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Turkey Can No Longer Hide From Responsibility For Damage Caused By A

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  • Turkey Can No Longer Hide From Responsibility For Damage Caused By A


    September 8, 2011 - 09:02 AMT

    PanARMENIAN.Net - Last December, when three Armenian Americans filed a
    multi-million dollar lawsuit in U.S. Federal Court against the Republic
    of Turkey, the Central Bank, and Ziraat Bank, the Turkish government
    ridiculed the charges, claiming "sovereign immunity," Harut Sassounian,
    the Publisher of The California Courier writes in his article titled
    "Turkey can run, but can't hide from long arm of U.S. law."

    The two banks filed a motion on June 1, 2011, seeking the dismissal
    of the case, arguing they had not received the proper documents.

    The Armenian American plaintiffs were seeking $64 million in
    compensation for the confiscation of their properties in Adana, Turkey,
    in the aftermath of the Armenian Genocide. The plaintiffs were also
    demanding additional millions of dollars for the accrued rent and
    interest the U.S. government paid Turkey in the past 60 years for
    use of the strategic Incirlik Air Base, located on Armenian-owned land.

    On Aug. 2, U.S. Federal Judge Dolly Gee rejected the Turkish request.

    The judge ruled that the Republic of Turkey had been adequately
    served with legal documents and ordered the Turkish entities to
    present their pleading in court no later than Aug. 19.

    On Aug. 29 the attorneys for the Armenian American plaintiffs asked
    the Federal Court to enter a default judgment against the Turkish

    Mr. Sassounian reminds that Vatan newspaper reported last week that
    the two Turkish banks, alarmed by the serious prospect of losing a
    multi-million dollar lawsuit due to their failure to respond to the
    U.S. Federal Court, rushed to hire a lawyer and asked for more time
    until Sept. 19, 2011 to file a response.

    Should the Turkish defendants not show up in court on Sept. 19, the
    federal judge could enter a default judgment and order that their
    assets in the U.S., up to the value of the judgment, be seized and
    turned over to the Armenian American plaintiffs.

    The Turkish government can no longer hide from its responsibilities for
    the devastating damage caused to the Armenian people as a result of the
    genocide. It is high time for Turkey to acknowledge its long history
    of colossal criminal acts and make appropriate amends, concludes the
    Publisher of The California Courier.
