statement that in case of a
    military conflict over Karabakh, Armenia would "not hesitate to force
    the enemy to ask for peace."

    "This is Armenia's biggest worry," Mammedov said. "Because [the
    Armenians] know sooner or later Azerbaijan will get its territory
    back. Under the current geopolitical conditions Armenia is not going
    to be able to preserve its [military] advantage over the long term."

    Mammedov also rejected Yerevan's claim, reiterated by Sarkisian on
    August 30, that Azerbaijan is blocking the negotiation process over
    Karabakh. He said such talk is "a product of Armenian propoganda."

    "Everybody can see that Azerbaijan is engaged in negotiations with the
    aim of liberating its territories," Mammedov said. "Armenia is using
    its diaspora and some other supporters to put the blame on Azerbaijan.

    What can Azerbaijan do [against that]?"

    Sarkisian said on August 30 that "despite Azerbaijan's destructive
    position, Armenia will continue its efforts toward an exclusively
    peaceful resolution of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict that would comply
    with international law and be based on principles recognized by the
    United Nations."

    He also said Armenia hoped to see a "a shift" in Turkey's approach to
    relations with Yerevan and its stance on Karabakh after the upcoming
    parliamentary elections in Turkey.

    But he added, "To be honest, the last two months have not given any
    reason for optimism."

    Armenian forces fought a bloody war with Azerbaijan from 1991-94 for
    control over Nagorno-Karabakh, which had a mainly ethnic Armenian
    population. Armenian forces also control large Azerbaijani territories
    adjoining Karabakh.
