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A House Built By Chipmunks

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  • A House Built By Chipmunks

    By Nancy Kates,
    September 12, 2011

    The Chipmunks creators' home sits on a lush eight acres that overlooks
    the Pacific Ocean.

    Photo: Ethan Pines for The Wall Street Journal

    Ross Bagdasarian Jr. didn't plan to build his career on furry cartoon
    creatures with high-pitched singing voices. But when his father died
    unexpectedly in 1972, the law-school graduate said he felt compelled
    to revive "Alvin and the Chipmunks," the franchise that had been his
    dad's life's work.

    The decision was amply rewarded. After a hit television show, records
    and two commercially successful movies featuring Alvin, Simon and
    Theodore belting out squeaky covers of contemporary pop hits, the
    chipmunks are now a billion-dollar empire. Mr. Bagdasarian, 62, lives
    with his wife and collaborator, Janice Karman, in a 10,000-square-foot
    peachy pink stucco Mediterranean style house on a terraced green hill
    overlooking the ocean in Montecito, CA. "For us, building this house
    gave us the opportunity to do something really the way we wanted to
    see it," he said.

    See Slideshow: 'Chipmunks' Estate

    Brightly colored and carefully manicured, the home's exterior almost
    looks like a house in a Disney movie: painted orange stone corbels
    surrounding turquoise doors and windows and clay-red roof tiles. The
    swimming pool is surrounded by huge boulders with a waterfall
    flowing into it; the property is loaded with pink bougainvillea,
    purple jacarandas and lots of lemon, lime and orange trees.

    The blue swimming pool is surrounded by boulders and a lovely

    Photo: Ethan Pines for The Wall Street Journal

    Inside, the five-bedroom home is decorated with whitewashed and
    bleached barnyard floors, sisal rugs, antique English furniture and
    crystal chandeliers. A common theme is flowers: They're carved on the
    limestone fireplace mantles, sculpted in the wrought iron frame of
    the glass-topped coffee table and stitched on the fabric of the sofas,
    chairs and curtains. Ms. Karman said she started loving flowers when
    she discovered a sole morning glory outside the Culver City housing
    project where she grew up.

    The other theme, naturally, is the Chipmunks, who are the stars of
    the property's two-story office and pool house. In one room, Mr.

    Bagdasarian has recreated his father's office, with his father's
    desk, chair and clock. The shelves are filled with Alvin and the
    Chipmunks paraphernalia, from lunch boxes to marionettes, inflatable
    swimming rings, Halloween masks and boots, spanning from the 1950s
    to the present.

    Cabinets display thier collection of teapots covered with roses.

    Photo: Ethan Pines for The Wall Street Journal

    He said the room is a tribute to his father's work; he himself works
    downstairs, in a room kept purposely dark behind closed blinds. He
    calls it "my zone." "I like to work in this atmosphere. I can
    concentrate better."

    In 1958, Mr. Bagdasarian's father wrote his hit "The Chipmunk Song,"
    speeding up his own voice to create the three characters. He won three
    Grammy awards, and the Chipmunks briefly starred in a television show
    in the early 1960s. But by the time Mr. Bagdasarian Sr. passed away,
    in 1972, he had retired the franchise.

    The younger Mr. Bagdasarian, who met Ms. Karman in 1975 in a
    health-food restaurant, convinced her to help him revive the
    Chipmunks. In 1981, the couple produced a television show with the
    characters, which led to a weekly television show in 1983.

    Working long hours, they decided they wanted a weekend place away from
    Los Angeles. In 1984 they bought eight acres in Montecito for about
    $1.4 million and Ms. Karman set to work sketching her ideas, modeling
    it loosely on the homes they'd seen in Provence. The house ultimately
    took five years and about $10 million to build. (A nine-bedroom home
    on four acres nearby is currently for sale for $29.5 million.)

    Flowers are a common theme: they're stitched on sofas, chairs and

    Photo: Ethan Pines for The Wall Street Journal

    The couple enjoyed their Montecito house so much they decided to live
    there full-time; they stay in hotel rooms in Los Angeles, 92 miles
    away, a couple of days a week. Their film "Alvin and the Chipmunks"
    was released in 2007; it grossed more than $360 million world-wide.

    "Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Squeakquel" grossed more than $450
    million. The couple is currently working on the third film, "Alvin
    and the Chipmunks: Chip-Wrecked," due out in December.

    Now that their two real children have left home, Mr. Bagdasarian and
    Ms. Karman they say they may remodel the interior. But the eternal
    children of the house, the Chipmunks, aren't going anywhere. "We think
    of them as kids, not as cartoon characters," said Ms. Karman. Vanessa
    Bagdasarian, 25, their daughter, confirms this. "They were always
    the more successful siblings," she said.
