Eastern Prelacy of the Armenian Apost. Church of America and Canada
H.E. Archbishop Oshagan Choloyan
Prelate, Easter Prelacy and Canada
138 East 39th Street
New York, NY 10016
Tel: 212-689-7810
Fax: 212-689-7168
Hurricane Irene which brought extensive havoc along the east coast
caused heavy water damage at the Prelacy headquarters in
Manhattan. The first floor offices where most of the Prelacy personnel
have offices sustained water damage to the offices and the computers,
printers, copier, etc. that are located in that area.
Since Monday the Prelacy staff, led by the Executive Director
Dr. Vazken Ghougassian, has been actively involved in trying to
salvage as much as possible. Most affected personnel have been
relocated to other areas in the building and some are working from
their homes. This issue of Crossroads is being prepared off-site and
will be transmitted off-site since the Internet connection at the
Prelacy has been compromised and has not been working since last
Still, when we see the widespread flooding and suffering of thousands
of people, we are thankful that our losses are minor in comparison. We
express our thanks to the Prelacy staff members all of whom have been
working above and beyond the call of duty and whose efforts will
return us to normalcy very soon.
It is with deep sorrow that we announce the death of Yeretsgin Sirarpi
Khoyan on August 26, at the age of 106.
The viewing and homecoming services took place last night, August 31,
at Soorp Khatch Church, Bethesda, Maryland, where Yeretsgin was a
beloved member. Funeral services took place this morning, followed by
a Memorial luncheon in the Soorp Khatch Community Hall. Interment will
take place in Philadelphia tomorrow, September 2, at Westminster
Cemetery in Bala Cynwyd, Pennsylvania. In Lieu of Flowers donations
are being accepted for Soorp Khatch Church, 4906 Flint Drive,
Bethesda, Maryland 20816.
Archbishop Oshagan, who is enroute from overseas, expressed his
condolences to the family and to the parishioners of Soorp Khatch
Church. The Prelate noted how "Every April I looked forward to
Yeretsgin's presence on Capitol Hill during April 24
commemorations. She was always there as a representative of a
generation whose physical presence will soon be gone, but they will
always live in our hearts, minds, and souls."
Archbishop Oshagan has announced that on Sunday, September 11, on the
occasion of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, all Eastern Prelacy
parishes will remember and honor the victims of the attacks in New
York, Washington, and Pennsylvania, on September 11, 2001.
His Eminence has asked that the sermon on that day reflect on the
events that took place ten years ago, and he asks the faithful to pray
for the souls of the victims, as well for their families during the
Der Voghormya (Lord have mercy).
Archbishop Oshagan will offer the opening prayer at the AYF Olympic
games on Sunday, September 4, which this year is being held in
Chicago. Thousands of Armenians are expected to attend the three-day
sports and social events.
The Mid-West Regional Conference for members of the Boards of Trustees
and National Representative Assembly delegates, will take place on
Saturday, September 10 at St. Sarkis Church, Dearborn, Michigan. The
conference is organized by the Religious and Executive Councils of the
Prelacy. The conference is open to all clergy, board members, and NRA
delegates in the Mid-West area. The conference will begin at 10 am and
conclude at 4 pm.
The Armenian National Education Committee will hold a teachers'
seminar on Saturday, October 1, at the Prelacy headquarters in
Manhattan. The seminar will address challenges and needs that Armenian
schools confront in their educational activities. The seminar will
include presentations by Dr. Arsine Oshagan, a recognized educator
from Philadelphia, and Dr. Vartan Matiossian, Executive Director of
ANEC. It will be a welcome opportunity for all schools and teachers to
come together and reflect on the particulars of Armenian education.
For information and registration, please contact the ANEC office at
212-689-7231 or 212-589-7810 or write to [email protected]
(mailto:[email protected]?subject11 Teachers' Seminar).
The Prelacy's annual LinkedIn gathering for young professionals and
college students will take place October 7 to 9, at the Archdiocesan
Center at St. Thomas Seminary in Bloomfield, Connecticut. The
educational and social program begins Friday evening and continues to
Sunday, with lectures, spiritual enrichment, Bible studies,
meditations, liturgical services, and bonding with peers through
various activities including discussion groups and fellowship
hours. Registration information is posted on the Prelacy's web page (
). There is also information on Facebook (
Bishop Anoushavan is in Lebanon where he participated in a number of
meetings and conferences. Today and tomorrow he is participating in an
Armenian Youth Conference in Bikfaya organized by the youth department
of the Holy See of Cilicia.
His Grace also participated in a conference devoted to the Western
Armenian language, and the joint meetings of the committees
considering the canonization of the Armenian Martyrs.
Parishes throughout the Eastern Prelacy celebrated the traditional and
popular Blessing of the Grapes ceremony.
In this photo Rev. Fr. Karekin Bedourian, pastor of St. Gregory
Church, North Andover, Massachusetts, blesses the grapes that were
later distributed to the parishioners
Rev. Fr. Mesrob Lakissian, pastor of St. Illuminator's Cathedral, and
parishioners visited the Armenian Home for the Aged in Flushing, New
York, on August 17, at which time Der Mesrob conducted the Blessing of
the Grapes ceremony for the residents and staff members of the Home.
Rev. Fr. Lakissian explained the centuries-old tradition of the grape
blessing ceremony prior to the service. The tradition was incorporated
into Christianity in Armenia and now coincides with the Christian
feast of the Assumption of St. Mary.
Der Mesrob, Seta Balmanoukian, Tamar Lakissian, and Sossi Essajanian
recited prayers dedicated to St. Mary. An extra added treat for the
residents this year were recitations and songs performed by three
young girls, Taleen Lakissian, Anna Maria Manoogian, and Salpy
Der Mesrob visits the Home and worships with the residents every
Wednesday. He also makes special visits to those who are ill at the
Home or in the hospital. His weekly visits are lovingly anticipated by
the residents and the staff.
Der Mesrob distributes the blessed grapes to the residents of the
Der Hayr with board members and staff of the Home and parishioners of
St. Illuminator's Cathedral.
Congratulations to Haiganush Bedrosian who was recently appointed
chief judge of the Rhode Island Family Court, by the governor, Joseph
Carcieri. She is the first Armenian American and the first woman to be
appointed to this post.
Judge Bedrosian is an active member of Sts. Vartanantz Church,
Providence, Rhode Island, and she currently serves as a delegate to
the Eastern Prelacy's National Representative Assembly (NRA)
representing the Providence parish.
Judge Bedrosian received her law degree from Suffolk University in
Boston. Early in her illustrious career she worked in private
practice, specializing in family law and also worked as a presecutor
in the early 1970s.
Severe storms on July 23 (not related to Hurricane Irene that affected
the east coast) inflicted serious damage to the Taniel Varoujan
Armenian School in Chicago. The school, which depends on the All
Saints Armenian Church in Glenview, Illinois, was flooded with a foot
of water, which included sewage that ruined many essential materials
used in the school. The water was pumped out with the help of many
community members. The school was cleaned and disinfected, making it
suitable for the start of the 2011-2012 academic year on September 17.
Some items were recovered, but the list of losses is significant,
including new computers, copy machine and printer, two projectors,
caninets, book shelves, games, textbooks, instructional materials,
etc. The school board and administration are asking the support of the
greater community to help cover the the cost of replacing the
losses. Donations in any amount will be appreciated and can be sent
to: Taniel Varoujan Armenian School, 1701 N. Greenwood Road, Glenview,
IL 60026.
Bible readings for Sunday, September 4, third Sunday after the
Assumption, Eve of the Fast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, are:
Isaiah 14:1-11; 2 Corinthians 7:4-16; Mark 7:31-37.
Then he returned from the region of Tyre, and went by way of Sidon
towards the Sea of Galilee, in the region of the Decapolis. They
brought to him a deaf man who had an impediment in his speech; and
they begged him to lay his hand on him. He took him aside in private,
away from the crowd, and put his finger into his ears, and he spat and
touched his tongue. Then looking up to heaven, he sighed and said to
him, "Ephphatha," that is, "Be opened." And immediately his ears were
opened, his tongue was released, and he spoke plainly. Then Jesus
ordered them to tell no one; but the more he ordered them, the more
zealously they proclaimed it. They were astounded beyond measure,
saying, "He has done everything well; he even makes the deaf to hear
and the mute to speak." (Mark 7:31-37)
This Saturday, September 3 the Armenian Church commemorates the First
Ecumenical Council held in Nicaea in Asia Minor in the year 325, and
the 318 Church Fathers who attended. The Council was cconvened by
Emperor Constantine. The Armenian Church participated in this Council
and contributed toward the victory of orthodoxy. Aristakes, son of
Gregory the Illuminator, represented the Armenian Church. The Council
is mentioned in the writings of Moses of Khoren and Agathangelos. In
later centuries and in all their doctrinal writings, the Fathers of
the Armenian Church referred to the Council of Nicaea with veneration
and the Nicene Creed (Havatamk) was incorporated into the Armenian
Liturgy. The Council condemned Arianism (which denied the full
divinity of Christ) and proclaimed that the orthodox position is the
belief in "one Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, begotten of God and
Father, Only Begotten, of the substance of the Father. God from God,
Light from light, true God, beg!
otten and not made." (from the Nicene Creed recited during the
Armenian Divine Liturgy).
This Sunday, September 4, is the Paregentan of the Fast leading to the
Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross (Khachveratz), which is next
Sunday, September 11). Because the Exaltation is a Tabernacle Feast,
it is preceded by a week (Monday to Friday) of fasting.
Next Thursday, September 8, is the Feast of the Nativity of the Holy
Mother of God. The birth of Mary is not recorded in the Bible. The
account of this event comes to us from other writings that are not
part of the New Testament. According to tradition, Joachim and Anna
were faithful and pious, waiting for the promised Messiah. They were
elderly and childless. They prayed to God for a child and were blessed
with a daughter, who they named Mary and who would become the Mother
of the Messiah.
This Monday, September 5, is Labor Day, celebrated in the United
States and Canada. Labor Day, which always falls on the first Monday
of September, was initiated by the labor movement more than a century
ago, and became a Federal holiday by an act of Congress. It is
dedicated to the social and economic achievements of workers. Through
the years it has become the marker for the unofficial end of summer.
September 10Mid-West Regional Conference, organized by the Religious
and Executive Councils of the Eastern Prelacy, and hosted by
St. Sarkis Church, Dearborn, Michigan. Conference is open to all
Prelacy clergy, board of trustee members, and NRA
delegates. Conference begins at 10 am and ends at 4 pm.
September 11Picnic-Festival, sponsored by St. Gregory Church and
St. Michael Parish on Main Street in North Andover Town Center
(Massachusetts), 1 to 6 pm. Main Street in front of both parishes will
be closed to traffic. Delicious Armenian and American cuisine;
Armenian and American music; games and activities; plenty of free
parking. For information: 978-685-5038 (St. Gregory) or 978-686-4050
(St. Michael).
September 16Annual Golf Tournament, All Saints Armenian Church,
Glenview, Illinois. For details contact Hagop Soulakian, 847-858-7685.
September 18Annual picnic of St. Stephen's Church, New
Britain-Hartford, Connecticut, at the Quartette Club grounds, Wooster
Street, New Britain, beginning at noon. All invited to enjoy Armenian
food, delicacies, music and hospitality. Admission is free.
September 19St. Stephen's Armenian School/ACEC, Watertown,
Massachusetts, 16th Annual Golf Outing at Framingham Country Club. For
golf or sponsor information: 781-326-5764.
September 19St. Gregory Church, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Golf
Outing. For information: 215-482-9200.
September 229th Annual Golf Outing, Sts. Vartanantz Church,
Ridgefield, New Jersey. Shotgun start. Lunch, dinner, golf with cart,
raffles, and prizes. River Vale Country Club, River Vale, New
Jersey. Information: Mark Alashaian 201-394-2270 or Sarkis Shirinian
September 25St. Gregory Church, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Annual
Lobster Fest. For information: 215-482-9200.
September 268th Annual Golf Outing, Sterling National Country Club,
Sterling, Massachusetts, sponsored by the Men's Club of the Holy
Trinity Armenian Apostolic Church, Worcester, Massachusetts. For
information contact Kap Kaprielian [email protected] or call
October 7-9LiNKEDin 2011: "Commitment: The First Step of a Spiritual
Journey," at The Archdiocesan Center at St. Thomas Seminary,
Boomfield, Connecticut.
October 15St. Gregory Church, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Gala Banquet
at Founders Hall. For information: 215-482-9200.
October 16St. Illuminator's Cathedral, New York, NY, Book presentation
of Yergir-2, by Hrair Hawk Khatcherian, at 1 pm. For information:
November 4-5St. Gregory Church, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Ladies
Guild Annual Bazaar. For information: 215-482-9200.
November 18-20Sts. Vartanantz Church, Ridgefield, New Jersey, Annual
Bazaar and Food Festival. Live entertainment Friday and Saturday,
Children's Activities, Vendors. Holmemade Manti, Kufte, Sou Buereg,
Choreg and more. Traditional Kavourma dinner on Sunday. Extensive
mezze and dessert menu for your Thanksgiving table available for
November 26St. Gregory Church, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Men's Club
Steak Dinner. For information: 215-482-9200.
December 3St. Gregory Church, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Men's Club
Steak Dinner. For information: 215-482-9200.
December 18St. Gregory Church, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Sunday
School Christmas Pageant. For information: 215-482-9200.
December 31St. Gregory Church, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, New Year's
Eve Celebration. For information: 215-482-9200.
May 9-12, 2012National Representative Assembly of the Eastern Prelacy,
hosted by Sts. Vartanantz Church, Providence, Rhode Island. Clergy
conference on May 9; full delegation May 10 to 12. Accommodations at
Crowne Plaza Hotel, Warwick, Rhode Island. Details will be forthcoming
to parishes and delegates.
Web pages of the parishes can be accessed through the Prelacys web
To ensure the timely arrival of Crossroads in your electronic mailbox,
add [email protected] (mailto:[email protected]) to
your address book.
Items in Crossroads can be reproduced without permission. Please
credit Crossroads as the source.
Parishes of the Eastern Prelacy are invited to send information about
their major events to be included in the calendar. Send to:
[email protected] (mailto:[email protected])
Eastern Prelacy of the Armenian Apost. Church of America and Canada
H.E. Archbishop Oshagan Choloyan
Prelate, Easter Prelacy and Canada
138 East 39th Street
New York, NY 10016
Tel: 212-689-7810
Fax: 212-689-7168
Hurricane Irene which brought extensive havoc along the east coast
caused heavy water damage at the Prelacy headquarters in
Manhattan. The first floor offices where most of the Prelacy personnel
have offices sustained water damage to the offices and the computers,
printers, copier, etc. that are located in that area.
Since Monday the Prelacy staff, led by the Executive Director
Dr. Vazken Ghougassian, has been actively involved in trying to
salvage as much as possible. Most affected personnel have been
relocated to other areas in the building and some are working from
their homes. This issue of Crossroads is being prepared off-site and
will be transmitted off-site since the Internet connection at the
Prelacy has been compromised and has not been working since last
Still, when we see the widespread flooding and suffering of thousands
of people, we are thankful that our losses are minor in comparison. We
express our thanks to the Prelacy staff members all of whom have been
working above and beyond the call of duty and whose efforts will
return us to normalcy very soon.
It is with deep sorrow that we announce the death of Yeretsgin Sirarpi
Khoyan on August 26, at the age of 106.
The viewing and homecoming services took place last night, August 31,
at Soorp Khatch Church, Bethesda, Maryland, where Yeretsgin was a
beloved member. Funeral services took place this morning, followed by
a Memorial luncheon in the Soorp Khatch Community Hall. Interment will
take place in Philadelphia tomorrow, September 2, at Westminster
Cemetery in Bala Cynwyd, Pennsylvania. In Lieu of Flowers donations
are being accepted for Soorp Khatch Church, 4906 Flint Drive,
Bethesda, Maryland 20816.
Archbishop Oshagan, who is enroute from overseas, expressed his
condolences to the family and to the parishioners of Soorp Khatch
Church. The Prelate noted how "Every April I looked forward to
Yeretsgin's presence on Capitol Hill during April 24
commemorations. She was always there as a representative of a
generation whose physical presence will soon be gone, but they will
always live in our hearts, minds, and souls."
Archbishop Oshagan has announced that on Sunday, September 11, on the
occasion of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, all Eastern Prelacy
parishes will remember and honor the victims of the attacks in New
York, Washington, and Pennsylvania, on September 11, 2001.
His Eminence has asked that the sermon on that day reflect on the
events that took place ten years ago, and he asks the faithful to pray
for the souls of the victims, as well for their families during the
Der Voghormya (Lord have mercy).
Archbishop Oshagan will offer the opening prayer at the AYF Olympic
games on Sunday, September 4, which this year is being held in
Chicago. Thousands of Armenians are expected to attend the three-day
sports and social events.
The Mid-West Regional Conference for members of the Boards of Trustees
and National Representative Assembly delegates, will take place on
Saturday, September 10 at St. Sarkis Church, Dearborn, Michigan. The
conference is organized by the Religious and Executive Councils of the
Prelacy. The conference is open to all clergy, board members, and NRA
delegates in the Mid-West area. The conference will begin at 10 am and
conclude at 4 pm.
The Armenian National Education Committee will hold a teachers'
seminar on Saturday, October 1, at the Prelacy headquarters in
Manhattan. The seminar will address challenges and needs that Armenian
schools confront in their educational activities. The seminar will
include presentations by Dr. Arsine Oshagan, a recognized educator
from Philadelphia, and Dr. Vartan Matiossian, Executive Director of
ANEC. It will be a welcome opportunity for all schools and teachers to
come together and reflect on the particulars of Armenian education.
For information and registration, please contact the ANEC office at
212-689-7231 or 212-589-7810 or write to [email protected]
(mailto:[email protected]?subject11 Teachers' Seminar).
The Prelacy's annual LinkedIn gathering for young professionals and
college students will take place October 7 to 9, at the Archdiocesan
Center at St. Thomas Seminary in Bloomfield, Connecticut. The
educational and social program begins Friday evening and continues to
Sunday, with lectures, spiritual enrichment, Bible studies,
meditations, liturgical services, and bonding with peers through
various activities including discussion groups and fellowship
hours. Registration information is posted on the Prelacy's web page (
). There is also information on Facebook (
Bishop Anoushavan is in Lebanon where he participated in a number of
meetings and conferences. Today and tomorrow he is participating in an
Armenian Youth Conference in Bikfaya organized by the youth department
of the Holy See of Cilicia.
His Grace also participated in a conference devoted to the Western
Armenian language, and the joint meetings of the committees
considering the canonization of the Armenian Martyrs.
Parishes throughout the Eastern Prelacy celebrated the traditional and
popular Blessing of the Grapes ceremony.
In this photo Rev. Fr. Karekin Bedourian, pastor of St. Gregory
Church, North Andover, Massachusetts, blesses the grapes that were
later distributed to the parishioners
Rev. Fr. Mesrob Lakissian, pastor of St. Illuminator's Cathedral, and
parishioners visited the Armenian Home for the Aged in Flushing, New
York, on August 17, at which time Der Mesrob conducted the Blessing of
the Grapes ceremony for the residents and staff members of the Home.
Rev. Fr. Lakissian explained the centuries-old tradition of the grape
blessing ceremony prior to the service. The tradition was incorporated
into Christianity in Armenia and now coincides with the Christian
feast of the Assumption of St. Mary.
Der Mesrob, Seta Balmanoukian, Tamar Lakissian, and Sossi Essajanian
recited prayers dedicated to St. Mary. An extra added treat for the
residents this year were recitations and songs performed by three
young girls, Taleen Lakissian, Anna Maria Manoogian, and Salpy
Der Mesrob visits the Home and worships with the residents every
Wednesday. He also makes special visits to those who are ill at the
Home or in the hospital. His weekly visits are lovingly anticipated by
the residents and the staff.
Der Mesrob distributes the blessed grapes to the residents of the
Der Hayr with board members and staff of the Home and parishioners of
St. Illuminator's Cathedral.
Congratulations to Haiganush Bedrosian who was recently appointed
chief judge of the Rhode Island Family Court, by the governor, Joseph
Carcieri. She is the first Armenian American and the first woman to be
appointed to this post.
Judge Bedrosian is an active member of Sts. Vartanantz Church,
Providence, Rhode Island, and she currently serves as a delegate to
the Eastern Prelacy's National Representative Assembly (NRA)
representing the Providence parish.
Judge Bedrosian received her law degree from Suffolk University in
Boston. Early in her illustrious career she worked in private
practice, specializing in family law and also worked as a presecutor
in the early 1970s.
Severe storms on July 23 (not related to Hurricane Irene that affected
the east coast) inflicted serious damage to the Taniel Varoujan
Armenian School in Chicago. The school, which depends on the All
Saints Armenian Church in Glenview, Illinois, was flooded with a foot
of water, which included sewage that ruined many essential materials
used in the school. The water was pumped out with the help of many
community members. The school was cleaned and disinfected, making it
suitable for the start of the 2011-2012 academic year on September 17.
Some items were recovered, but the list of losses is significant,
including new computers, copy machine and printer, two projectors,
caninets, book shelves, games, textbooks, instructional materials,
etc. The school board and administration are asking the support of the
greater community to help cover the the cost of replacing the
losses. Donations in any amount will be appreciated and can be sent
to: Taniel Varoujan Armenian School, 1701 N. Greenwood Road, Glenview,
IL 60026.
Bible readings for Sunday, September 4, third Sunday after the
Assumption, Eve of the Fast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, are:
Isaiah 14:1-11; 2 Corinthians 7:4-16; Mark 7:31-37.
Then he returned from the region of Tyre, and went by way of Sidon
towards the Sea of Galilee, in the region of the Decapolis. They
brought to him a deaf man who had an impediment in his speech; and
they begged him to lay his hand on him. He took him aside in private,
away from the crowd, and put his finger into his ears, and he spat and
touched his tongue. Then looking up to heaven, he sighed and said to
him, "Ephphatha," that is, "Be opened." And immediately his ears were
opened, his tongue was released, and he spoke plainly. Then Jesus
ordered them to tell no one; but the more he ordered them, the more
zealously they proclaimed it. They were astounded beyond measure,
saying, "He has done everything well; he even makes the deaf to hear
and the mute to speak." (Mark 7:31-37)
This Saturday, September 3 the Armenian Church commemorates the First
Ecumenical Council held in Nicaea in Asia Minor in the year 325, and
the 318 Church Fathers who attended. The Council was cconvened by
Emperor Constantine. The Armenian Church participated in this Council
and contributed toward the victory of orthodoxy. Aristakes, son of
Gregory the Illuminator, represented the Armenian Church. The Council
is mentioned in the writings of Moses of Khoren and Agathangelos. In
later centuries and in all their doctrinal writings, the Fathers of
the Armenian Church referred to the Council of Nicaea with veneration
and the Nicene Creed (Havatamk) was incorporated into the Armenian
Liturgy. The Council condemned Arianism (which denied the full
divinity of Christ) and proclaimed that the orthodox position is the
belief in "one Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, begotten of God and
Father, Only Begotten, of the substance of the Father. God from God,
Light from light, true God, beg!
otten and not made." (from the Nicene Creed recited during the
Armenian Divine Liturgy).
This Sunday, September 4, is the Paregentan of the Fast leading to the
Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross (Khachveratz), which is next
Sunday, September 11). Because the Exaltation is a Tabernacle Feast,
it is preceded by a week (Monday to Friday) of fasting.
Next Thursday, September 8, is the Feast of the Nativity of the Holy
Mother of God. The birth of Mary is not recorded in the Bible. The
account of this event comes to us from other writings that are not
part of the New Testament. According to tradition, Joachim and Anna
were faithful and pious, waiting for the promised Messiah. They were
elderly and childless. They prayed to God for a child and were blessed
with a daughter, who they named Mary and who would become the Mother
of the Messiah.
This Monday, September 5, is Labor Day, celebrated in the United
States and Canada. Labor Day, which always falls on the first Monday
of September, was initiated by the labor movement more than a century
ago, and became a Federal holiday by an act of Congress. It is
dedicated to the social and economic achievements of workers. Through
the years it has become the marker for the unofficial end of summer.
September 10Mid-West Regional Conference, organized by the Religious
and Executive Councils of the Eastern Prelacy, and hosted by
St. Sarkis Church, Dearborn, Michigan. Conference is open to all
Prelacy clergy, board of trustee members, and NRA
delegates. Conference begins at 10 am and ends at 4 pm.
September 11Picnic-Festival, sponsored by St. Gregory Church and
St. Michael Parish on Main Street in North Andover Town Center
(Massachusetts), 1 to 6 pm. Main Street in front of both parishes will
be closed to traffic. Delicious Armenian and American cuisine;
Armenian and American music; games and activities; plenty of free
parking. For information: 978-685-5038 (St. Gregory) or 978-686-4050
(St. Michael).
September 16Annual Golf Tournament, All Saints Armenian Church,
Glenview, Illinois. For details contact Hagop Soulakian, 847-858-7685.
September 18Annual picnic of St. Stephen's Church, New
Britain-Hartford, Connecticut, at the Quartette Club grounds, Wooster
Street, New Britain, beginning at noon. All invited to enjoy Armenian
food, delicacies, music and hospitality. Admission is free.
September 19St. Stephen's Armenian School/ACEC, Watertown,
Massachusetts, 16th Annual Golf Outing at Framingham Country Club. For
golf or sponsor information: 781-326-5764.
September 19St. Gregory Church, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Golf
Outing. For information: 215-482-9200.
September 229th Annual Golf Outing, Sts. Vartanantz Church,
Ridgefield, New Jersey. Shotgun start. Lunch, dinner, golf with cart,
raffles, and prizes. River Vale Country Club, River Vale, New
Jersey. Information: Mark Alashaian 201-394-2270 or Sarkis Shirinian
September 25St. Gregory Church, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Annual
Lobster Fest. For information: 215-482-9200.
September 268th Annual Golf Outing, Sterling National Country Club,
Sterling, Massachusetts, sponsored by the Men's Club of the Holy
Trinity Armenian Apostolic Church, Worcester, Massachusetts. For
information contact Kap Kaprielian [email protected] or call
October 7-9LiNKEDin 2011: "Commitment: The First Step of a Spiritual
Journey," at The Archdiocesan Center at St. Thomas Seminary,
Boomfield, Connecticut.
October 15St. Gregory Church, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Gala Banquet
at Founders Hall. For information: 215-482-9200.
October 16St. Illuminator's Cathedral, New York, NY, Book presentation
of Yergir-2, by Hrair Hawk Khatcherian, at 1 pm. For information:
November 4-5St. Gregory Church, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Ladies
Guild Annual Bazaar. For information: 215-482-9200.
November 18-20Sts. Vartanantz Church, Ridgefield, New Jersey, Annual
Bazaar and Food Festival. Live entertainment Friday and Saturday,
Children's Activities, Vendors. Holmemade Manti, Kufte, Sou Buereg,
Choreg and more. Traditional Kavourma dinner on Sunday. Extensive
mezze and dessert menu for your Thanksgiving table available for
November 26St. Gregory Church, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Men's Club
Steak Dinner. For information: 215-482-9200.
December 3St. Gregory Church, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Men's Club
Steak Dinner. For information: 215-482-9200.
December 18St. Gregory Church, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Sunday
School Christmas Pageant. For information: 215-482-9200.
December 31St. Gregory Church, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, New Year's
Eve Celebration. For information: 215-482-9200.
May 9-12, 2012National Representative Assembly of the Eastern Prelacy,
hosted by Sts. Vartanantz Church, Providence, Rhode Island. Clergy
conference on May 9; full delegation May 10 to 12. Accommodations at
Crowne Plaza Hotel, Warwick, Rhode Island. Details will be forthcoming
to parishes and delegates.
Web pages of the parishes can be accessed through the Prelacys web
To ensure the timely arrival of Crossroads in your electronic mailbox,
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Parishes of the Eastern Prelacy are invited to send information about
their major events to be included in the calendar. Send to:
[email protected] (mailto:[email protected])