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Karabakh Independence Will Be Recognized, Says Kocharyan

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  • Karabakh Independence Will Be Recognized, Says Kocharyan

    21:29 02.09.11

    Nagorno-Karabakh's independence will eventually be recognized by the
    international community, according to former Armenian President Robert
    Kocharyan has said, according to the RFE/RL.

    In an interview with the Karabakh state television Kocharyan said that
    time favors the Armenians in the unresolved conflict with Azerbaijan.

    "One thing is clear. In modern history, these kinds of problems have
    been solved in favor of self-determined peoples. All of them," said he.

    Kocharyan gave the examples of newly independent states like East
    Timor, Kosovo and South Sudan that won international recognition as
    a result of secessionist conflicts.

    He also pointed to Abkhazia's and South Ossetia's Russian-backed
    secession from Georgia and said the Palestinian push for international
    recognition will also end in success soon.

    "In that sense, time is definitely working in our favor," said the
    man who led Karabakh during the 1992-1994 war with Azerbaijan and
    served as Armenia's president from 1998-2008.

    "But one must not think that after the recognition of Karabakh's
    independence life will change drastically," continued Kocharyan. "One
    should live as if that happened long ago.

    "We don't need anybody's seal of approval for the recognition of our
    independence. It's an accomplished fact. We should live and work in
    full confidence and reinforce the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic. The rest
    will come in due course," added Kocharyan.

    Kocharian spoke to the Stepanakert-broadcaster ahead of the 20th
    anniversary of Karabakh's declaration of independence from Azerbaijan
    that wasofficially marked on Friday. He spent much of the interview
    discussing the events of the early 1990s and his personal role in
    the Karabakh war.

    Kocharian, who turned 57 on Wednesday, spoke of "serious progress"
    in Karabakh but warned the unrecognized republic's current leaders
    against complacency.

    "I have no doubts that everything will end up very well, but we have
    no right to be satisfied with the existing situation," he said.
