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Armenian President delivered speech in Dushanbe-hosted CIS Summit

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  • Armenian President delivered speech in Dushanbe-hosted CIS Summit

    Panorama, Armenia
    Sept 3 2011

    Armenian President delivered speech in Dushanbe-hosted CIS Summit

    People of Nagorno-Karabakh must carry out his right to
    self-determination, President of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan declared today
    in Dushanbe-hosted CIS Summit. When making his remarks on CIS
    celebrating its 20th anniversary this year, President Sargsyan noted
    that Nagorno-Karabakh also celebrates its 20th anniversary, as in 1991
    people of NK declared its independence.

    Serzh Sargsyan stressed that Azerbaijan has also declared its
    independence with the borders of 1918-1920 - without NK. Hence, as the
    President stated, the two peoples used their right to
    self-determination, soon after which NK people have been aggressively

    President didn't make any remarks on the situation occurred in the
    beginning of 90s. He has just said that President of Kazakhstan
    Nursultan Nazarbayev has himself witnessed it, who arrived in
    Stepanakert in 1991 accompanying Boris Yeltsin.

    Referring to the present days, President appreciated Russian President
    Dmitry Medvedev's efforts towards the peaceful resolution of NK
    conflict and expressed hopefulness that those efforts would precede
    and the issue would be resolved based on the norms and principles of
    international law.

    Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev refused to arrive in Dushanbe.
    Experts say he expresses demarche against the Karabakh conflict
    resolution process and Russian disposition in this respect.

    From: Baghdasarian