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Black Army: Armenian Public Strongly Concerned About Deaths In The R

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  • Black Army: Armenian Public Strongly Concerned About Deaths In The R

    By Naira Hayrumyan

    09.09.11 | 12:02

    In Armenia a new wave of public protests has risen against the
    situation in the army where a few non-combat deaths happened within
    a space of several weeks. The media and online social networks have
    disseminated video footage about killings, driving soldiers mad and
    inadequate investigation of incidents in the army.

    The first wave of discontent this year rose in winter-spring when some
    bloody incidents took place in the army and were reported by media.

    The public then demanded the resignation of Defense Minister Seyran
    Ohanyan, but then personnel changes were made - Gevorg Kostanyan was
    appointed military prosecutor and he promised to find and punish
    those responsible. Quite some time has passed since, but only in
    one high-profile case there has been a verdict. Manvel Hazroyan was
    found guilty of killing four fellow servicemen and sentenced to life
    imprisonment. Journalists argue that Manvel did not act alone and the
    investigation covered up officers. The trial in the case of Artak
    Nazaryan who died in the Mehrab military unit in the Tavush region
    also began. The incitement is driving someone to commit suicide,
    although traces of torture were found on the soldier's body and his
    relatives insist that he was murdered.

    Representatives of the Ministry of Defence state that, compared with
    last year, the number of deaths and murders of soldiers in the army

    Despite this, a Soviet-era model of relations in the army aggravated
    by the flaws of the current oligarchic system is still functioning
    in the army. Recently, representatives of influential human-rights
    organizations issued a statement, pointing out that in 2008-2011 alone
    as many as 187 people died in the armed forces for different reasons.

    Human rights activists say that investigations in connection with
    the deaths of soldiers "are carried out mostly with gross violations,
    the majority of crimes over years are not disclosed, while murders,
    as a rule, are classified as suicides."

    Last week representatives of these organizations held a protest at the
    Government House. Immediately after that, the military prosecutor for
    the first time publicly, in front of cameras, reported about his work.

    And on Thursday a protest was held by mothers of victims - "Women
    in Black".

    According to Chairman of the National Assembly's Standing Committee on
    Defense, Security and Internal Affairs Hrayr Karapetyan, "a number of
    legislative initiatives to amend the laws on the army and army draft
    are being prepared". He said they would be presented in parliament
    on September 9.

    Meanwhile, member of the initiative group of the "Sardarapat" movement,
    ex-combatant Alek Yenigomshyan thinks that the mania for enrichment
    within ruling elites has also spread to armed forces command, which,
    he says, led to corruption and permissiveness resulting in tragic
    incidents in the army. Yenigomshyan is convinced that among officers
    there are, indeed, a lot of really decent and patriotic people and
    believes that they should do everything in order to enhance the
    credibility of these people, which will, to some extent, alleviate
    the present situation.
