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Tel Aviv: Turkey's True Colors?

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  • Tel Aviv: Turkey's True Colors?

    IsraCast, Israel
    Sept 4 2011

    Turkey's True Colors?

    Sunday, September 04, 2011

    Turkey Expels Israeli Ambassador, Severs Military Ties & Warns Of
    Further Sanctions Although Palmer Report Rules That Israel's Naval
    Blockade Of Gaza Is Legal Under International Law

    Israeli Cabinet Split Over Whether Israel Should Have Apologized To
    Turkey Over Deaths of Nine Turks Killed While attacking Israeli

    IsraCast Assessment: Turkey's Islamist Regime Appears Bent On
    Restoring Influence Of Despotic Ottoman Empire After Being Rejected By
    European Union

    Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan and his Islamist regime is not taking
    No for an answer - the Turks have rejected the Palmer Report's finding
    that Israel's naval blockade of Gaza is legal. Ankara is now planning
    to go to the International Court of Justice in the Hague to contest
    the inquiry into the operation by Israeli naval commandos to prevent
    the Turkish vessel Mavi Marmara and other ships from breaking Israel's
    legal blockade.Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu has also
    declared that Israel will pay by losing Turkey's friendship as well as
    suffering Turkish sanctions. Analyst David Essing is of the view the
    Mavi Marmara, like pirate ships of the past, sailed under false colors
    to Gaza and the affair has now revealed where Turkey is now headed.

    Israel is now bearing the brunt of Turkey's fury over being rejected
    by the European Union after European leaders finally awakened to the
    Islamist threat inside their borders. In response, Turkey's Islamist
    regime is now bent on augmenting its power and prestige within the
    region. Israel is its scapegoat. It began with Erdogan's unbridled
    verbal attack on Israel's President Shimon Peres after the IDF was
    sent into Gaza to suppress the relentless Palestinian rocketing of
    Israeli civilians in 2008. At their face-to-face showdown in Davos,
    Peres retorted: 'What would you do if your civilians were being
    rocketed day and night?' Well just ask the Kurds whose villages are
    being bombed indiscriminately by Turkish fighter jets. Or just ask the
    Greek Cypriots who were brutally expelled from their homes in northern
    Cyprus by an invasion of the Turkish army in 1974.

    As for the Palmer report, it should not have come as a surprise that
    it ruled Israel's blockade of Gaza is legal under international law:
    'Israel faces a real threat to its security from militant groups in
    Gaza- the naval blockade was imposed as a legitimate security measure
    in order to prevent weapons from entering Gaza by sea and its
    implementation complied with the requirements of international law'.
    Under these circumstances, the Turkish flotilla attempt to run the
    blockade was found to be 'reckless'. And in this vein: 'There exist
    serious questions about the conduct, true nature and objectives of the
    flotilla organizers particularly IHH (The Turkish aid organization
    that is known to support terror groups). In Jerusalem, this part of
    the report came as no surprise. Not only Israeli experts but also
    prominent international jurists had stated categorically there was no
    question about the legality of the blockade in light of the
    Palestinian rocketing from Gaza. It is being viewed as a diplomatic
    vindication of Israel despite some headlines in the international
    media such as the BBC for example: 'Palmer Report Condemns Israel's
    Excessive Use of Force!' The Palmer Report did refer to 'Forensic
    evidence showing that most of the deceased were shot multiple times,
    including in the back, or at close range has not been adequately
    accounted for in the material presented by Israel'. The inquiry
    recommended that Israel make 'an appropriate statement of regret and
    pay compensation', there was no mention of an official apology as
    demanded by Ankara.

    But it would appear that after exonerating Israel on the legality of
    Israel's naval blockade, the Palmer Report had to even the score. The
    inquiry found that the Israeli commandos who descended by ropes from a
    helicopter on to the deck of the Mavi Marmara faced significant,
    organized and violent resistance that included knives, iron bars,
    staves and chains and possibly firearms. Two IDF soldiers suffered
    gunshot wounds, seven others were wounded by passengers, some
    seriously. Three of the soldiers were overpowered as they descended
    from the first helicopter and forced down below the deck of the
    Marmara. This was documented by the Palmer report that went on to draw
    a questionable conclusion from the mayhem that took place on the
    Marmara, after some of the peace activists resisted what amounted to a
    legal Israeli operation to board the vessel. The inquiry concluded:
    'Forensic evidence showing that most of the deceased were shot
    multiple times, including in the back, or at close range range, has
    not been adequately accounted for in the material presented by
    Israel'. Therefore, the report found that Israel had used 'excessive
    and unreasonable force'.

    Consider this: the IDF soldiers who first slid down the 'fast ropes'
    were armed with paint guns that were considered sufficient to deter
    'peace activists', but when they landed on deck they had to fight for
    their lives using live ammunition. Take for example the fact that the
    Palmer report said two of the soldiers suffered from gunshot wounds
    while several others had been stabbed. If they had actually been
    killed would this have persuaded the Palmer investigators that the
    Israeli troops had been in a life threatening situation? Or the fact,
    that three had been dragged prisoner below deck and had to be rescued
    by their comrades, who serious would that be in the eyes of the
    security experts. Moreover, video tape reveals there was a bloody,
    hand-to-hand battle being waged on deck with some of the activists
    indeed being shot at close range. If the Israelis were trigger happy
    would they have waited to get within dangerous close range. This also
    also explains how in such a donnybrook some of the activists were shot
    in the back or suffered multiple wounds. And if the commandos had come
    with automatic guns blazing away from the outset is it reasonable to
    assume that three of their number would have been kidnapped and only
    nine activists killed? And it should be noted that on the other ships
    in the flotilla where the activists did not resist there were no
    casualties at all.

    The fact is that the Turkish government did nothing to prevent the
    Turkish vessel from illegally trying to break the legitimate blockade
    but then demands that Israel apologize. Prime Minister Binyamin
    Netanyahu has expressed 'regret' and agreed to pay compensation as
    recommended by the Palmer Report. But the PM and Foreign Minister
    Avigdor Lieberaman and Cabinet Minister Moshe Yaalon, who tried to
    negotiate a solution with the Turks, have all said the government
    would not apologize for IDF soldiers defending themselves while
    carrying out a lawful act. However, Defense Minister Ehud Barak and
    Cabinet Minister Dan Meridor contended that Israel should swallow her
    pride and make the apology, in order to try and salvage her important
    ties with Turkey. In light of developments, it appears that Islamist
    Turkey, a key ally of Syria until the recent upheaval, and still a
    firm friend of Iran has taken a strategic decision to turn a hostile
    shoulder to the Jewish state. Step by step, the Islamist regime is
    taking off the gloves and Israel must take this into her strategic
    planning. The outlook is bleak if Erdogan seeks a return to the
    'glory' of the Ottoman Empire.

    At this stage, the Turkish PM and his officials, are posing as the new
    moralists of the Middle East, while adamantly refusing to acknowledge
    Turkey's genocide of the Armenians in 1917. Israeli governments
    persistently refused to call upon Ankara to acknowledge their
    responsibility in order not to impair relations with Turkey. This is
    particularly galling today in light of Turkey's decision to make
    Israel her scapegoat in order to enhance her image in the Muslim

    The Armenian Genocide

    The Armenian genocide refers to the deliberate and systematic
    destruction (genocide) of the Armenian population of the Ottoman
    Empire during and just after World War I. It was implemented through
    wholesale massacres and deportations, with the deportations consisting
    of forced marches under conditions designed to lead to the death of
    the deportees. The total number of resulting Armenian deaths is
    generally held to have been between one and one and a half million.

    The atrocities committed against the Armenian people of the Ottoman
    Empire during W.W.I. are called the Armenian Genocide. Genocide is the
    organized killing of a people for the express purpose of putting an
    end to their collective existence. Because of its scope, genocide
    requires central planning and a machinery to implement it. This makes
    genocide the quintessential state crime, as only a government has the
    resources to carry out such a scheme of destruction. The Armenian
    Genocide was centrally planned and administered by the Turkish
    government against the entire Armenian population of the Ottoman
    Empire. It was carried out during W.W.I. between the years 1915 and

    The Armenian people was subjected to deportation, expropriation,
    abduction, torture, massacre, and starvation. The great bulk of the
    Armenian population was forcibly removed from Armenia and Anatolia to
    Syria, where the vast majority was sent into the desert to die of
    thirst and hunger. Large numbers of Armenians were methodically
    massacred throughout the Ottoman Empire. Women and children were
    abducted and horribly abused. The entire wealth of the Armenian people
    was expropriated. After only a little more than a year of calm at the
    end of W.W.I., the atrocities were renewed between 1920 and 1923, and
    the remaining Armenians were subjected to further massacres and
    expulsions. In 1915, thirty-three years before THE UN Genocide
    Convention was adopted, the Armenian Genocide was condemned by the
    international community as a crime against humanity.

    How many people died in the Armenian Genocide?

    It is estimated that one and a half million Armenians perished
    between 1915 and 1923. There were an estimated two million Armenians
    living in the Ottoman Empire on the eve of W.W.I. Well over a million
    were deported in 1915. Hundreds of thousands were butchered outright.
    Many others died of starvation, exhaustion, and epidemics which
    ravaged the concentration camps. Among the Armenians living along the
    periphery of the Ottoman Empire many at first escaped the fate of
    their countrymen in the central provinces of Turkey. Tens of thousands
    in the east fled to the Russian border to lead a precarious existence
    as refugees. The majority of the Armenians in Constantinople, the
    capital city, were spared deportation.

    In 1918, however, the Young Turk regime took the war into the
    Caucasus, where approximately 1,800,000 Armenians lived under Russian
    dominion. Ottoman forces advancing through East Armenia and Azerbaijan
    here too engaged in systematic massacres. The expulsions and massacres
    carried by the Nationalist Turks between 1920 and 1922 added tens of
    thousands of more victims. By 1923 the entire landmass of Asia Minor
    and historic West Armenia had been expunged of its Armenian
    population. The destruction of the Armenian communities in this part
    of the world was total.

    Who was responsible for the Armenian Genocide?
    The decision to carry out a genocide against the Armenian people was
    made by the political party in power in the Ottoman Empire. This was
    the Committee of Union and Progress , popularly known as the Young
    Turks. Three figures from the CUP controlled the government; Mehmet
    Talaat, Minister of the Interior in 1915 and Grand Vizier (Prime
    Minister) in 1917; Ismail Enver, Minister of War; Ahmed Jemal,
    Minister of the Marine and Military Governor of Syria. This Young Turk
    triumvirate relied on other members of the CUP appointed to high
    government posts and assigned to military commands to carry out the
    Armenian Genocide. In addition to the Ministry of War and the Ministry
    of the Interior, the Young Turks also relied on a newly-created secret
    outfit which they manned with convicts and irregular troops, called
    the Special Organization (Teshkilati Mahsusa). Its primary function
    was the carrying out of the mass slaughter of the deported Armenians.
    In charge of the Special Organization was Behaeddin Shakir, a medical
    doctor. Moreover, ideologists such as Zia Gokalp propagandized through
    the media on behalf of the CUP by promoting Pan-Turanism, the creation
    of a new empire stretching from Anatolia into Central Asia whose
    population would be exclusively Turkic. These concepts justified and
    popularized the secret CUP plans to liquidate the Armenians of the
    Ottoman Empire.

    The Young Turk conspirators, other leading figures of the wartime
    Ottoman government, members of the CUP Central Committee, and many
    provincial administrators responsible for atrocities against the
    Armenians were indicted for their crimes at the end of the war. The
    main culprits evaded justice by fleeing the country. Even so, they
    were tried in absentia and found guilty of capital crimes. The
    massacres, expulsions, and further mistreatment of the Armenians
    between 1920 and 1923 were carried by the Turkish Nationalists, who
    represented a new political movement opposed to the Young Turks, but
    who shared a common ideology of ethnic exclusivity.

    David Essing'S-TRUE-COLORS
