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TBILISI: Briefing By Foreign Ministry On Wikileaks And On New Visa R

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  • TBILISI: Briefing By Foreign Ministry On Wikileaks And On New Visa R

    By Ernest Petrosyan

    The Messenger
    Sept 6 2011

    At her regular Monday briefing on September 5, Deputy Foreign Minister
    Nino Kalandadze denied information published by Wikileaks that Georgia
    continues to provide airspace for Russian Federation military cargo
    transportation to Armenia.

    Wikileaks published another dispatch of US Ambassador to Georgia
    John Bass to the Department of State, where Bass allegedly says that
    "Tbilisi continues operating airspace for Russian military cargos
    for Armenia". "This information is not correct", Kalandadze said.

    According to Kalandadze, the Russian Federation applied several times
    to the Georgian authorities asking for the opening of airspace,
    but the Georgian side has rejected such demands. The last request
    was made by the Russian Federation at the end of 2008, according to
    the Deputy Minister.

    "Information from WikiLeaks should be treated cautiously, since we
    do not know if it is reliable or not. Nevertheless the fact itself
    is not true. Russia applied to us several times with a request to
    open our airspace but we rejected it, " Kalandadze said.

    Political analyst Ramaz Sakvarelidze also expressed doubt regarding the
    reliability of Wikileaks information. "I do not think that Georgia is
    continuing to provide its airspace for military cargo transportation
    covertly. Besides, even if Bass had told such in his notes, there is
    not any source mentioned, thus such information cannot be seriously
    regarded", Sakvarelidze told The Messenger.

    At the briefing, Kalandadze stated that Georgia does not consider the
    participation of Karabakh's delegation with the status of observer in
    Abkhazia's so-called Presidential election as the official position
    of Yerevan. She added that the official Yerevan supports Georgian
    territorial integrity and sovereignty, and does not recognize the
    independence of Abkhazia or South Ossetia breakaway regions.

    "The Georgian Foreign Ministry expresses an interest in all the issues
    related to the illegal processes taking place in Georgia [breakaway
    regions]. Yerevan's position is clear to us and the official Yerevan
    does not recognize the breakaway regions or any elections held there",
    stated Kalandadze at the briefing.

    Kalandadze's statement referred to the attendance of a Nagorno-Karabakh
    delegation headed by Bako Saakyan, the so-called President of the
    self-recognized republic of Nagorno-Karabakh, during Abkhazia's
    presidential elections held on August 26.

    Kalandadze also mentioned the hotel belonging to the former Georgian
    Embassy in Moscow. According to her it was confiscated in 2006 and
    will be auctioned off by the Russian Government. "It is an issue
    between states, and according to the Vienna Convention, we sent the
    first diplomatic note demanding the return of the building on July 26.

    The Russian side, however, did not respond, but later declared that at
    the end of August the building was going to be put up for auction. We
    assert that this is not only an illegal action, but is a violation
    of the Vienna Convention", said Kalandadze at the briefing.

    According to Kalandadze the issue is not only a dispute between
    private entities but must be solved by diplomatic means. Georgia
    exchanges communications with Russia through the assistance of the
    Embassy of Switzerland.

    Deputy Minister Kalandadze announced some positive news regarding
    visa-free entry between Brazil and Georgia. Kalandadze stated that
    an agreement has been signed during the official visit of Georgian
    Foreign Minister Grigol Vashadze in Brazil. As she explained Brazilian
    citizens have been offered one-year free visa entry to Georgia,
    and now Brazil has also decided to facilitate the visa regime of
    Georgia citizens. The visa-free regime will be launched in a month,
    after the procedures are completed.
