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Military expert: Turkey uses NATO to procure weaponry

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  • Military expert: Turkey uses NATO to procure weaponry

    Military expert: Turkey uses NATO to procure weaponry

    September 10, 2011 - 14:38 AMT

    PanARMENIAN.Net - Turkey is using NATO to procure weaponry it wouldn't
    otherwise be able to afford, according to an Armenian military expert.

    As Artsrun Hovhannisyan told a news conference in Yerevan, `having
    failed at attempts to gain military independence, Turkey is using NATO
    financing to obtain weaponry.'

    `NATO missile defense system deployment will largely contribute to
    Ankara's military might, raising concerns of Iran and Israel,' he

    Turkey has agreed to deploy an early warning radar system by the end
    of the year as part of NATO's missile defense program for Europe. It
    is aimed at countering the threat of missile attacks from Iran.

    Iranian Defense Minister Ahmad Vahidi said that Iran will not tolerate
    any aggression against its national interests.

    Vahidi said, `we regard the presence of the Americans and the
    Westerners as troublesome, which would undermine security in Muslim
    countries and harm their interests.'

    From: Baghdasarian