Sept 9 2011
"I hail the text which is aimed at the political solidarity in
Armenia," said Samvel Nikoyan, the chairman of NA ad-hoc committee
on March 1-2 events to Panorama.am.
The Monitoring Committee of the Council of Europe Parliamentary
Assembly (PACE) released a statement which says: "The outcome
of the latest general amnesty in Armenia, the renewed impetus to
investigate the 10 deaths during the March 2008 events, and the
resulting start of a constructive dialogue between the opposition
and ruling coalition mean that the chapter on the March 2008 events
can finally be considered closed."
"This means that Monitoring Committee of PACE has studied carefully
the interior political developments, saw positive steps towards
strengthening democracy in Armenia," S. Nikoyan.
According to the NA Vice Chairman the committee supports amendments
in Armenia.
Sept 9 2011
"I hail the text which is aimed at the political solidarity in
Armenia," said Samvel Nikoyan, the chairman of NA ad-hoc committee
on March 1-2 events to Panorama.am.
The Monitoring Committee of the Council of Europe Parliamentary
Assembly (PACE) released a statement which says: "The outcome
of the latest general amnesty in Armenia, the renewed impetus to
investigate the 10 deaths during the March 2008 events, and the
resulting start of a constructive dialogue between the opposition
and ruling coalition mean that the chapter on the March 2008 events
can finally be considered closed."
"This means that Monitoring Committee of PACE has studied carefully
the interior political developments, saw positive steps towards
strengthening democracy in Armenia," S. Nikoyan.
According to the NA Vice Chairman the committee supports amendments
in Armenia.