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Newly Islamicized Turkey Vows Jihad Against Jews: Vows "Legal Action

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  • Newly Islamicized Turkey Vows Jihad Against Jews: Vows "Legal Action


    Atlas Shrugs
    September 5, 2011 Monday 4:19 AM EST

    Turkey vows legal action against Israelis involved in raid

    Religion of Peacenik on board the Turkish jihad warship flotilla
    preparing to stab an Israel soldier, May 31, 2010.

    As Turkey reverts back to its "radicalized" and islamized origins,
    the Turks are jockeying for position in the worldwide Islamic race
    to annihilate the tiny Jewish state. So many Nazis, so few Jews.

    Increasiningly we see that the era of Ataturk was a mere blip on the
    Islamic historical radar screen. The ummah always returns to jihad.

    Don't take my word for it, just look at history.

    Turkey is continuing its jihad against Israel. The jihad Flotilla
    was a set-up; The Ambush, The Bloodshed: "We had no Choice"... did
    not expect to be landing in "a battlefield" and facing a group of
    "murderous mercenaries."

    Now, we witness part two of the set up in tandem with the OIC-driven
    UN. The Islamic forces of evil have conspired to persecute the tiny
    Jewish state. The jihad flotilla warship launched from Turkey should
    have resulted in sanctions against the Turkish government. In a right
    and righteous world, that's what would have happened. Instead, the OIC
    (Organization of Islamic Cooperation)-driven UN conspired with Turkey
    to release another libelous report against the Jews to legitimize
    their Islamic judeophobia and delegitimize the Jewish state.

    One of the flotilla event organizers called for "death to Israel,"
    saying they will fight till their last breath until they take over

    Turkey still has not made reparations or been held accountable for the
    1915 Armenian Genocide, resulting the Islamic slaughter of millions
    of Armenian Christians. Turkey should be sponsoring our Freedom from
    Jihad flotilla to save the vicitms of sharia living in Muslim countries
    (we had to push the launch back to raise funds, and get a ship and
    a country to sail under. Freedom is growing increasingly unpopular
    in a leftist/Islamic world). Instead, Turkey supported a genocidal
    mission against Jews. We must demand the end of Turley's occupation
    of Northern Cyprus and demand justice for Armenia and the Kurds.

    Turkey vows legal action against Israelis involved in raid REUTERS
    09/02/2011 (hat tip Choi)

    Turkish embassy in DC: Ankara will seek to prosecute Israeli soldiers,
    officials responsible for "crimes" committed during 'Marmara' raid.

    UNITED NATIONS - Turkey said on Friday it will seek to prosecute all
    Israelis responsible for crimes committed during an Israeli raid on
    a ship bound for the Gaza Strip that killed nine Turks in May 2010.

    "Turkey will take legal actions against the Israeli soldiers and all
    other officials responsible for the crimes committed and pursue the
    matter resolutely," Turkey's embassy in Washington said in a statement.

    The threat follows a UN report that confirmed the legality of Israel's
    naval blockade of Gaza but said Israel had used unreasonable force
    in the raid. Both Turkey and Israel disputed some of the conclusions
    of the so-called Palmer Report.

    The names of the Israeli marines involved in the raid have not been
    released, so only ranking commanders overseeing the operation could
    be identified if Turkey follows through with the legal action.

    The full text of the UN report, which was leaked on Thursday, was
    formally handed to the office of UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon
    and published on Friday , a UN spokesman said.

    The United Nations issued a brief statement that said Ban thanked
    the panel for the report. It made no reference to the contents or
    the current frosty state of Israeli-Turkish ties.

    Turkey's expulsion of Israeli diplomats and determination to pursue
    legal action suggested that the Palmer Report has only deepened the
    divide between Ankara and its one-time ally.

    "Turkey challenges certain conclusions of the Palmer Report, which we
    believe will not serve the goal of stability and peace, particularly
    in our region," Turkey's embassy said.

    "Turkey also reaffirms that relations between Turkey and Israel will
    not normalize as long as Israel does not apologize and refuses to
    pay compensation for what it has done."

    The statement reiterated Ankara's view that the Israeli blockade of
    Gaza was illegal.

    Israel rejects the conclusion that the Israeli military used excessive
    force during the raid on the Mavi Marmara, the largest in a flotilla
    of six ships that the crew said were delivering aid to Palestinians
    in Gaza.

    OT but related:

    IHH Was Not Acting Alone - The Role of the Global Muslim Brotherhood

    The Gaza flotilla incident brought into sharp focus an even more
    significant long- term development: the growing relationship between
    the Erdogan government and the Global Muslim Brotherhood, which has
    given rise to some of the most notorious Islamist terrorist groups -
    from al-Qaeda to Hamas. Since 2006, Turkey has become a new center for
    the Global Muslim Brotherhood, while the Hamas regime in the Gaza Strip
    acted as the main axis for this activity. The AKP allowed key elements
    of the Global Muslim Brotherhood, and above all the International
    Union of Muslim Scholars, led by Sheikh Youssef Qaradawi, to operate
    freely on Turkish territory, with its active support, as witnessed
    by the large number of conferences held recently in Istanbul and
    sponsored and/or attended by Global Muslim Brotherhood leaders. The
    cooperation between the Global Muslim Brotherhood and the Erdogan
    government appears to have been based on mutual interests.

    Erdogan and the AKP were able to indulge the "neo-Ottoman" goals of
    reasserting a sphere of influence in former Islamic areas, while at the
    same time outmaneuvering the other Islamist parties and, as a bonus,
    satisfying Erdogan's reported hatred of Israel. For their part, the
    Global Muslim Brotherhood was able to begin operating out of a major
    state without any of the interference that it normally encountered
    elsewhere in the Arab world.

    Erdogan chose not to rely on the official organs of the Turkish state
    alone, but rather on non-governmental organizations with which he and
    the AKP had close ties. Prominent among those Turkish NGOs was IHH
    which subsequently became the focus of attention in the aftermath
    of the flotilla. However, as this report demonstrates, the IHH was
    not acting alone but rather was an integral part of a Turkish Muslim
    Brotherhood network comprised of seven NGOs with strong links to each
    other, to the Global Muslim Brotherhood, and to the Turkish political
    establishment. Taken together, the network possesses a business, a
    charity, and legal, organizational, and Palestinian advocacy capacity;
    two of its most important leaders are Turks of Arab ethnic origin
    who are associated with European Muslim Brotherhood organizations.

    The Turkish/MB network has been supported by nearly the whole of
    the Global Muslim Brotherhood, whose affiliates, from a number
    of Middle Eastern countries, provided passengers for the Mavi
    Marmara. In addition, the Global Muslim Brotherhood frequently held
    press conferences and demonstrations to demonize Israel, initiated
    legal actions against Israeli leaders, and delivered aid to those in
    conflict with Israel. The Turkish/MB network played a major role in
    supporting the Gaza flotilla prior to its launching through statements
    and press conferences, and one of its most important leaders, MAZLUMDER
    Chairman Ahmet Unsal, was on board the flotilla. In the aftermath
    of the flotilla, the Turkish/MB network continued its support in
    more official statements, and at a post-flotilla event in Kuwait,
    Turkish/MB network leader Gazi Misirli revealed that MUSIAD had played
    a major role in funding the flotilla by "coordinating" donations. In
    addition, the Turkish/MB network was in ongoing contact with Hamas
    leaders as well as with the Union of Good, the coalition of charities
    headed by Youssef Qaradawi that raises funds for Hamas.

    These conclusions raise three further important issues.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress