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EU's Eastern Partnership - East Of Europe, West Of Russia

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  • EU's Eastern Partnership - East Of Europe, West Of Russia

    Sept 14 2011

    EU's Eastern Partnership - East of Europe, West of Russia

    The initiative of the European Union for political and economic
    rapprochement with the six former Soviet republics - Armenia,
    Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine - will be revived
    at a forthcoming summit, scheduled for the 29th and 30th of September,
    under the auspices of the Polish EU Presidency. The so-called Eastern
    Partnership comes back on the agenda of European leaders after two
    years of a standstill, during which the focus of Europe was directed
    entirely at overcoming the global financial and economic crisis,
    the crisis in the euro area and the Arab Spring.

    These large-scale turbulences within Europe and beyond should
    be considered in a broader context, including the EU's immediate
    neighbourhood in Eastern Europe and South Caucasus as part of the
    European Neighbourhood Policy. It is about time for Europe to assess
    the Eastern Partnership, to take account of the achievements and the
    shortcomings of the policy and reaffirm the common goals between the
    EU and the six. Although the meeting was scheduled to take place much
    earlier, given the busy EU calendar, it has been constantly delayed.

    Finally, a meeting was scheduled to take place last spring by the
    Hungarian Presidency but was again postponed until this year's steady
    decision for a September summit.

    EU and the six

    Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine are
    different in their political, economic and geographical specifics
    but they are all united in their common history in the shadow of the
    Soviet Union and its totalitarian heritage. Healing the Soviet past
    has proven difficult and slow at present times. From a historical
    perspective, after the final collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991,
    Europe became a legal political alternative for all countries that
    stood behind the Iron Curtain, including the six post-soviet states.

    In 1993 the EU committed to a concrete promise for future membership
    of those Central and Eastern Europe countries that met the high
    criteria of Western democracy and economic liberalisation. In 2004, the
    Europeans under the heading "front runners" became EU members first,
    in 2007 the slower reformers, categorised as "backlaggers" - Bulgarians
    and Romanians, were also accepted. For the six former Soviet republics,
    however, the promise of a future EU membership is still missing.

    In the case of the Eastern Partnership, the European Union appears
    again as a patron of western democratic values promoted by similar
    legal instruments of "soft power", "shaming " and "carrot and stick"
    /financial assistance and sanctions/, applied to the countries of
    Central and Eastern Europe, but with considerably less vigour, no
    big promises and a much later start. The EU signed agreements for
    partnership and cooperation with Eastern Europe and South Caucasus
    after the mid-nineties. Subsequently, these partnerships have been
    united under the umbrella of the Neighbourhood Policy of the EU in
    2004. A few years later the European Neighbourhood Policy has been
    expanded to include new initiatives - the Union for the Mediterranean
    /re-signed in Paris, July 2008/ and the Eastern Partnership /Prague,
    May 2009/.

    As a text, the relatively new initiative of the Eastern Partnership
    sounds quite ambitious with the idea for real democratic reforms;
    functioning civil society and laws; respect for human rights;
    transparent government; a real market economy and sustainable
    development of the six post-Soviet states. In reality, its achievements
    in the region are controversial. The policy is based on the so called
    "Action Plans" built accordingly to the characteristics of each of
    the participants, the European Neighbourhood Partnership Instrument
    /ENPI/, as well as appropriate mechanisms for assessing progress on
    the reforms in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and
    Ukraine based on EU's conditions.

    Europe's promises are set forth in the revised Neighbourhood Policy
    under the slogan "more for more" or - more democratic and liberal
    reforms for more advantages in trade and visa regimes with the EU,
    as well as increased financial support for the national, cultural,
    research and civil institutions of the countries.

    However, pragmatically speaking, the overall objectives of the EU and
    its Eastern partners are political and energy security, mobility,
    integration of transport and energy networks, a common market and
    sustainable development. Unsurprisingly, the factor much responsible
    for success or failure, balances or imbalances in the European
    Neighbourhood Policy is Russia. After the historic transformation of
    1991 and the collapse of the USSR, the country is still characterised
    as the opposite of the European values for democratic governance,
    but is also deemed a strategic partner of the Union, when it comes
    to pragmatism and, in particular, energy cooperation and trade of
    raw materials.

    Moscow's attitude towards the Eastern European initiative is
    as controversial as is EU's approach towards Russia. The initial
    reaction of Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov was to accuse the
    EU of blackmailing and exercising political pressure on Belarus, the
    country which otherwise would have supported the recognition of South
    Ossetia's and Abkhazia's independence, following the military conflict
    in 2008, when Russia invaded with its army the Georgian territory.

    However, several days after his speech, the Russian minister preferred
    a more pragmatic stance by stating that the possibility of Russia's
    participation in the Eastern Partnership programme should not be
    ruled out.

    Russia and the six

    In its management of the Eastern Partnership, the EU has been
    continually led by the difficult relations with Russia, which is
    particularly sensitive to its "near abroad", as the country still
    refers to its neighbours. That is precisely why the relationship
    between Moscow and the six post-soviet states is so decisive. In
    March last year, Russia was surprisingly betrayed in the Georgian
    conflict by the country, which traditionally has a strong connection
    with Kremlin and to this day is still not a member of the Council of
    Europe - Belarus.

    Despite Belarus' gesture to the EU to refrain from recognising
    the independence of the disputed territories, seceded from Georgia
    with the Russian military intervention, the authoritarian regime
    of President Lukashenko is in strong dissonance with the Charter
    of Human Rights. The EU, except for its frequent criticism for
    the lack of democracy, human rights and freedoms in the country,
    has decided on visa bans for the Belorussian political elite and
    President Lukashenko himself in 2006, due to the violent repression
    of the regime against its political opponents. The visa bans have
    been reaffirmed by Brussels in January 2011 after the authorities in
    Belarus violently broke up the protests against the fourth victory
    of Lukashenko in the December 2010 elections.

    Despite the diplomatic scandal, Belarus remains a key factor for
    EU's energy policy as a fifth of the Russian gas to Europe passes
    through its territory. From this perspective Belarus can afford to
    circumvent EU rules but also to manoeuvre against Russia. The other
    smouldering conflict, raging from the early nineties in the region,
    is between Armenia and Azerbaijan over the disputed territory of
    Nagorno-Karabakh. Despite Armenia's victory in '94, the violent feud
    between the two countries is far from over. In 2010, Azerbaijani
    President Ilham Aliyev has threatened with a new war the Armenians in
    at least nine of his speeches, wrote The Economist in March, and the
    conflict after its "end" has taken the lives of another 3,000 victims.

    The EU is a crucial factor for stability in the region as it has agreed
    in 2006 with Azerbaijan, the richest country in Southern Caucasus
    with significant deposits of natural gas and oil, a Memorandum of
    Understanding for energy cooperation.

    Unlike Azerbaijan and Belarus, the states with a more "European"
    orientation are Georgia, Armenia, Moldova and Ukraine. The four
    are considered more or less democratic and their relations with the
    EU report evolution and deepening of the integration process - the
    plans are to establish a deep and comprehensive free trade area and
    liberalisation of visa regimes with the EU in the near future.

    Ukraine is also a key actor regarding the stability sought by the EU
    in the region since a large part of the Russian pipelines to Europe
    pass through its territory. The country has almost successfully
    reached a relatively high degree of European integration. However,
    the last presidential elections, won by Viktor Yanukovych, have
    again put Ukraine in a "floating" zone - east of Europe and west of
    Russia. In April, the Ukrainian President warmed up relations with
    Kremlin after the gas crisis of 2009, by allowing the Russian side
    to keep a fleet on the Crimean Peninsula until the year of 2042 in
    exchange of cheaper gas.

    The arrest of Yulia Tymoshenko and the non-transparent process against
    the former pro-European Prime Minister of Ukraine have led to Europe's
    critique. Recent events in Ukraine, considered the "best performer" in
    European integration, however, show how fragile the political balance
    is and how unpredictably the wind blows to the east of Europe. With
    the upcoming revival of the Eastern Partnership under the auspices of
    Poland, which as a neighbour is strongly interested in the political
    stability, sustainable development and integration of region with the
    EU, we will be expecting with curiosity the evaluation of the Eastern
    dimension of the European Neighbourhood Policy and the positions of
    European leaders regarding Europe's East. A region as important as
    what is happening in the South.

    euinside will follow the summit between the EU and the Eastern
    Partnership countries in a special subject that we will soon open. We
    will provide you with various opinions on the occasion of the meeting
    in the upcoming days and weeks.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress