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France Will Support Status Quo

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  • France Will Support Status Quo

    16:09:32 - 06/09/2011

    Political scientist Igor Muradyan commented on Philippe Lefort's
    appointment as EUSR for South Caucasus

    The newly-appointed EUSR for South Caucasus and the Crisis in Georgia
    is going to pay a visit to the region, which aroused much interest
    in the countries of the region.

    Philippe Lefort used to serve as Head of the General Directorate of
    the Continental Europe at the French Foreign Ministry, earlier he
    worked as French ambassador to Georgia. Once, his visits to Abkhazia
    as French ambassador aroused great interest, as well as, later as
    Foreign Ministry official along with this German counterpart.

    Philippe Lefort's visit to Turkmenistan in connection with the
    political and geo-economic problems was interesting too. According to
    the High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy of the
    European Union, Catherine Ashton, Philippe Lefort is an experienced
    diplomat, he knows the region very well and perfectly fits this office.

    We have to note also that the French diplomat is an excellent analyst
    and subtly understands most delicate parts of politics in the South
    Caucasus and other regions. It is difficult to say for sure why a
    Frenchman was appointed to the post of EU Special Representative for
    South Caucasus, but we can offer some considerations on this subject.

    First of all, we should note that France has been a Co-Chair of OSCE
    Minsk group for many years, as well as, France played a unique and
    excellent role in the normalization of the Georgian-Russian war. But,
    apparently, there are more principled factors of the appointment of the
    French diplomat to this post. Perhaps, some key events happened which
    have not been adequately reflected in the public debate - namely, the
    current and potential capabilities and intentions of the United States
    and Russia in the Black Sea and South Caucasus have been clarified.

    Briefly, Russia demonstrated an evident failure in the regional
    politics and its dreams on "equidistance" from Armenia and Azerbaijan
    faded away and in this stage, Russia did everything to hold away
    Armenia and the Armenian nation, at the same time, it will not get
    anything from its relations with Azerbaijan and Turkey.

    United States returned to the original plans to strengthen its presence
    in the interior regions of Eurasia and began to ignore Russia's
    interests and positions in all functional and geopolitical lines. But,
    despite the fact that the U.S. position seems to be more active than
    Russia's, the Americans do not feel any enthusiasm for the nomination
    of any new initiatives to resolve conflicts and problems in the region.

    In a way, Russia's policy during the last 10 years greatly contributed
    to establishing and strengthening of the U.S. positions which is
    satisfied with the current situation of all countries and the general
    alignment of forces in the South Caucasus. In the current situation,
    appeared the demand for a "third" party, which can only be the
    European Union, but rather, France, which represents the interests
    of Europe. It is quite clear that, unlike the U.S. and Russia, the
    Europeans do not have the necessary operational capabilities needed
    for the influence in a region like the South Caucasus, but this does
    not mean that Europe assumes a passive role in the politics of the
    region and prefers to just watch the regional processes.

    In order to understand the positions of France and its partners
    in Europe in the regional policy, it is necessary to attentively
    consider the political events in the Arab countries, first of all,
    in Libya and Syria. At the same time, it is necessary to focus on
    the positions of both leading European partners of France, Germany
    and Great Britain, which means combination of more moderate and at
    the same time sufficiently proactive policies.

    There is no doubt that France has developed its policy regarding
    Eastern Europe and South Caucasus, which would require consideration
    of new developments in the politics of Turkey, Iran and Russia. As
    you know, France has taken a tougher stance against Iran and holds a
    very delicate, almost latent, but an effective policy towards Turkey,
    where the tactics of France and the U.S. are very similar, which is
    reflected in the policy of "containment" of Turkey's foreign policy
    ambitions in the region.

    It is yet difficult to define quite thoroughly and confidently the
    policies of France in relation to the South Caucasus, moreover,
    presenting on behalf of Europe, which actually, is happening, Paris
    should take into account the stances and positions of its European
    partners. There are several signals that the Europeans, and first
    of all, France, prefers not initiating new ambitious projects on any

    Rather, France and Europe would prefer to encourage the policy of
    maintaining the "status quo", with successive promotion of mutual
    understanding between the parties to conflicts. Apparently, this is
    not just a political style, but very pragmatic policy, which certainly
    has reasons, as the repetition of "principles" of the "settlement"
    has not yet led to anything but increase of the tension.
