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ANKARA: Turkey-Israel Tension: High Stakes For US

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  • ANKARA: Turkey-Israel Tension: High Stakes For US

    by ALİ H. ASLAN

    Today's Zaman
    Sept 15 2011

    Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan recently said Israel is acting
    like a "spoiled child." From the US government's perspective, however,
    Turkey and Israel are both looking like spoiled children lately.

    Israel has refused to apologize for the terrible actions of its
    military when they killed nine Turkish civilians during the Mavi
    Marmara raid. And Turkey seems to be more than ready for a fight.

    Seriously? Is this high school or something?

    Being Turkey and Israel's big brother in the region, the US is likely
    to suffer from a further escalation of this conflict, perhaps even
    more than the actual disputing parties. The Americans are working hard
    to ease the tension but neither party is showing signs of backing off.

    The world has turned upside down for the US in the Middle East due
    to the Iraq war and the Arab Spring. This Turkey-Israel conflict is
    just the latest glitch.

    For decades, the US has relied on its allies to continue its
    dominance in the region, with little or no interest in whether
    they are democratic or autocratic. Not only Israel's controversial
    military actions but the democratic shortcomings of Saudi Arabia,
    Egypt and pre-revolution Iran were also often overlooked. However,
    Americans dealt with conflicts between its allies more thoroughly. The
    Egypt-Israel peace treaty of 1979 was so valuable for the US that
    billions of US tax dollars were allocated with ease. Had Turkey not
    been more economically and democratically sound as it is now -- and the
    US not as broke -- Washington might have offered similar incentives.

    Followed by a series of disappointments, reactions and denials since
    the early 2000s, the US has finally come to realize that a relatively
    independent Turkey could actually be useful. When Turkey does not look
    like a total US satellite, the region, especially its people, trusts
    Ankara better. A popular Turkey that keeps its communication channels
    open with Washington is expected to smooth things out. Engagement with
    Ankara helps the Obama administration "lead" regional developments
    "from behind" -- as well as keep an eye on Turkey. Given its
    geostrategic, military, economic and democratic assets, Turkey is
    a shining star that is very valuable to US interests. Hence, there
    is a lot of concern in Washington when Ankara tries to test its US
    friendship with a conflict with Israel, another indispensable friend.

    At the end of the day, I don't expect the Obama administration to pick
    clear sides between Turkey and Israel. America, along with Israel,
    will certainly be lobbying against the Palestinian bid for statehood
    at the upcoming UN General Assembly, which Turkey vigorously supports.

    Despite upcoming presidential elections, where Jewish Americans are
    an important factor, the White House is not likely to go too hard on
    Turkey. The clear choice of the US Congress, however, is Israel, thanks
    to some very powerful lobbying mechanisms there. Lifting the blockade
    on Gaza, a newly adopted Turkish precondition for normalization with
    Tel Aviv, is a non-starter in Congress.

    Turkey-hating Armenian and Greek groups can now make life even more
    difficult for the US and Turkish administrations. The Turkey-Israel
    conflict is likely to give an already unfriendly House Republican
    majority another reason to slam the White House.

    Although most higher level US officials, first and foremost President
    Barack Obama himself, care about Turkey, some of Ankara's policies on
    the 2003 Iraq war, Armenia and the Iran nuclear program have left scars
    among many in mid and lower levels of bureaucracy. For them, Turkey
    may seem a major troublemaker and this recent conflict with Israel
    is just another example. Some Washingtonians yearn for the days when
    they mainly worked with the old secularist Kemalist elite who generally
    conformed to the US in exchange for international legitimacy for their
    corrupt and antidemocratic ways. So they might be less sympathetic
    to the Turkish position on Israel. On the other hand, when you talk
    to Turkish diplomatic sources they say administration officials
    who are familiar with negotiations on apologies and reparations are
    disappointed by the non-compromising Israeli attitude.

    Rubbing salt into the wound for the US are the seriously deteriorating
    relations between Tel Aviv and Cairo, further isolating Israel in the
    region. An isolated Israel is likely to get more hawkish and defensive
    rather than self-corrective. That might create a vicious circle calling
    for more reaction from Turkey and others in the region. Ankara has
    clearly concluded that the Israelis have more to lose from this
    confrontation. They think a tough stance against Israel opens up
    strategic space for Turkey in the region. Certainly, it doesn't
    hurt the Erdogan government in domestic politics, either. But the
    US is concerned the situation might get out of control. Ankara's
    declaration that it will not let the eastern Mediterranean be
    dominated by Israel and that it will dispatch more Turkish navy
    vessels there is especially worrisome. The situation is reminiscent
    of risky Turkish-Greek encounters in the Aegean. Who needs another
    hard player in the eastern Mediterranean, especially if the player
    is a NATO member?

    Israel-Turkey relations have historically been marked with ups and
    downs. So, this is not the first time they went bad. For example,
    in 1980, Turkey downgraded its diplomatic presence in Israel to
    junior chargé d'affaires level in reaction to a controversial Jewish
    decision vis-a-vis East Jerusalem. Perhaps what makes the latest
    tensions more serious is that we are dealing with a more powerful
    new Turkey and a dramatically transforming region. Especially since
    we are in unchartered territories, extreme attention and caution is
    essential for all parties involved, including the US.
