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The Heritage Party Expresses Its Concerns Over Several Unacceptable

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  • The Heritage Party Expresses Its Concerns Over Several Unacceptable


    15:31, September 14, 2011

    To: Mr. Dick Marty

    Chairperson, PACE Monitoring Committee

    Ms. Josette Durrieu

    First Vice-Chairperson

    Mr. Pedro Agramunt Fond de Mora

    Second Vice-Chairperson

    Ms. Karin S. Woldseth

    Third Vice-Chairperson

    PACE Monitoring Committee members

    Dear Colleagues,

    The Heritage Party has always highly appreciated the activities of the
    Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe and its Monitoring
    Committee in supporting democracy and human rights inArmenia. We
    also do realize that no matter how hardArmenia's civil society and
    democratic opposition work no democratic reforms would be carried out
    inArmeniawithout the consistent support of the Council of Europe and
    its Parliamentary Assembly.

    However, the Heritage Party has always encouraged our PACE colleagues
    to apply the highest European standards towardsArmenia: this is the
    only way to overcome attempts of imitation instead of genuine reforms.

    Recently, the Armenian public learned about the draft resolution
    called "The Functioning of Democratic Institutions inArmenia,"
    prepared by PACE Monitoring Committee co-rapporteurs John Prescott
    and Axel Fischer, to be adopted by the PACE.

    While sharing many of the co-rapporteurs' concerns as well as the
    priorities set for the democratic development of Armenia, such as
    the conduct of genuinely free and fair elections, preventing the
    March 2008 events from happening in the future, and the necessity to
    include all the political forces in the process aimed at alleviating
    the political tension, the Heritage Party, however, expresses its
    concerns over several unacceptable and dangerous provisions contained
    in the draft which cast a shadow upon the entire spirit and the main
    goal of the document. In this respect, we would like to draw your
    attention to the following observations:

    1.The draft resolution welcomes the "renewed impetus" given by the
    President of Armenia in investigating the 1 March 2008 deaths and calls
    for publication of a final--or at least an interim--report before the
    end of 2011. We still do not believe that the incumbent authorities
    are going to investigate the March 2008 deaths unless Serzh Sargsyan
    restores the Fact-finding Group, formed from the experts appointed
    by the ruling coalition, parliamentary and extra-parliamentary
    opposition and which, unlike the law-enforcement agencies, had worked
    effectively, leaving aside the need for engaging international experts
    in the process, something that has continually been demanded by the
    opposition, including the Heritage Party.

    Besides, Provision 11 of the draft, which says that "the Assembly
    considers that the outcome of the latest general amnesty, the renewed
    impetus to investigate the 10 deaths during the March 2008 events, and
    the resulting start of a constructive dialogue between the opposition
    and the ruling coalition meant that the chapter on the March 2008
    events can finally be considered closed" is entirely unacceptable
    to us. Basic logic dictates that this page can be closed only after
    those responsible for the 10 deaths are revealed and not as a result
    of the above-mentioned activities.

    2.We voice our concern over the co-rapporteurs' positive assessment
    of the new election code: the code was drafted in violation of PACE
    Resolutions 1609 and 1677 and adopted without taking into consideration
    the key proposals of the parliamentary opposition.

    What's more, the Assembly calls upon all political forces "to actively
    contribute to a democratic election process and to refrain from any
    action or statements that could undermine the public trust in the
    election process and its outcome." The recent application of the
    Election Code has already demonstrated that the authorities have
    chosen the way of jeopardizing the legitimacy of the elections:
    the transparency of the process is endangered and the public
    trust undermined by the mere fact that former or new members of all
    parliamentary political parties except the opposition Heritage party
    were included in the Central Electoral Commission and the district
    electoral commissions.

    Dear colleagues,

    The co-rapporteurs call on the Assembly to "welcome the close and
    constructive cooperation between the Assembly and the Armenian
    authorities" that can be considered to be "an example for the
    development of cooperation in the framework of the Monitoring
    Procedure of the Assembly." We would like to add that the ignoring
    of the Armenian opposition forces' opinions by the PACE Monitoring
    Committee may serve as a perfect example of how the relations between
    the PACE and the opposition of any country SHOULD NOT be. We hope
    that that the Assembly will change this negative tradition of ignoring
    the opposition by the PACE co-rapporteurs and, by taking into account
    these observations, would make necessary changes in the final version
    of the resolution onArmenia.

    Styopa Safaryan

    Leader of the Heritage Party faction in the National Assembly

    Zaruhi Postanjyan

    Heritage Party representative in the Armenian delegation to PACE
