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Tel Aviv: Turkey No Great Power

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  • Tel Aviv: Turkey No Great Power


    Sept 6 2011

    Op-ed: Turkey's policy replete with failures, Erdogan behaves like
    short-tempered thug

    Despite its 80 million citizens, its rapidly growing economy and
    its large military, Turkey has failed to position itself as an
    influential regional element. The Islamist government's new policy,
    which is premised on Neo-Ottomanism (a return to the Ottoman Empire's
    glory days,) registered a series of stinging diplomatic failures in
    recent years.

    The only achievement of this policy is the economy, which enabled
    Erdogan and his party to reinforce their political status within
    Turkey. However, Turkey's influence in the regional and international
    theater is slim. Below are a few reminders:

    ~U Turkey's efforts to join the European Union failed. Erdogan, who
    designated this issue as a top priority for Turkish diplomacy made
    sweeping changes to Turkey's laws and constitutions and also granted
    far-reaching concessions to the Kurds. However, France and Germany
    blew him off in a rather insulting manner.

    ~U With the exception of Turkey, no other state in the world recognizes
    the Northern Cyprus, the republic established by Ankara after invading
    Cyprus in 1974. This is the case despite the efforts invested by
    Ankara for almost 40 years to elicit international recognition of the
    Turkish entity and the settlements established there. On the other
    hand, the Greek Cyprus was accepted as a member of the European Union.

    ~U Under American pressure, Turkey agreed to reconciliation with
    Armenia on condition that the latter would put an end to accusations
    regarding the Armenian Holocaust. However, the Armenian parliament
    refused to ratify the agreement. Yet another slap in the face for

    ~U Turkey was Muammar Gaddafi's most important ally in the years
    before the Libyan uprising. Turkish companies invested billions in
    the oil-rich Libya. Hence, when the uprising started Turkey tried to
    have it both ways - on the one hand it tried to avert a NATO operation
    against Gaddafi and his loyalists, yet on the other hand it condemned
    the killing of civilians. Yet NATO members and the UN disregarded
    Turkey's objection and embarked on an aerial assault that prompted
    Gaddafi's ouster.

    ~U In 2009, Turkey warmed up its ties with Iran, yet recently the
    relationship has cooled off considerably. The Shiite ayatollahs in
    Tehran realized how much the Sunni Turkey gains from the commercial
    ties with Iran. Now, they also view Ankara as a dangerous rival and
    threat to the regional hegemony that Iran is trying to secure. In
    the last two months, Tehran's displeasure turned into fury thanks to
    Erdogan's hostile, patronizing and arrogant attitude towards the Assad
    regime in Syria, Iran's most important strategic ally in the area.

    Iran was also infuriated by the seizure of an arms shipment Tehran
    tried to transfer to Syria via Turkish airspace.

    ~U On the Palestinian front, Turkish leaders failed a few weeks ago
    to promote the reconciliation process between Hamas and Fatah. Abbas
    and Mashaal came to Istanbul, but the Turks failed to even arrange a
    meeting between them. There was no dialogue whatsoever based on the
    Turkish proposals.

    ~U The most colossal Turkish policy failure as of late has to do with
    the ties with Syria. Turkey makes threats, Assad ignores them, yet
    Ankara does nothing. It did not even impose effective, painful economic
    sanctions on Syria, despite the fact that Assad's Alawite-Shiite
    regime is massacring Sunni Syrians, Turkey's natural allies.

    There is not enough room here to make note of all of Turkey's
    diplomatic failures in recent years on the regional and global front.

    But why is this the case? Why is a large, powerful and economically
    successful state failing to translate these attributes into becoming
    an influential regional element?

    No credibility

    The answer to the above question can be summarized into three words:
    Lack of credibility. Turkey under Erdogan's leadership is neither a
    reliable ally nor a credible rival.

    For example, in 2003, when the Bush Administration was about to invade
    Iraq, Erdogan refused to allow the American army to pass through
    Turkish territory. Washington begged and offered Ankara economic and
    military perks, but the Islamist Erdogan refused to allow a Western
    country in its war against a murderous Muslim tyrant.

    As to credibility vis-a-vis rivals, current events in the
    Syrian-Turkish arena speak for themselves. The Erdogan government's
    lack of credibility is also reflected by the constant Turkish attempt
    to have it both ways and the shifts from one political position to
    the next based on short-term interests. The above examples highlight
    this as well.

    Moreover, we should make note of the style of Turkish policy led by
    Erdogan. Instead of restraint and sound judgment, as one would expect
    from the leader of a great power, Erdogan resorts to impassioned
    zeal and makes threats as if he was the neighborhood thug. His short
    fuse and violent speech are reminiscent of our own Foreign Minister,
    Avigdor Lieberman. Just like him, Erdogan too makes rash, extreme
    statements that he has no military or political ability to realize
    or desire to implement. Erdogan also tends to realize the damage of
    his steps later on and try to minimize it.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress