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ANKARA: Israelis Question Wisdom Of No Apology To Turkey

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  • ANKARA: Israelis Question Wisdom Of No Apology To Turkey


    Today's Zaman
    Sept 5 2011

    Prominent members of Israeli society, varying from bank governors to
    politicians and columnists, have begun to loudly question whether their
    government made the right move by not caving into Turkey's demands
    for the normalization of bilateral relations with their country.

    Israeli media has given place to a considerable number of articles
    reviewing the dire consequences of Israel's refusal to offer an apology
    and compensation to Turkey since Ankara on Friday ejected the Israeli
    ambassador after Israel refused to apologize for a deadly military raid
    on a Gaza-bound ship that killed eight Turks and one Turkish-American
    last year. Israel expressed regret for the loss of lives, but was not
    prepared to apologize for upholding its naval blockade on Hamas-ruled
    Gaza, which the ship had tried to breach. The dispute has brought
    relations between the once-close allies to the verge of collapse,
    and injected a new element of instability into an already volatile
    region, prompting different voices in Israel to speak against their
    government's stubbornness.

    Israel's former Prime Minister Ehud Olmert was one of those voices.

    "I'm the last one who would say that the statements made by Turkish
    prime ministers and chief representatives over the last two years
    and the last few days are music to my ears," Olmert said late on
    Sunday while speaking at a regional conference held in Tel Aviv. "But
    based on my personal and intimate acquaintance with this leadership,
    I would like to say -- it isn't automatically and necessarily an
    enemy of Israel.

    Over the years we have succeeded in building a relationship with Turkey
    that we, across the political map, have defined as relations of the
    utmost strategic importance to Israel," Olmert cautioned. "Turkey
    is not Israel's enemy and Israel is not Turkey's enemy. Turkey has
    previously functioned as a bridge to important and sensitive contacts
    of the highest importance to our interests, and it can continue to
    be so in the future," he said.

    Delivering a speech at the same conference on Monday, Bank of Israel
    Governor Stanley Fischer warned that the consequences of not having
    trade relations with Turkey would be expensive for Israel.

    "[The] Turkish economy is growing at an exceptional rate," Fischer
    was quoted as saying by Israeli daily Haaretz. "They have great
    entrepreneurs and a European trained labor force. Turkey will be a
    big market in the region and a major exporter. The consequences of not
    having trading relations with Turkey will be expensive," Fischer said.

    Stressing that inter-regional trade in the Middle East region is small
    and that it will still remain so even if it opens up, Fischer added:
    "Our inter-regional trade does not amount to very much at the moment,
    but it would be of benefit if it grew."

    The conference at which Olmert's and Fischer's remarks on relations
    with Turkey came was hosted by Israel's Vice Prime Minister Silvan

    An analysis published on Monday by leading Israeli daily The Jerusalem
    Post also focused on what losing Turkey's friendship meant for Israel
    as a country surrounded with high security concerns in the volatile
    Middle East region.

    The article penned by Yaakov Katz and titled "More to lose in crisis
    with Turkey than meets the eye," argued that for Israel, "Turkey was
    more than just a country with airspace and waters in which to train."

    Katz highlighted Turkey's bilateral cooperation with Israel in the
    fight against terror, while calling Ankara a "confidant when it came
    to sensitive intelligence information regarding attacks against Israel
    or terrorist plans throughout the region."

    "In short, Israel could be losing not only a diplomatic and military
    ally but also a partner in the war on terror. This could mean that
    Israel will not have someone to pass on information to in the event
    that it knows of plans to perpetrate attacks in Turkey or elsewhere
    in the region, and that the Turks might no longer have as strong an
    interest in intercepting weapons shipments that may pass through their
    country on their way to Iran's various terror proxies," Katz said.

    Israeli diplomats officially told to leave Turkey In Ankara, Ella
    Alphek, the undersecretary of the Israeli Embassy, was summoned to
    the Foreign Ministry on Sunday and officially notified of a set of
    sanctions against Israel, including the expulsion of senior-level
    diplomats from the Israeli Embassy, Turkish officials said on Monday.

    Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu announced on Friday a five-item
    sanction package against Israel after it refused to apologize for
    the killing of eight Turks and one Turkish-American on an aid ship
    that was trying to breach the Israeli blockade of Gaza on May 31,
    2010. A UN panel set up to investigate the deadly takeover of the Mavi
    Marmara found that Israeli soldiers used "excessive and unreasonable"
    force against passengers, but contrary to Turkey's argument, the
    report defended Israel's blockade of the Gaza Strip as legal.
