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EU Statement On Human Rights, Fundamental Freedoms And The Rule Of L

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  • EU Statement On Human Rights, Fundamental Freedoms And The Rule Of L



    On September 1 the European Union issued a statement on human rights,
    fundamental freedoms and the rule of law in Azerbaijan. The statement
    reads as follows:

    "The European Union continues to closely monitor the situation of
    human rights, fundamental freedoms and the rule of law in Azerbaijan.

    We would like to express our concern about the recent demolition
    of houses and the expropriation of property in the Baku area. In
    particular, the EU is worried by the demolition on 11 August 2011 of
    the Institute for Peace and Democracy's office in Baku. The issue has
    been aggravated by the fact that the destruction took place in spite
    of a valid Court Judgement of 24 May 2011. We call on Azerbaijan
    to thoroughly investigate this case and to honour respective legal
    provisions in the domain of property rights. The EU will monitor
    developments related to property rights in Azerbaijan and offers its
    co-operation to discuss the best international practices that can be
    used in this area.

    The EU also remains concerned about the situation of political
    prisoners in Azerbaijan. We have been alerted by the fact that on
    25 August 2011, six citizens of Azerbaijan have been sentenced to
    prison terms between 18 months and three years on the basis of their
    participation in demonstrations that took place on 2 April 2011 in
    Baku. Eight more defendants are awaiting trial. We take note that human
    rights defender Mr Vidadi Iskenderov has been sentenced to three-year
    imprisonment on 26 August and that he will appeal the verdict on the
    basis that court proceedings in his case did not comply with fair
    trial standards.

    In this context, the EU calls on the Azerbaijani judiciary to
    ensure fair, transparent and evidence-based trials, including
    appeal processes. We call upon the Azerbaijani authorities to avoid
    politicisation of the judicial process and to ensure that it is
    respected. Moreover, recalling our statement of 19 May 2011, we are
    concerned about the situation of the now imprisoned youth activists and
    bloggers Bakhtiyar Hajiyev and Jabbar Savalan. We regret that on 15
    August the Azerbaijani Ministry of Justice denied the German Federal
    Government Commissioner for Human Rights Policy and Humanitarian Aid
    visiting Azerbaijan access to Mr Hajiyev. The

    EU is also disappointed to learn that the appeal courts in the cases
    of both Hajiyev and Savalan have ruled to uphold the imprisonment
    sentences. We welcome the intervention of the Representative on
    Freedom of the Media in these two cases.

    The EU expects Azerbaijan to fulfil its international obligations in
    the field of human rights, including those stemming from the European
    Convention on Human Rights. We call on the government of Azerbaijan to
    extend an invitation to the Rapporteur of the Parliamentary Assembly
    of the Council of Europe on Political Prisoners.

    Finally, stressing that full respect for human rights, fundamental
    freedoms and the rule of law is at the heart of the OSCE commitments,
    as well as of the framework for co-operation within the Eastern
    Partnership, we remain committed to assisting Azerbaijan in fulfilling
    its respective commitments, particularly those assumed within the
    OSCE framework. The EU invites Azerbaijan to provide updates on
    developments with regard to all the matters we have raised today."
