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NKR: Ruben Zargarian: More And More Foreign Citizens Visit Karabakh

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  • NKR: Ruben Zargarian: More And More Foreign Citizens Visit Karabakh

    RUBEN ZARGARIAN: MORE AND MORE FOREIGN CITIZENS VISIT KARABAKH AND SPREAD THE TRUTH ABOUT THE COUNTRY ALL OVER THE WORLD uben-zargarian-more-and-more-foreign-citizens-visit-karabakh-and-spread-the-truth-about-the-country-all-over-the-world-&catid=1:all&Itemid=1
    Tuesday, 13 September 2011 09:13

    "The destructive policy of Baku administration is trite in its
    aggressiveness. They in Baku sometimes call for shooting down civil
    aircrafts, sometimes declare jihad against the NKR, sometimes occupy
    and annex two border-line Russian villages, sometimes set secretly
    the USA against Russia and the contrary", stated in his interview to
    the Candidate of Historical Sciences, Advisor to the
    Foreign Minister of the Nagorno Karabakh Republic Ruben Zargarian.

    "Baku's administration is itching to prohibit somebody from doing
    something, especially in the territories of the adjoining independent
    states. It feels hurt that nobody asks it how to live, where to go,
    and what to write. They in Baku are currently keen on making black
    lists for those journalists, political figures, and experts who
    visited the NKR.

    With its furious PR-protests against journalists' activities in
    the Nagorno Karabakh Republic, Baku's administration just draws the
    attention of the international community to the NKR achievements and
    balanced foreign policy, as well as demonstrates the poor level of
    Azerbaijan's political culture. More and more foreign citizens visit
    the NKR and spread the truth about the country all over the world. The
    Nagorno Karabakh Republic is accepted by sensible people as an organic
    part of the civilized international community and a significant
    factor of struggle against the international terrorism. Recently,
    many experts and journalists have written that it is Azerbaijan that
    breaks the negotiation process on the Azerbaijani-Karabakh conflict
    settlement", stated the expert.

    From: A. Papazian