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Threat by Turkish Premier Raises Tensions With Israel

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  • Threat by Turkish Premier Raises Tensions With Israel

    The New York Times
    September 10, 2011 Saturday
    Late Edition - Final

    Threat by Turkish Premier Raises Tensions With Israel

    By ETHAN BRONNER; Steven Erlanger contributed reporting from Paris,
    and J. David Goodman from New York.

    JERUSALEM -- Israel was wrestling on Friday with growing tensions with
    Turkey after the Turkish prime minister threatened to use his navy to
    accompany aid flotillas to Gaza and to challenge Israel's plans for
    gas exploration and export in the Eastern Mediterranean.

    The prime minister, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, told Al Jazeera, the
    pan-Arab network, that he would use his warships to prevent Israeli
    commandos from again boarding a Gaza-bound ship as they did last year,
    killing nine passengers, and from letting Israel exploit natural gas
    resources at sea.

    A United Nations report issued a week ago criticized the commandos'
    actions but said Israel's blockade was legal, which was not what
    Turkey had hoped to hear. It demanded an apology from Israel -- which
    refused, as it has from the earliest days of the flotilla raid, when
    it expressed regrets -- and then took steps to express its
    displeasure, including expelling the Israeli ambassador and cutting
    military ties.

    Dan Meridor, Israel's intelligence minister, responded on Friday to
    Mr. Erdogan's recent threats, saying they were ''grave and serious.''
    He told Army Radio, however, that he did not want to get into verbal
    saber rattling.

    In Washington, the State Department urged leaders of both countries to
    avoid a war of words. ''We would like to see both sides cool it and
    get back to a place where they can have a productive relationship,''
    the spokeswoman, Victoria Nuland, told reporters. Activists with the
    Free Gaza Movement, who have organized a series of flotillas to
    challenge Israel's blockade of the Palestinian coastal strip, said
    they had no announcement about any efforts to come but that the most
    recent, which was stopped by Greece and Cyprus in June, would not be
    the last.

    But Israeli diplomats and experts here and abroad said that while they
    were not overly concerned about a flotilla to Gaza materializing soon,
    the naval threat regarding the gas fields could prove more dangerous.

    ''Israel and Cyprus reached agreement dividing the water between the
    two of them for gas drilling,'' Alon Liel, a former ambassador to
    Turkey said. ''Turkey said the division was illegal. Israel is also
    clashing with Lebanon on demarcation and drilling rights. Turkey will
    also support Lebanon and things could escalate.''

    Mr. Liel said that Israel hoped to export its gas via Cyprus in a few
    years, and that would require the digging of a large port there --
    something that he imagined that Turkey would try to prevent. That
    could mean possible clashes between Israel and Turkey like those
    Turkey has had with Greece over drilling and demarcation.

    Israel's foreign minister, Avigdor Lieberman, has ordered studies on
    how to defend Israelis from being prosecuted by the Turks over the
    flotilla attack last year -- including urging Israelis associated with
    the military to avoid flying there -- and get back at Turkey for its
    growing anti-Israel stand. Officials who spoke of the studies said
    they were still in the realm of brainstorming and were far from being
    accepted as policy. They included getting closer to Armenia, Turkey's
    historic rival, and the minority Kurds in eastern Turkey, who along
    with Kurds in neighboring countries hope for an independent state.

    Some analysts said Turkey's rejection of the United Nations report
    showed hypocrisy. Before the commission issued its account, Turkey's
    foreign minister, Ahmet Davutoglu, asserted on Turkish television that
    the report would ''reaffirm the supremacy of international law.''
    After it was issued, Turkish officials declared the report null and

    Mr. Erdogan's comments come before a planned trip to Egypt and a
    meeting with President Obama the week after. Henri Barkey, a professor
    of international relations at Lehigh University, said Mr. Erdogan was
    trying to force the United States into the uncomfortable position of
    choosing between its ally Israel and Turkey, a NATO-member nation.

    Turkey announced last week that it would host a NATO missile defense
    shield to protect against a potential strike from Iran. If tensions
    between Israel and Turkey increase, that could put NATO in a delicate

    ''This is very high-stakes poker,'' Professor Barkey said. ''It's
    very, very dangerous.''

    Sinan Ulgen, director of EDAM, a center for economics and foreign
    policy studies in Istanbul, said he, too, was worried. ''The latest
    threat is not only diplomatically difficult, but may even require
    direct U.S. involvement if Israel and Turkey come to face each other
    in the Eastern Mediterranean,'' he said. ''And the only one capable of
    coming between them is the United States, and the U.S. Sixth Fleet.''

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress