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Diplomatic Consultations Held to Revive Precarious Armenian-Israeli

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  • Diplomatic Consultations Held to Revive Precarious Armenian-Israeli

    Global Insight
    August 24, 2011

    Diplomatic Consultations Held to Revive Precarious Armenian-Israeli Ties

    BYLINE: Lilit Gevorgyan

    Armenian and Israeli diplomats have concluded two days of consultation
    in the Armenian capital Yerevan. Armenian deputy foreign minister
    Arman Kirakosyan and Pinchas Avivi, a high-ranking Israeli diplomat
    overseeing Israel's relations with Eastern Europe and former Soviet
    countries, led the delegations. Media reports suggest that the
    round-table discussions were initiated by Kirakosyan. The Armenian
    Foreign Ministry issued a statement following the talks which was
    generally muted about the more specific details of the consultations.
    It only stated that the parties talked about the bilateral
    co-operation potential, the issue of the ethnic-Armenian self-declared
    republic of Nagorno-Karabakh. The ministry statement also mentioned
    that Avivi expressed Israel's "special sensitivity regarding the
    Armenian tragedy" in reference to killings of over 1.5 million
    Armenians by Ottoman Turks in the early 20th century which Armenia,
    along with a number of countries, has recognised as genocide--a label
    disputed by Turkey.

    Significance:The carefully drafted foreign ministry statement points
    to the main issues that have strained Armenian-Israeli relations in
    recent years. Israel's stance on Nagorno-Karabakh is one of the key
    problems. Tel Aviv has supported Azerbaijan's territorial integrity
    since the six-year war broke out over the region's claim to
    self-determination in 1988. This support for Azerbaijan has come from
    Israel's equally close ties with Azerbaijan's ethnic kin Turkey, which
    until the recent diplomatic spat has been one of Israel's closest
    allies in the region. In February 2010 Israeli foreign minister
    Avigdor Lieberman during his visit to Azerbaijan hailed their
    bilateral ties as model relations and dismissed international efforts
    to resolve the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict as "inadequate and
    hypocritical", a dangerous statement in the light of Azerbaijan's
    increased threats to launch a new war and force the region under its
    control. This issue is even more alarming for Armenia considering the
    growing scale of Azerbaijani-Israeli military co-operation. Israel has
    concluded large arms supply deals with Azerbaijan, including military
    equipment, ammunition, and unmanned aircrafts. An Azerbaijani-Israeli
    joint venture has recently started production of drones in Azerbaijan.
    Aside from the Nagorno-Karabakh issue, Armenia is also concerned with
    the Israeli government's repeated efforts to block the Israeli
    parliament's efforts to recognise the 1915 massacres as genocide. The
    Israeli government has justified this stance as driven by concerns of
    not alienating Turkey and jeopardising its security. However, in the
    light of the continuing spat with the Turkish government as well as
    the strong domestic lobbying by Israeli academics and the general
    public to draw a line between moral issues and realpolitik, the
    Israeli government is under more pressure to revisit its stance on the
    issue. That said, given the importance of close military and lucrative
    economic ties both with Azerbaijan and Turkey, Israeli-Armenian
    relations are unlikely to see a major overhaul in the coming years.
