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165th Birth Anniversary of Sir Paul Chater in Hong Kong

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  • 165th Birth Anniversary of Sir Paul Chater in Hong Kong

    165th Birth Anniversary of Sir Paul Chater in Hong Kong

    13:19, September 11, 2011

    On 8th September 2011, on the occasion of the 165th Birth Anniversary
    of Sir Catchik Paul Chater (Khatchik Poghos Astvatsaturian), with the
    blessings of His Holiness Karekin II Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos
    of All Armenians, Very Rev. Father Khoren Hovhannisyan, Pastor of
    Armenians in India and Manager of Armenian College and Philanthropic
    Academy and the Armenian Church Committee of India visited Hong Kong
    to pay homage to the benevolent Armenian at his graveside. The
    pilgrims censed at the sepulchre of Sir Catchick Paul Chater for his
    eternal peace whilst Father Khoren conducted "Repose of Souls" Service
    for the great Armenian. The visitors paid respect, tribute and bowed
    before the memorial of Paul Chater.

    Sir Chater was born in Calcutta, India on 8th September, 1846 and was
    baptised at the Armenian Church of Holy Nazareth. At the age of 18,
    Paul Chater settled in Hong Kong where by virtue of his tireless
    industry, gained immense wealth and became the most significant person
    of Honk Kong. From 1876 to 1926, Chater was the Consul of the Senior
    Justice of Peace in Hong Kong and for over 40 years has served as the
    adviser to the Governor-General of Hong Kong, and was also a member of
    the Legislative and Executive Council of Hong Kong.

    In 1902, Chater was knighted by the King of the United Kingdom, Edward
    VII. The doors of Buckingham Palace have since remained open for Sir
    Catchick Paul Chater.

    Catchick Paul Chater is the most significant benefactor of the
    Armenian Community of India. He has contributed immensely to the
    Armenian Churches of India and built the Armenian Old Age Home of
    Kolkata. In addition, Paul Chater has made a generous contribution for
    the survivors of the Armenian Genocide in Great Britain through his
    "Armenian Immigrants Benevolent Fund".

    Sir Paul Chater left for his heavenly abode in 1926. The impact of his
    death had been so great that for months it had affected the global
    stock market.

    Today, Paul Chater's name in Hong Kong is still held in affection and
    as a mark of respect to his departed soul, there are memorials in Honk
    Kong like "Chater Park", "Chater Road", "Chater Street" etc.
