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President Medvedev's Georgian Concerns

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  • President Medvedev's Georgian Concerns

    by Alexandra Samarina, Aleksei Gorbachev

    WPS Agency
    Nezavisimaya Gazeta
    August 8, 2011 Monday

    The interview with the president: velvet paws hide sharp claws

    ADDRESSED POTENTIAL VOTERS; Dmitry Medvedev's interview: analysis
    and aftermath.

    There definitely was more to President Dmitry Medvedev's interview
    with Russia Today, 1st Caucasus TV, and Radio Echo of Moscow than
    a mere commemoration of the third anniversary of the Five-Day War
    between Russia and Georgia. Experts got the impression that the head
    of state was really addressing his potential electorate and, more to
    the point, his partner within the tandem.

    Medvedev's interview was of the sort usually described by the
    phrase "velvet paws hide sharp claws". On the one hand, he spoke of
    "establishment of peace", "normal dialogue", "negotiations and ability
    to listen to the other party". On the other, of the necessity to
    "recognize and put up with the reality."

    Medvedev admitted that "the pain was still lingering". He said,
    however, that "the decision to deploy the army and the ensuing
    recognition of the territories as subjects of international law were
    absolutely correct." The president emphasized that he had acted within
    the framework of the Constitution and called the decisions made in
    August 2008 "legitimate, reasonable, and necessary". "Sovereignty
    of these territories had to be recognized in the name of their

    Medvedev said that he would respect the choice made by the Georgian
    people but reiterated that he would never have anything to do with
    the current president of Georgia (Mikhail Saakashvili, elected by
    the same Georgian people by the way).

    In fact, it was Medvedev's statement on the decision to send the
    Russian army into harm's way that stunned the interviewers. Medvedev
    emphasized that it had been his decision. "Who called whom? Did you
    call Vladimir Putin in Beijing or was it he calling you from Beijing?"

    asked Aleksei Venediktov of Radio Echo of Moscow. The president's
    answer was quite sincere. "As a matter of fact, nobody called anyone.

    We got in touch twenty-four hours later." - "Twenty-four hours?"

    Venediktov was clearly confused. "Twenty-four hours later. I had
    given all orders already, and things there were getting into high gear.

    Putin made a statement then, saying that we could not be expected to
    do nothing and put up with it," said Medvedev.

    Medvedev then repeated again and again that Putin and he had contacted
    each other twenty-four hours later. "Yes, we got in touch by means
    of a secure line... Then he came back and we met and discussed the
    matter again. Even before his return, however, I had met with the
    Security Council to explain my stand on the matter and the decision to
    return fire and enter the conflict. The Security Council had backed
    me... It was only after Putin's return that I met with all of them,
    Putin included, in Sochi."

    Igor Yurgens, Director of the Institute of Contemporary Development,
    also called the interview significant from the standpoint of domestic
    politics. Said Yurgens, "Inner loyalty is becoming increasingly more
    inconsistent with the external manifestations of violations of some
    pact of which we know nothing save for the fact that it exists."

    According to Yurgens, the president was making a deliberate emphasis
    on independence in decision-making in August 2008. Yurgens even
    thought that he knew why. "Were it not for the hasty establishment
    of this laugh of the Russian Popular Front and consequently for
    the psychological pressure Putin's team was putting Medvedev under,
    answer to this question would have been different." Yurgens emphasized
    that Medvedev had played an instrumental part in Russia's reaction
    to the sudden crisis in August 2008. "Medvedev stopped the hotheads
    clamoring for a march to Tbilisi. In a broader sense, Medvedev stopped
    the forces determined to flush our liberalism down the drain. Sure,
    I remember the fiery speeches these hawks were making in Moscow in
    August 2008. Danger to Medvedev's policy was so apparent and grave
    then that were it not for his determination, everything would have
    been quite different now. Medvedev can take pride in what he did then."

    Aleksei Malashenko of the Carnegie Moscow Center called Medvedev's
    interview "unexpected". "To tell you the truth, I cannot understand the
    purpose of this interview. I do not think that the interview earned
    Medvedev additional respect with voters. Liberals who do respect him
    must have been kind of put out by his sharply-worded rhetorics in
    connection with the international community. And gaining pro-Putin
    hard-liners' sympathies required more than just this interview,"
    said Malashenko.

    Visiting Camp Seliger shortly before the president's interview, Putin
    commented on the prospects of absorption of South Ossetia by Russia.

    According to Malashenko, Putin's comments had been much more newsworthy
    than the president's interview. "It's simple, really. The premier
    spoke of the future whereas the president, about the past."

    President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev will visit Medvedev in Sochi on
    August 9. Aliyev and his Armenian counterpart Serj Sargsjan met in
    Kazan on June 29. This meeting was brokered by Medvedev.

    Neither Armenia nor Azerbaijan have responded to the statements made by
    the Russian president. Retired Azerbaijani diplomats point out that it
    was due to Moscow that Nagorno-Karabakh, Abkhazia, and South Ossetia
    were occupied in the first place. They believe that it was done to
    prevent NATO's expansion into the Caucasus. Said political scientist
    Vafa Guluzade, "[President of Russia Dmitry Medvedev discarded the mask
    of a peacekeeper at long last. He essentially threatened Azerbaijan
    with a repeat of the Georgian scenario in the event the hostilities
    in Nagorno-Karabakh broke out all over again...

    By and large, Medvedev admitted that occupation of Nagorno-Karabakh
    had been orchestrated by Russia."

    Political scientist Zardusht Alizade said that Medvedev was
    "blackmailing Azerbaijan".

    Political Techniques Center Vice President Aleksei Makarkin pointed
    out that recognition of Abkhazia and South Ossetia as sovereign
    states had failed to make any noticeable effect on Karabakh conflict
    settlement. "[Levon] Ter-Petrosjan was forced to resign [as president
    of Armenia] the moment it was decided that he had gone too far in
    concessions to Azerbaijan. Political bargaining between Russia and
    Azerbaijan over Nagorno-Karabakh is plain impossible. Baku will never
    recognize runaway Abkhazia and South Ossetia as sovereign states,"
    said Makarkin.

    Tbilisi's official reaction to the interview meanwhile was absolutely
    predictable. Saakashvili's Press Secretary Manana Mandzhgaladze
    proclaimed Tbilisi ready for civilized and friendly relations with
    Russia - as long as Russia abandoned its aggressive policy and
    learned to respect territorial integrity of Georgia. Mandzhgaladze
    said that the tone of the Russian president had reminded her of the
    Cold War era. She admitted being shocked by Medvedev's words that
    what she called aggression against Georgia ought to be a lesson to
    other countries.

    Georgian consulate section within the Embassy of Switzerland in
    Moscow in the meantime shut down on account of being left without
    electricity. The Russians referred to the Georgians' debts for communal
    services. The Georgian Foreign Ministry called the Russians' claims
    preposterous and groundless.
