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Serzh Sargsyan Hosted A Reception Dedicated To The 20th Anniversary

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  • Serzh Sargsyan Hosted A Reception Dedicated To The 20th Anniversary



    Presidential Update: 2011-09-16 00:33:17 (GMT +04:00)

    President Serzh Sargsyan hosted a reception on September 14 dedicated
    to the 20th anniversary of the Armenian Independence at the Sartarabat
    Battle Memorial, presidential press service reported. The reception
    was attended by the representatives of the RA Justice system, law
    enforcement bodies and diplomats. The President congratulated the
    invitees on Independence Day and wished them success.

    "I congratulate us all on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of
    independence of the Republic of Armenia. It's a magnificent holiday.

    It is also a solemn occasion to reckon over our twenty-year long
    journey, tasks before us and our vision of the future. The gist of
    the day is our ability to pass on to the generations values and legacy
    which were left to us by those who had created, defended and nurtured
    a free and independent Armenia with their sweat and blood. This is
    a home to over three millions Armenian citizens. This is a home to
    the millions of Armenians spread all over the world. This is a home
    where our children will live and enjoy their share of happiness. This
    is a land which will prosper, thrive and advance toward eternity
    through their hard work. An independence, which we got not by a
    whim of fortune but first of all by rekindling the undying fire
    of our forefathers' dream of a free and independent Armenia. We
    got it through our confidence that justice would prevail. We got it
    through the irresistible call of endurance and self-sacrifice of our
    grandfathers and fathers, which reached us through the everlasting
    witnesses of heroism and dream - every bit of our land and every drop
    of our water, every piece of our sky and every beam of light which
    warms us. We earned our independence and proved to us and to the world
    that we have the right to live on our own land as we deem right, with
    our values. We proved it first of all by the victories of our army.

    The army which was born on the battlefield and passing through the
    crucible of war has become a sturdy shield and steadfast pillar of our
    statehood. Becoming even more powerful and more potent, the Armenian
    Army today has not only become a safeguard of the safe and creative
    life for the citizens of Armenia, but also a watchful guarantor of
    the regional peace and security. The Army is ready to rise against
    any external threat to our independence - on our borders, on the
    agressor's territory, or anywhere else. That's our Army today.

    Armenian Soldiers and Commanders! Officers!

    This is an army whose soldier on the battlefield not only defends
    but also becomes a citizen of the country. "Soldier is a soldier only
    when he thinks in terms of state," - that's the lesson of the knight
    of the late last century, the National Hero of Armenia and Artsakh
    Monte, who preferred the title of a soldier to all others.

    A soldier, who thinks in terms of state, who is well-educated and
    disciplined and his high morale is the earnest of the combat readiness
    of our Army.

    The Armenian soldier is rightfully the safeguard of our freedom and
    our independence.

    However, the life and safety of our troops greatly depend also on
    the efficient work of our diplomats.

    We are ready to pay for the regional peace and stability with the
    efforts of our diplomats, preserving life and health of each and
    every of our border troops.

    Thousands of troops have returned safe and sound to their families
    thanks to many sleepless nights and hard work of our diplomats abroad.

    We value diplomatic victories as much as we value victories on the

    We also highly value the work of the National security bodies in
    conquering challenges that face our country. The people, who are
    seemingly far from the front lines, nevertheless are doing a difficult
    and singular work. Their services are an important and dependable
    component of the safety of the people, security of the state and
    normal life of our society.

    On this momentous day in the Armenian history, I would like to
    highlight the significance of the formation of the rule of law.

    And now when in the spring of its life, our state celebrates its 20th
    independent fall, I would like to put on record an achievement which
    is unprecedented and not of human making.

    That achievement is the citizen of the Republic of Armenia.

    The citizen of Armenia does not only enjoy the right to live by his
    own law but he himself creates and adopts these laws, he himself
    defines the borders of his rights.

    Today, in the Motherland of all Armenians we tell each and every one
    of our compatriots, "Armenia - it is also you". You have earned that
    right not only by your blood, but also by your love for Armenia,
    your dedication and sense of responsibility", the President said.
