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Education: EUCOM, USACE Team Up To Deliver Kindergarten To Armenian

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  • Education: EUCOM, USACE Team Up To Deliver Kindergarten To Armenian


    States News Service
    September 12, 2011 Monday

    The following information was released by the United States European

    By Rachel Goodspeed, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Europe District

    It has been 53 years since the tragic flight and crash of a U.S. Air
    Force C-130 just north of here in Armenia.

    Since Sept. 2, 1958, the people of this small, rural village have
    commemorated the memory of the 17 U.S. Airmen who died that day,
    said Aragatsotn province Governor Sargis Sahakyan.

    Following a solemn memorial with the local community, U.S. and
    Armenian officials gathered together at the local kindergarten
    for a ribbon-cutting ceremony opening its newly-renovated doors to
    Sasnashen's children.

    "Three years ago, we asked the mayor if there were any issues we might
    be able to assist him with," said Col. D. Peter Helmlinger, U.S. Army
    Corps of Engineers Europe District commander. "His immediate response
    was, 'We need better school conditions for our children.'"

    And better school conditions he got. The $425,000 renovation project,
    funded by the U.S. European Command and managed by the USACE Europe
    District in collaboration with the U.S. Embassy Office of Defense
    Cooperation, provided a complete overhaul to kindergarten. The Armenian
    branch of World Vision International provided all new furnishings
    for the kindergarten.

    "It's a big celebration for our community today -- we are opening the
    kindergarten," said Sasnashen Mayor Andranik Shomyan. "Traditionally,
    our community has had a high level of education. Now that we have
    these new facilities, I believe that the quality of education will
    get even better."

    And quality education is something both countries have strived to
    deliver to their communities, Helmlinger said.

    "This village is no different than any other village or town in the
    world," he said. "All parents place a high importance on education
    for their children. We are happy to support your community in your
    efforts to provide a brighter future for your children."

    As Helmlinger handed over a traditional USACE key plaque to commemorate
    the occasion, he also thanked Shomyan for his efforts in bringing
    the project to fruition.

    "Thank you for your strong support," he said. "We were able to
    procure the money for this renovation, but without your hard work
    and dedication, this project would never have happened."

    It was in 2009 on the 51st anniversary of the tragedy that the ODC
    announced the funding to repair and refurbish Sasnashen's kindergarten.

    "Completion of this Office of Defense Cooperation repair project will
    help show our appreciation to the villagers who have continued to
    bring honor to the memory of those servicemen who perished here in
    the line of duty over 50 years ago," said then-Defense Attache Lt. Col.

    Robert Webster.

    Additionally, the kindergarten provided more than just an educational
    facility to the local community. The project also provided an
    opportunity for local contractors to become familiar with U.S.

    construction procedures and U.S. military members to learn Armenia's
    processes, Helmlinger said.

    "[This project] provided job for members of the community and a
    unique opportunity for U.S. military forces to become acquainted
    with local construction procedures," he said. "This not only improves
    construction techniques on this project, but on all future projects
    with [the contractor] CESCO."

    Including the kindergarten, so far roughly $1.2 million has been
    invested in the country's health and educational facilities this year.

    According to the ODC, this investment by the Defense Department
    improves the lives of Armenians through access to better health care
    and education, which in turn leads to a stronger partnership.

    "Thanks to all of our guests," Shomyan said to the U.S. delegation.

    "The doors of my house are always open. We are ready to welcome you
    any year, any time. Our relationship is to the point where we owe
    that respect towards each other. Thank you very much."
