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ANKARA: Erdohan To Tour Arab Spring Nations Amidst Regional Showdown

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  • ANKARA: Erdohan To Tour Arab Spring Nations Amidst Regional Showdown


    Today's Zaman
    Sept 7 2011

    Turkey's Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has decided to expand the
    scope of a visit to Egypt and added Tunisia and Libya to the itinerary
    of his trip, which will take place next week at a time of increasing
    regional tensions. "The prime minister had already announced his
    intention to visit these countries. He eventually decided to visit
    the three countries where the Arab Spring took place," diplomatic
    sources told Today's Zaman on Wednesday.

    Deputy Prime Minister Bekir Bozdağ, Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu,
    Energy Minister Taner Yıldız, Economy Minister Zafer Cağlayan,
    Transportation Minister Binali Yıldırım and Defense Minister İsmet
    Yılmaz were at a coordination meeting at the Foreign Ministry on
    Wednesday, reviewing preparations for Erdoğan's visit to the three

    No statement was released after the coordination meeting, with
    diplomatic sources saying that all of those ministers were expected
    to accompany Erdoğan during the first leg of his tour, which will
    be Egypt.

    "The visit to Egypt had to be postponed a few times because of the
    political situation in Egypt," the same sources highlighted, in an
    apparent effort to rule out a direct link between the timing of the
    visit and the escalating tension with Israel.

    Turkey suspended its substantial military ties with Israel last week,
    saying that it was expelling top Israeli diplomats and pledged to
    lobby other nations in support of the Palestinians' statehood bid
    after Israel refused to apologize for last year's raid on a Gaza-bound
    flotilla that killed nine Turkish pro-Palestinian activists.

    Erdoğan is scheduled to arrive in Cairo on the evening of Monday,
    Sept.12, and will proceed to Tunisia on Wednesday, where he will stay
    for a day, the same sources said. The prime minister will travel
    to Libya on Thursday and will return to Turkey later that day, the
    sources said. "In Egypt, we have many things to discuss. North Africa,
    the Middle East and the eastern Mediterranean are only some of these
    discussion topics. In all three countries, the main message to the
    counterparts will be the need to preserve stability during these
    transformations," a senior diplomat told Today's Zaman.

    Erdoğan on Tuesday said the Turkish navy will step up its surveillance
    of the eastern Mediterranean Sea -- a move that could potentially lead
    to confrontation with Israel -- and warned of more sanctions against
    Israel if relations between the former allies deteriorate further.

    Whether or not Erdoğan's visit to Egypt was projected long before
    the latest escalation of tension with Israel, his visit to Egypt as
    well as Tunisia and Libya will be closely watched by Israel, since
    Turkey nearly cutting ties with it increases Israel's isolation at
    a delicate time.

    Israel worries that Turkey's actions will become a model for Egypt,
    where calls to revoke the 32-year-old treaty with the Jewish state
    have multiplied since the ouster of longtime leader Hosni Mubarak.

    Egypt has threatened to withdraw its ambassador in a row over the
    border shooting of five Egyptian security personnel last month,
    as Israeli troops repelled militants who killed eight Israelis.

    Erdoğan's tour also comes as Israel seeks to muster international
    support against the Palestinians' attempt to have their state
    recognized at the UN this month. The uprising in Syria, which shares
    borders with Israel and Turkey, adds new uncertainty to the regional

    Dismissing a UN report into Israel's deadly raid that said Israel's
    naval blockade of Gaza was a legal security measure last weekend,
    Foreign Minister Davutoğlu warned Israel that it risks alienation
    among Arab nations by refusing to apologize.

    "If Israel persists with its current position, the Arab Spring will
    give rise to a strong opposition to Israel as well as the debate on
    authoritarian regimes," Davutoğlu said.

    On Friday Turkey downgraded its diplomatic ties with Israel to the
    level of second secretary and gave the ambassador and other high-level
    diplomats until Wednesday to leave the country. In other measures
    against Israel, Turkey suspended military agreements, promised to back
    legal actions against Israel by the raid victims' families and vowed to
    take steps to ensure freedom to navigate in the eastern Mediterranean.

    Some Israeli officials think Turkey has decided that ties with
    Israel do not serve its interests as it seeks more influence in the
    Muslim world and that an Israeli apology would have done nothing to
    change that.

    "Turkey smells Israel's weakness and isolation in the international
    arena and is exploiting it," Tzipi Livni, a former foreign minister
    of Israel and opposition Kadima Party leader, was quoted as saying
    by Israeli media on Wednesday.

    "Turkey realizes that the US no longer sees Israel as an asset but
    as a liability and is not trying to end Israel's isolation in the
    world, which would isolate the US at the UN," Livni said, adding,
    "Turkey realizes this relationship and has increased its cooperation
    with the US against the Iranian threat."

    In Egypt, in addition to the head of Egypt's ruling military council,
    Field Marshal Mohamed Hussein Tantawi, Prime Minister Essam Sharaf
    and other officials and politicians, Erdoğan is also expected to meet
    with a group of young people who joined the protests at Tahrir Square
    which eventually led to the ouster of Mubarak.

    "There are a few agreements that will be signed," a spokesperson for
    Egyptian Prime Minister Mohamed Higazy said on Tuesday, adding that
    the two sides would discuss political coordination and economic ties.

    Erdoğan on Tuesday said that Turkish officials are in talks with
    their Egyptian counterparts for a possible visit to Gaza.

    "This is a process that will continue until the last minute. We
    are in talks with our Egyptian brothers. I may or may not go to
    Gaza," Erdoğan told reporters in response to a question on reports
    suggesting that he wants to travel to the Gaza Strip through Egypt's
    Rafah border crossing.

    An Egyptian official, however, said on Tuesday that he did not expect
    such a trip to take place.
