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WikiLeaks on Armenian PM's joining ruling party

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  • WikiLeaks on Armenian PM's joining ruling party, Armenia
    Sept 3 2011

    WikiLeaks on Armenian PM's joining ruling party

    September 03, 2011 | 13:32

    Armenian Premier's decision to join the ruling Republican Party (RPA)
    in 2009 strengthened both his and President Serzh Sargsyan's
    positions. It was one of the most popular opinions in the Armenian
    political circles, says one of the WikiLeaks-published cables.

    `Some pundits view the unexpected development as a move taken by
    President Serzh Sargsian, the leader of the RPA, to shore up his
    political base and keep the ambitious Speaker of Parliament Hovik
    Abrahamian at bay. Others view it as a necessary move by the PM to
    keep competitors at bay and to secure his job. Some speculate that the
    President is strengthening his defenses in anticipation of the
    inevitable political assaults should his signature foreign policy move
    - rapprochement with Turkey - fail,' the cable reads.

    In two ministers - Economy Minister Nerses Yeritsyan and Finance
    Minister Tigran Davtyan also joined RPA.

    `When President Sargsian chose the technocrat CBA governor to be his
    prime minister, many predicted that PM Sargsian would not remain long
    in office, given his lack of political affiliation and benefactors in
    the rough-and-tumble world of Armenian politics.

    We believe that by bringing the PM and his allies under the protective
    `roof' of the ruling RPA, and placing the PM on the party's Executive
    Committee, President Sargsyan has effectively signaled that an attempt
    to undercut the PM is essentially an attempt to undercut the RPA --
    which he leads -- and thus himself,' the document says.

    From: Baghdasarian