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WikiLeaks: Ilham Aliyev Asks Why CNN Called Him a Dictator

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  • WikiLeaks: Ilham Aliyev Asks Why CNN Called Him a Dictator mid=53

    WikiLeaks: Ilham Aliyev Asks Why CNN Called Him a Dictator

    WASHINGTON DC. September 10, 2011: The new WikiLeaks report discloses
    the diplomatic cable from the US Embassy in Baku to the US State
    Department dated August 6, 2008. The cable is classified as `secret'
    and reflects the results of the meetings held between the senior level
    US State Department Delegation and the Azerbaijani president Ilham
    Aliyev. The US diplomats held preparatory talks with the Azerbaijani
    president on the eve of the US vice-president Dick Cheney's visit to
    Azerbaijan in early September of 2008. The parties discussed broad
    range of issues, but the most controversial part of the discussion was
    on the US focus on democratization issues in Azerbaijan. `Aliyev also
    paraphrased Secretary Rice's recent comments in Prague about "oil rich
    dictatorships with 18th century systems enjoying only temporary
    success," which he said were made in response to a question about
    Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan. "These kinds of statements are not helpful;
    we do not understand why they are happening. They are not in line with
    our relations and they do not reflect Azerbaijan's realities." Major
    events in Georgia or Armenia draw little US criticism, while minor
    events in Azerbaijan draw major USG reactions, Aliyev said. Such
    statements also create a negative image of Azerbaijan. `CNN called me
    a dictator, but not Sargisian or Kocharian, and they killed people.''
    Below is the full text of the diplomatic cable:

    S E C R E T SECTION 01 OF 04 BAKU 000739


    E.O. 12958: DECL: 08/05/2018



    Classified By: Ambassador Anne E. Derse per 1.4(b,d)

    1. (C) Summary: In an August 4 meeting with the Ambassador and
    visiting OVP Deputy Assistant for National Security Affairs Joe Wood,
    President Aliyev welcomed the proposed visit of the Vice President,
    expressing general satisfaction with the U.S.-Azerbaijan relationship.
    Identifying Nagorno-Karabakh as "issue number one" Aliyev asked that
    the United States push Armenia for a solution in accord with the
    "norms and standards of international law." He outlined at length his
    deep concern that Nabucco and the southern gas corridor are at risk of
    failure, and with "time running out," urged rapid development and
    implementation of a concrete plan to bring them to fruition. He
    re-emphasized the need for Turkmenistan to be a key partner on energy
    and sought USG assistance to win Turkey's cooperation in this project
    of "common strategic interest." He underscored again that Azerbaijan
    "does not agree with and cannot accept" recent public
    characterizations of Azerbaijan's democratic development lagging that
    of others in the region. Aliyev said the OSCE can bring "as many
    observers as it wants" to monitor the October Presidential elections.
    End summary.

    VP Visit

    2. (C) In an August 4 meeting with the Ambassador and visiting OVP
    Deputy Assistant for National Security Affairs Joseph Wood, President
    Aliyev welcomed a visit of the Vice President to Baku as a "very
    important signal," saying it will be "instrumental" from the point of
    view of practical bilateral cooperation. Noting that "cooperation
    continues successfully on important joint projects in the region" and
    that he is "in general very satisfied with our level of relations,"
    Aliyev said he looks forward to broad discussions touching on all
    aspects of the relationship.

    Nagorno-Karabakh is Issue Number One

    3. (C) Aliyev underscored that Nagorno-Karabakh is "the number one
    issue" for Azerbaijan today. Unfortunately, there has been "no
    breakthrough, no final solution8 in the five years in which he has
    been actively engaged on the issue, although there has been "progress
    in the process." It is clear, Aliyev said, that "there will be no
    independence for NK. The Armenian leader agreed, and now they
    understand the status quo won't become permanent." Hence, in Aliyev's
    view, there is no further justification for Armenia to prevent
    Azerbaijanis from returning or to delay any further a settlement.
    Azerbaijan "counts on the USG's efforts to persuade Armenia to behave
    according to the norms and standards of international law. This is our
    major request and our expectation from you."


    4. (C) Aliyev said that energy and security in the Caspian are
    interrelated. Absent security, there can be no movement of energy. The
    Caspian is playing a larger role than ever in global energy production
    and Europe should pay more attention to matters in the region. The
    future political configuration of the region is being determined
    today, with "rivalry, aggressiveness and energy diplomacy"
    intensifying, Aliyev said. "We do not have much time," Aliyev added,
    noting that he had openly asked European partners to be more decisive
    on strategic energy projects.

    5. (C) Azerbaijan, Aliyev asserted, is doing all it can do to
    facilitate provision of gas to Europe and in fact is presently "the
    most active party for future energy diversification." The other
    interested parties need to get in step, display more unity, and "play
    as a team," Aliyev said. Azerbaijan appears to be the one country most
    interested in promoting Nabucco. Others -- including some NATO allies
    and EU members -- are "ruining the energy policy of the West" with
    their disunity and inaction. Azerbaijan has not even been able to
    discuss energy with the major European countries -- France, UK, and
    Germany. And Hungary, Bulgaria, Austria, all Nabucco members, "are
    killing Nabucco" with their engagement with South Stream and separate
    deals with Gazprom. Although recent discussions with the Hungarian PM
    had been more positive, what Bulgaria and Hungary say to Azerbaijan
    and what they do doesn't track, Aliyev said. Europe had not responded
    to Azerbaijan's proposal to hold an Energy Summit or Ministerial, in
    Baku or in Brussels, with the Nabucco countries, Georgia and
    Turkmenistan. Azerbaijan, he emphasized, cannot fix the problem with

    6. (C) Turkey, Aliyev said, is also a problem. "Geography can be a
    disadvantage if it is misused." There has been no agreement on transit
    terms nor on a new sales price for Shah Deniz I gas, as required on
    April 15. As a result, Turkey is still paying around $100 (while
    prices in Europe are approaching $400) and is giving the impression it
    wants to continue to do so as long as possible. Turkey's
    "unacceptable" behavior is not strategic, but that "of the bazaar."
    Aliyev said he told Turkish President Gul in Kars that if Turkey
    insists on buying the major share of Shah Deniz II production it will
    make it impossible for Nabucco to be sanctioned, and Azerbaijan will
    have to look at other options if the situation continues.

    7. (C) Aliyev said he advised Gul to concentrate on buying gas from
    Turkmenistan, not Azerbaijan, utilizing Turkey's 1998 gas purchase
    agreement with Turkmenistan. "Gul had not thought about that before."
    Aliyev said this would be the best solution for Turkey's gas needs,
    and Azerbaijan can build the interconnector to join Azerbaijan's and
    Turkmenistan's infrastructure to transport the gas. He said that "your
    communication with Turkey -- to help them understand -- that this is
    in accord with our common interests," is key. Aliyev said he had not
    proposed that Azerbaijan finance and build Nabucco itself (as we
    understand President Saakashvili reported to DAS Brzya). COMMENT: We
    assume from Aliyev's comment that Saakashvili confused Aliyev's
    interest in building an Azerbaijan-Turkmenistan interconnector with
    building Nabucco itself. END COMMENT

    8. (C) Turkmenistan is "passive" and will not initiate a deal but "it
    has the resources and we can persuade them to respond," Aliyev said.
    This will be easier for Azerbaijan to do than for western countries to
    do. Turkmenistan needs "an excuse" for non-Russian gas sales vis a vis
    Russia and can defend a sale to Turkey as a bilateral matter.
    Berdimuhamedov, Aliyev noted, had offered to sell gas to Azerbaijan at
    the border, and sells gas to Iran and Russia at the border now. He has
    "no excuse" not to also sell to Turkey. But Berdimuhamedov does not
    want to initiate the deal, Aliyev repeated. "If we had guaranteed
    contracts with Nabucco we could purchase gas from Turkmenistan and
    sell it on, if Nabucco or Turkey does not want to do it." Gas purchase
    and sales agreements are needed now, but "no one in the group (of
    countries that should be interested in Nabucco) is doing anything," to
    advance them, Aliyev said. The failure to resolve transit terms with
    Turkey is a key part of the problem.

    9. (C) BP, Aliyev said with frustration, has reported it will reduce
    Shah Deniz I production this year. This "may be for technical reasons,
    maybe not," Aliyev said. BP has big interests in Russia and "perhaps
    has received a message from Russia." Russia's main objective in energy
    is to block Caspian energy from going west. If BP cuts production,
    this will mean less gas for Georgia, which Azerbaijan is currently
    providing at less than half the market price to show support for
    Georgia, he added.

    10. (C) "We do not see a strong commitment to this (Southern
    Corridor) project," Aliyev repeated. "Even with US support, we cannot
    do this on our own." Azerbaijan does not need to develop gas for
    Europe for economic reasons. Azerbaijan's revenues from gas will never
    parallel those it receives from oil. The 30-40 bcm it will soon have
    has a ready market in Russia, Georgia and Turkey. Russia has offered
    to buy all Azerbaijan's gas for Southstream, with an offer that from a
    purely commercial point of view is "acceptable." However, "the gas
    factor for us is not commercial." 11. (C) Concluding that the picture
    is "not very optimistic," Aliyev urged again that "we need a plan."
    This should include persuading Turkey or Nabucco to negotiate with
    Turkmenistan for gas supply, urging Turkey to see the bigger picture
    and "not block" Nabucco, securing Turkmenistan's agreement to sign a
    deal with Azerbaijan to build an interconnector, urging BP to act only
    as a commercial entity, and convincing the EU to "pay more attention
    to the Caspian -- displaying less skepticism and more unity."


    11. (S) Aliyev noted that bilateral cooperation on Iran is "much
    broader than what is seen," as it is on "all issues of the
    neighborhood." He said that it would be "very important to hear from
    you your expectations of us. We'll wait to hear from you."

    Democratic Reform

    12. (C) Aliyev confirmed that the OSCE would observe Azerbaijan's
    October elections and "can send as many observers as they want." The
    election campaign has begun and is proceeding "normally." Some
    opposition parties have announced a boycott; "this is just an excuse
    not to participate."

    13. (C) Highlighting the number of media outlets and publications in
    Azerbaijan as evidence that Azerbaijan "does not have restrictions on
    the media," Aliyev said information in the US on this issue "is not
    right." He said he was surprised to hear that at the recent Helsinki
    Commission hearings in Washington, it was reported that if someone in
    Azerbaijan criticized him, that person would be arrested. "This is
    provocation and disinformation ... I am criticized daily, and in ways
    that go beyond ethical rules." Those who criticize "are still walking"
    around Baku. Aliyev said he is trying to install the Internet in every
    school, and has no plans to limit it. A recent monitoring of Radio
    Liberty broadcasts, he maintained, showed 90 percent of the coverage
    was "critical of me" with limited opportunities for "our party" to
    respond. Radio Liberty's activity shows the level of media freedom.
    "They can reflect what they see, but we ask that they be objective,"
    Aliyev said.

    14. (C) "Insulting me personally is not fair or friendly," Aliyev
    said. Moreover, "we do not believe that the level of democracy in
    Azerbaijan is lower than that of any other country of the region." The
    "assumption" that democratic reform is weaker in Azerbaijan than in
    Georgia or Armenia "was always in the air in Washington, and the
    Secretary of State made it public recently," Aliyev noted. "It is a
    classification of democratic development we do not agree with and we
    cannot accept," especially in light of the crackdowns in Georgia and
    Armenia, including killings of protesters, closure of media outlets,
    arrests of oppositionists, and the declaration of state of emergency.
    "We never did anything like that and we are considered less

    15. (C) Aliyev also paraphrased Secretary Rice's recent comments in
    Prague about "oil rich dictatorships with 18th century systems
    enjoying only temporary success," which he said were made in response
    to a question about Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan. "These kinds of
    statements are not helpful; we do not understand why they are
    happening. They are not in line with our relations and they do not
    reflect Azerbaijan's realities." Major events in Georgia or Armenia
    draw little US criticism, while minor events in Azerbaijan draw major
    USG reactions, Aliyev said. Such statements also create a negative
    image of Azerbaijan. "CNN called me a dictator, but not Sargisian or
    Kocharian, and they killed people." People in Azerbaijan watch these
    reports and they raise questions. When they come from CNN or Radio
    Liberty people think they reflect the USG's views. It is one thing for
    NGO's to criticize, another thing for the State Department to do so,
    Aliyev said.


    16. (C) Although clearly pleased at the prospect of the visit, Aliyev
    was frustrated in his comments on energy, NK, and Azerbaijan's
    democratic development, all difficult issues at present for him. His
    direct "request and expectation" that the USG push Armenia for a
    solution on Nagorno Karabakh consistent with international norms and
    standards reflects the hard line he has taken publicly and privately
    since the March UNGA vote that any solution on NK must preserve
    Azerbaijan's territorial integrity. On energy/Nabucco, he remains very
    unhappy with what he sees as European and BP foot-dragging and
    duplicity, and Turkish intransigence. Clearly at a loss as to what
    more Azerbaijan can do, he continues to seek greater support from the
    USG to secure cooperation from Turkey, the EU and BP. Finally, Aliyev
    continues to seek an explanation for public comments contrasting
    Azerbaijan unfavorably with its neighbors on democratic reform. DERSE
