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EDITORIAL: Artsakh's Independence

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  • EDITORIAL: Artsakh's Independence

    EDITORIAL: Artsakh's Independence

    Friday, September 2nd, 2011

    by Ara Khachatourian
    The Nagorno-Karabakh Republic--Artsakh

    The people of Artsakh, on September 2, 1991, declared independence
    from the Soviet Union and became the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic.

    The people of Artsakh along with their brethren in Armenia and the
    Diaspora have worked hard to maintain this independence and now, 20
    years later, we, as a nation, mark this momentous occasion in our

    The Nagorno-Karabakh Republic has not been recognized internationally,
    yet in the last two decades has been able to establish democratic
    institutions, rule of law and guarantees of basic human rights in a
    manner that has escaped even some of the larger former Soviet
    republics, including often Armenia. The challenge is to ensure that
    this pace is maintained and that rule of law and democracy prevail in
    this 20-year-old state.

    The declaration of independence in Karabakh was nothing but an
    expression of the basic principle of a people's right to
    self-determination. This fundamental right is at the center of a
    rather prolonged conflict resolution process, in which this
    universally accepted standard is constantly being challenged by
    Azerbaijan, who claims its territorial integrity has been violated.
    Unfortunately, international mediators, who in advancing their own
    agendas and in speaking about other recent instances have praised
    self-determination as an important tenet for a people to express their
    will, are applying double-standards and allowing immoral interests to
    supersede this most basic of principles.

    Yet, this has not deterred the people of Artsakh to move forward. In
    the last 20 years, Karabakh also has seen the beginnings of
    infrastructure building, socio-economic development and strengthening
    of the country's defense structures. It is imperative for the Armenian
    people, be they in Karabakh, Armenia or Diaspora, to not only assist
    in, but prioritize this ongoing process, to guarantee that Karabakh,
    which is landlocked and under constant attack by Azerbaijan, persevere
    in its quest for freedom and justice.

    War had already begun to take its toll on the people of Karabakh when
    independence was declared. They were subjected to constant
    bombardments from Azeri strongholds in and outside of Karabakh and
    were waging a daily life and death battle. This war, of course, was
    Azerbaijan's response to yet another expression of Karabakh's
    self-determination, when in 1988, both in Yerevan and Stepanakert,
    Armenians rose up to call for the just reunification of Karabakh with

    It is almost criminal that in the mediation effort under way for peace
    and a resolution to the conflict, none of the sides is focusing on
    Azerbaijan's aggression that sparked the war. The sides seem to be
    focused on semantics and are guided by the self-interests of the
    co-chairing countries of Russia, US and France, who have all but
    forgotten that the cease-fire agreement signed in 1994 was between
    Azerbaijan and Nagorno-Karabakh. Today, however, Karabakh is not at
    the negotiating table as a side to the conflict and Azerbaijan is
    unrelenting in its threats to resume military operations.

    The principles guiding the peace negotiations are lop-sided in favor
    of Azerbaijan and require Karabakh to make concessions that go beyond,
    not just the spirit but the letter of the Karabakh people's

    Karabakh authorities have demanded a seat at the negotiating table and
    have vowed that even without international recognition they will forge
    ahead with their mission of guaranteeing the population's security and
    safety. The Karabakh leadership must also remind those who are
    proposing or considering concessions that the people of Karabakh will
    not cede one inch of land, hard won by the blood of our freedom

    Domestically, the authorities in Karabakh have to be vigilant and
    create conditions for the population to thrive in the country. This
    requires prioritizing the strengthening and reinforcement of
    infrastructures and ensuring that the undesirable climate that has
    become commonplace in other developing countries, including Armenia,
    does not rear its ugly head in Karabakh.

    As this momentous occasion is being celebrated and marked, let us all
    use this as an impetus to be steadfast in our resolve to preserve and
    strengthen Artsakh. The future of the Armenian Nation depends on it.
