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WikiLeaks On Armenian Speaker's Attitude Towards PM

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  • WikiLeaks On Armenian Speaker's Attitude Towards PM

    Sept 5 2011

    WikiLeaks website issued a cable classified by deputy head of
    U.S. diplomatic mission in Armenia Joseph Pennington after meeting
    with Armenian Parliament Speaker Hovik Abrahamyan.

    During the meeting the sides discussed the issues related to Armenia's
    foreign policy and domestic reforms.

    Speaking of corruption, Abrahamyan said Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan
    "gives a good speech but does little else".

    "He characterized the Prime Minister, generally viewed as a reformer
    in the area, as someone who gives a good speech but does little else.

    He told of challenging the PM publicly to articulate exactly what tools
    or leverage he lacks for the fight against corruption and oligopolies,
    suggesting that he received no satisfactory answer in reply. 'Speeches
    and actions have to match!'he said. Without any noticeable sense of
    irony, he went on to ridicule the PM's asset declaration draft law
    that would require 500 most senior public officials to come clean
    about their holdings and business interests.

    'I don't accept such things,' he proclaimed," the cable reads.

    In his comments Pennington stressed Abrahamyan is widely considered
    one of Sargsian's most formidable rivals, and someone who is carefully
    building up his own power base.

    "With detainees or the NGO law, for example, Abrahamian
    likely concluded there was decent upside and limited cost to
    at least presenting himself as an advocate for inclusiveness and
    reconciliation. But where a reform agenda collides with his personal
    or political interests, as with a draft law requiring him to reveal
    his considerable business holdings, he reverts to what most suspect
    is his true, thuggish form," he said.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress