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Business & Economy: Armenia Triples Trade Exchanges With Iran

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  • Business & Economy: Armenia Triples Trade Exchanges With Iran


    Fars News Agency
    Sept 6 2011

    TEHRAN (FNA)- Armenian Agriculture Minister Sergo Karapetyan announced
    that his country has increased its trade exchanges with Iran by 200
    to 300 percent during the last few years.

    "During the last two years the volume of exchanges between Iran and
    Armenia has doubled or tripled," Karapetyan said after meeting Iranian
    Agricultural Jihad Minister Sadeq Khalilian in Iran earlier this week.

    He described his visit to Iran as "fruitful" and "constructive", and
    said during the trip the two sides inked a Memorandum of Understanding
    (MoU) to further expand their mutual cooperation.

    Karapetyan said that the Iranian and Armenian officials have also
    held negotiations to boost Tehran's investment in Armenia.

    Iran and Armenia have taken major strides to promote their bilateral
    relations in the last few years. The bilateral trade volume between
    the two states stands at nearly $270 million, a figure that is expected
    to rapidly climb in a near future, according to officials.

    Iran and Armenia have mainly expanded cooperation in power and gas
    swap in recent years.

    Iran mainly exports natural gas to Armenia and imports power supplies
    from the Caucasian state through two transfer lines with a total
    power transfer capacity of 220kw/ph at present.

    Iranian Minister of Energy Majid Namjou announced in June that the
    two countries would increase swap of electricity once the third power
    transmission line is completed.

    "The construction phase of the third power transmission line between
    the two countries will start in the next two weeks," Namjou told
    reporters on the sidelines of a meeting with Armenian Energy and
    Natural Resources Minister Armen Movsisian in June.

    He added the new line will bring the volume of power exchange between
    the two countries from the current 300mw to 500-800 mw.

    The minister said that over $110million of funding is needed for the
    construction of the new power transmission line.
