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How Karapetyan Resigned

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  • How Karapetyan Resigned

    12:40:09 - 10/09/2011

    Yesterday President Serzh Sargsyan accepted the resignation of Karen
    Karapetyan, his chief of staff. Our source noted that before submitting
    his resignation Karen Karapetyan had a talk with Serzh Sargsyan. He
    complained of intrigues around him and said he could not continue
    to work in such an atmosphere. Serzh Sargsyan said resign if you
    cannot. Perhaps, this answer was unexpected for Karen Karapetyan.

    By the way, Karen Karapetyan had appeared in a similar situation
    in December of last year but then Serzh Sargsyan did not accept his
    resignation. Besides, there was reliable information that the Russian
    President Medvedev's chief of staff, Naryshkin, had interfered for
    Karen Karapetyan. It was the period when the ex-mayor of Yerevan
    Gagik Beglaryan beat Serzh Sargsyan's aide, with the "help" of Karen

    Then rumors came that Karen Karapetyan would be appointed prime
    minister, or speaker of the national assembly or head of the election
    staff of the Republican Party to balance Hovik Abrahamyan and weaken
    his influence.

    Yesterday the political board of the Republican Party discussed
    Karen Karapetyan's resignation. Karapetyan was absent. Sargsyan
    said Karapetyan wanted to resign to run a business freely. Thus,
    Karapetyan will not appointed to another post. In fact, his dream to
    be prime minister will not come true.

    By the way, Karen Karapetyan was on holiday and returned only a few
    days ago. The Republican board discussed other issues of the party.
