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Group Can Stay Though Genocide Museum Plan Fell Apart

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  • Group Can Stay Though Genocide Museum Plan Fell Apart

    By Matt Reynolds

    Courthouse News Service
    Sept 14 2011

    (CN) - The Armenian Assembly of America can stay in a downtown
    Washington, D.C., building meant to house a contentious, and now
    defunct, Armenian Genocide museum and memorial project, a federal
    judge ruled.

    Earlier this year, the court ruled that the failure to develop the
    property into a museum by the Dec. 31, 2010, deadline triggered the
    reversion clause of an 11-page grant agreement between the Cafesjian
    Family Foundation and the Armenian Assembly of America.

    U.S. District Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly largely dismissed a series
    of claims and counterclaims between the assembly and two former board
    members after a 12-day bench trial in November.

    The reversion clause required the assembly to transfer all properties
    associated with the project over to one of the defendants, Gerard
    Cafesjian, according to the court.

    Cafesjian helped purchase a building for an Armenian Genocide
    museum and memorial, conceived in the late 1990s, and also bought
    four properties adjacent to the building, which he later donated to
    expand the project.

    Cafesjian also assisted in the formation of Armenian Genocide Museum
    and Memorial Inc. (AGM&M) but distanced himself from the nonprofit's
    board after it failed to reach consensus on how to complete the museum.

    Cafesjian handpicked John Waters, the other defendant, as his successor
    on the board. But after Cafesjian sued the assembly for payment of
    an unpaid promissory note, the board excluded Waters from further
    participation in the project.

    "This resulted in a series of lawsuits filed by the parties fighting
    for control of AGM&M and alleging mismanagement of the corporation,"
    the court said. "The three other AGM&M trustees attempted to move
    forward with the project without Waters's involvement, but they were
    unable to raise the funds necessary to implement a development plan."

    After Kollar-Kotelly upheld the validity of the reversion clause,
    Cafesjian asked the assembly and Armenian National Institute to vacate
    one of the buildings he purchased: the Families U.S.A. Building.

    When the assembly refused, arguing that it held a valid leasehold
    to the property, Cafesjian asked the court to void that leasehold
    interest under the reversion clause.

    But Kollar-Kotelly noted Monday that the court had already found that
    the lease did not violate the grant agreement.

    "Defendants have assumed without discussion that the reversion clause
    in the grant agreement created a defeasible estate," according to the
    13-page opinion. "However, based on the structure of the transactions
    through which AGM&M acquired title, the court cannot conclude that
    AGM&M's interest in the property was defeasible by CFF's exercise of
    the reversion clause."

    Kollar-Kotelly conceded to the defendants' basic proposition that the
    assembly's leasehold interest would have been extinguished when AGM&M
    transferred the property to the Cafesjian Family Foundation if AGM&M's
    property interest in the Families U.S.A. building was defeasible.

    Neither Cafesjian nor his foundation, however, ever held a "direct
    interest" in the Families U.S.A. building or other adjacent properties
    after they were conveyed to AGM&M by third-party sellers, according
    to the court.

    Thus, Cafesjian and the foundation did not "retain a reversionary
    interest in the properties," Kollar-Kotelly said.

    "At most, Cafesjian and CFF could have an executory interest in
    the properties," she wrote. "However, any defeasible fee interest
    subject to an executory interest would have to be created by deed
    under D.C. law."

    Kollar-Kotelly stated that the deed conveying title of the building
    to AGM&M made "no reference to any conditions that would make the
    fee interest defeasible."

    "Therefore, AGM&M took a fee simple absolute interest in the Families
    U.S.A. building, and that interest was transferred, not extinguished,
    when CFF exercised its rights under the reversion clause in the grant
    agreement," the decision states. "Accordingly, the leasehold interest
    conveyed by AGM&M to the Assembly is also transferred."

    The court also denied Cafesjian's motion for attorneys' fees for
    vexatious litigation.
