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Reminder: Netanyahu is responsible for Lieberman

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  • Reminder: Netanyahu is responsible for Lieberman

    Saturday, September 10 2011
    by Yossi Gurvitz

    Reminder: Netanyahu is responsible for Lieberman

    The fact that Lieberman is still the Foreign Minister shows Netanyahu
    puts own interests ahead of the country's.

    The most urgent political demand in Israel is the removal of Avigdor
    Lieberman from his position as foreign minister. Not the most original
    insight, I know, but it has to be said again.

    Two days ago, Lieberman leaked his new plan for retaliation against
    Turkey, which he claimed was the brainchild of senior Foreign Office
    officials. The plan included promoting information about the Armenian
    genocide, and military support of the PKK, a Kurdish militia which
    carried terror attacks against Turkish civilians (as well as military
    targets), and is considered a terror organization by the US and the
    European Union.

    What can I say? Pure genius. The idea of fighting Turkish denial of
    the Armenian genocide is enough to make you vomit. I doubt there is
    any country in the world, Turkey aside, who did so much to deny it as
    Israel did. Israel's Turkish interest led to 30 years of official
    denial. When former Education Minister Yossi Sarid dared to speak the
    verboten words, he was attacked by the security apparatus. When an
    Israeli Armenian was chosen to light one of the flares at the
    Independence Day ceremony, some 15 years back, she was under
    tremendous pressure not to mention the events early Hebrew journalist
    Itamar Ben Avi published, which Ambassador Morgenthau tried to
    prevent, which Franz Werfel immortalized and which gave Raphael Lemkin
    the concept of genocide. If to deny a holocaust is to be a partner in
    it, Israel is Turkey's main accomplice.

    The rapid change in Israel's position is particularly repellent:
    Suddenly, it reverses course and adopts the historical truth - for its
    own purposes, of course, and after it made every effort to deny it and
    made the Jewish-American establishment do the same. One can imagine a
    new regime in Ankara, a more friendly one, may make Israel speedily
    change its position on the events of 1915-1916. George Bernard Shaw
    said all that needs to be said about such behavior; Israel is merely
    bargaining for a better price.

    The suggestion that Israel supply the PKK with arms is too delusional
    to debate seriously. Just thinking of our agents getting caught
    red-handed delivering explosives meant to blow up Turks, a casus belli
    against a NATO nation, is enough to make you shiver. What does it say
    about a country, whose foreign minister comes up with such
    suggestions? I guess we should consider ourselves lucky Lieberman
    didn't publicly advocate bombing Ankara.

    FO officials angrily denied (Hebrew) that they made such suggestions.
    According to them, and they seem far more believable than Lieberman,
    they suggested ways to put out the flames. Generally, I think that
    officials who attack their elected ministers ought to resign, but
    Lieberman managed to bring about an hitherto unimaginable position:
    Officials having to defend themselves from being libeled by their

    Lieberman, and this is not much of a secret, does not really act as a
    foreign minister. He skips important meetings - for instance, he
    wasn't present in the urgent meeting called by Netanyahu after the
    Turks sent the Israeli ambassador home. And he spends much of his time
    in his homeland, Moldavia, or in Belarus. Well, if he misses home so
    much, shouldn't he relieve himself of the burdensome offices he took
    upon himself?

    The problem, however, is not Lieberman. Or, more precisely, not just
    Lieberman. The real problem is the prime minister, who does not rein
    him in. Netanyahu does not dare to treat Lieberman as he treats his
    Likud rival Silvan Shalom, who may have been a caricature of a foreign
    minister, but, although he was certainly useless, caused little if any
    damage. The reason is, of course, is Shalom can't bring Netanyahu's
    government down, while Lieberman can. The best Netanyahu can do is say
    he does not support Lieberman's policy. Which is to say, Netanyahu is
    selling Israel's long-term interests for his personal survival in
    power. The responsibility for Lieberman's behavior lies with the man
    who appointed him and who can fire him at any time, but refrains from
    doing so for his own selfish reasons.

    Not, again, that this is a new insight; but people ought to be
    reminded of it from time to time.
