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Will Margar Ohanyan Reveal Corruption Schemes?

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  • Will Margar Ohanyan Reveal Corruption Schemes?

    Naira Hayrumyan News
    16:48:04 - 09/09/2011

    Since our independence the Armenians have developed a unique ability
    to generate 500% profit without any investments.

    In the Soviet times when everything was state-run, the greater part of
    the population lived at the expense of the establishment they worked
    for. Workers carried away goods produced by the factories they worked
    in, builders sold construction materials, drivers used office cars to
    earn extra money, officials drove office cars for their personal needs.

    After independence and privatization, it seemed that people would stop
    stealing public property and would not protect private property too.

    20 years have passed, and we still observe the Soviet traditions.

    Margar Ohanyan ran three minibus routes on petrol allocated for police
    cars, and forced traffic wardens to have their office cars washed in
    his carwashes.

    Once we were trying to explain to an Iranian Armenian what "writing
    off" the costs means. He could not understand that "state-run" meant
    ownerless. That the budgets of the ministries are calculated so as
    to include the money that goes into the pockets of the leadership,
    and privately-run companies that participate in "tenders" include
    money for kickbacks in their budgets.

    No Armenian official will set up a business without making sure to
    raise the initial capital, raw materials, maintenance at the expense
    of the Treasury or anyone else. Senior army officers work hectares
    of land, using diesel for the tanks, soldiers are "used" as workers,
    so their gross and net profits are almost similar. Costs are zero.

    investing their own money in their own business is considered
    shameful. Others may laugh at them. Don't you have the brains to make
    money at the expense of others? And the Armenians do not go for a
    business with a net profit of 100%.

    Those who make the state budget know what part of it will be spent on
    real work, and what part will go to officials. It will be meaningless
    to fight corruption until "costs" on the budgets of ministries and
    departments are cut.

    It makes no sense to fight monopolies until limitations are imposed
    on excessive profit, tax arbitrariness for those who draw 500% profit
    and those whose net profit is 20%.

    How will Margar Ohanyan behave in court? Will he reveal the corruption
    schemes that overwhelm the police and other agencies? In this sense,
    it is interesting if the matter will be brought up in court at all.

    The fact that Hovhannes Tamamyan hasn't faced the court makes me think
    that they were not arrested in order to give testimonies, they were
    isolated rather, otherwise they might have conveyed certain things.
