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Post-Dhimmi Jew: Benjamin Netanyahu Refuses To Apologize To Turkey

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  • Post-Dhimmi Jew: Benjamin Netanyahu Refuses To Apologize To Turkey


    Atlas Shrugs
    September 6, 2011 Tuesday 2:25 AM EST

    Of course the one tiny Jewish state should not apologize to Turkey and
    the other 56 enormous Muslim countries for defending itself. But the
    world is under the spell of Islamic barbarity, so nothing is a given.

    One only has to have a cursory knowledge of the brutal and monstrous
    history of the Jews in Muslim Lands to understand what a post-dhimmi
    Jew is, but clearly Turkey is reverting to its Ottoman empirical
    supremacist thuggery, with the OIC leading the way. The 1,400-year
    treatment of the Jews under Muslim rule is without peer, save for
    the Nazis, who were more advanced and modern, and made extermination
    their ultimate goal -- whereas under the sharia, slavery, exploitation,
    persecution, humiliation and extermination were the mixed bag suffered
    by the Jews. But make no mistake: the Muslim world was aligned with
    Hitler, and the leader of the Muslim world, Mufti al-Husseini, was
    responsible for the deaths of 400,000 Jewish women and children during
    the Shoah. The Muslim armies he raised in Bosnia were said to be the
    most vicious and bloodthirsty.

    In his memoirs [al-Husseini] wrote: "Our fundamental condition for
    cooperating with Germany was a free hand to eradicate every last Jew
    from Palestine and the Arab world. I asked Hitler for an explicit
    undertaking to allow us to solve the Jewish problem in a manner
    befitting our national and racial aspirations and according to the
    scientific methods innovated by Germany in the handling of its Jews.

    The answer I got was: 'The Jews are yours.'

    The Muslim world never expressed remorse nor made reparation for its
    role in Holocaust. And Turkey has never been held accountable for the
    1915 Armenian Genocide, resulting the Islamic slaughter of millions
    of Armenian Christians. Turkey should be sponsoring our Freedom from
    Jihad flotilla to save the vicitms of sharia living in Muslim countries
    (we had to push the launch back to raise funds, and get a ship and
    a country to sail under. Freedom is growing increasingly unpopular
    in a leftist/Islamic world). Instead, Turkey supported a genocidal
    mission against Jews. We must demand the end of Turkey's occupation
    of Northern Cyprus and demand justice for Armenia and the Kurds.

    Newly Islamicized Turkey Vows Jihad Against Jews: Vows "Legal Action"
    Against Jewish Soldiers Defending Themselves

    Islam's War on Israel: First Came Jihad "Flotilla"

    Benjamin Netanyahu refuses to apologise to Turkey Telegraph

    Benjamin Netanyahu has said Israel would not apologise to Turkey for
    the deaths of Turkish activists on board the Mavi Mara flotilla.

    In his first public statement since the UN-commissioned Palmer Report
    was leaked, the Israeli Prime Minister claimed it as proof that
    Israel's five-year blockade of Gaza is justified and the Israeli
    navy was correct to intercept activist vessels attempting to break
    the siege.

    "Israel has a right to defend itself," he said at a weekly cabinet
    meeting. "We do not need to apologise for working to defend our
    children, our citizens and our cities."

    In keeping with the report's recommendations, Netanyahu went on to
    express regret that nine Turkish activists were killed in the incident
    on May 31 2010.

    "I hope we will find a way to overcome the dispute with Turkey,"
    Netanyahu said.

    Reacting to Israel's refusal to apologise, Turkey expelled Israel's
    ambassador in Ankara on Friday and cut all military ties with the
    Jewish state, bringing bilateral relations to their lowest point
    in decades.
