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Joint Interview With Turkish President Abdullah Gul

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  • Joint Interview With Turkish President Abdullah Gul


    Die Zeit
    Sept 15 2011
    Hamburg, Germany

    [translated from German]

    by Michael Thumann and Ozlem Topcu of the German publication Die Zeit
    and by Suleyman Bag and Mahmut Cebi of the Turkish publication Zaman,
    in Istanbul;

    "Integration Means Serving"

    President Abdullah Gul has his residence in Ankara, but he travels to
    Istanbul to unwind whenever he can. The view here is nicer, he says
    during our interview at the presidential residence in the leafy Tarabya
    district, pointing to the Bosporus. It is simply too beautiful here,
    he says, especially when there is a full moon. Sometimes he moves
    official talks or meetings with counterparts to an outdoor spot,
    where they sit directly on the water under an awning. Unfortunately,
    that will not work today, Gul apologizes, because his wife already
    has a meeting scheduled there, and of course she takes precedence. Gul
    receives Die Zeit and the Turkish newspaper Zaman (which means "Time")
    during the 50th year of the Turkish migration to Germany. On this
    occasion, we are attempting a small experiment for the first time:
    a joint interview by Die Zeit and Zaman.

    [Die Zeit] Mr President, it was 50 years ago that Turks began
    emigrating to Germany. You yourself were 11 years old at the time. As
    a young boy, did you think, "Hopefully we will go to Germany too"?

    [Gul] To be honest, no. None of my relatives went to Germany as guest
    workers either. But I experienced that period up close and in person.

    I come from Kayseri, and many people from there did emigrate to
    Germany. The number of people who did so was especially obvious during
    the summer vacation, when they arrived with their nice cars.

    Volkswagen, Opel, Ford, Taunus. They were also conspicuous because
    they wore chic hats and clothing. The guest workers were the talk
    of the town! Kayseri is a commercial town, and whenever the workers
    came from Germany everyone was happy to get their business. That was
    always very exciting.

    [Zaman] Germany is the land of poets and thinkers. Is there one of
    them that you like in particular?

    [Gul] There is not just one. Germany has produced many thinkers, Kant,
    Hegel. We Turks revere Goethe anyway because of his West-Eastern
    Divan. Fortunately, many of the German classics are available
    in Turkish. In that way, they were also able to influence Turkish
    thought. That influence also came through science, especially through
    German Jews who came to Turkey in the 1930s and 1940s.

    [Die Zeit] Have Turkish guest workers in Germany received enough

    [Gul] Back then, the Turks were responding to an invitation. Germany
    needed manpower, and so the Turks hit the road. Of course, even then
    we knew here how industrious and disciplined German society was. And
    the thing with Turks is that if the environment is right, they can
    work very hard. And they did. They helped Germany get back on its
    feet. The Turkish guest workers contributed with the sweat of their
    brow to Germany becoming one of the world's strongest economic powers.

    And I am certain that that fact was also adequately appreciated.

    Particularly at that time. These days, that Turkish contribution seems
    to have been forgotten. The emphasis now is on the problems. Yes,
    they do exist - ultimately, the Turks at that time came to Germany
    from a completely different culture. Many of them came directly from
    rural areas in Anatolia to big cities like Munich or Frankfurt without
    having ever been to Istanbul, Ankara, or Izmir. There was culture
    shock. Neither Turkey nor Germany gave those people any orientation.

    [Zaman] Germany has pursued an active integration policy since 2005.

    At around the same time, Turkey began to exhibit more concern for
    "foreign Turks." Is there competition over the German Turks?

    [Gul] I do not think so. Many of our compatriots live abroad. We simply
    want to be attuned to their needs in a more professional manner. That
    is why we have established a separate agency for that, which is part
    of the Ministry of Labour. After all, Turkey and Germany do have a
    common objective: the integration of those people. During the first
    decades, the important thing was to get the economy going, everyone
    was busy working, and no thought was given to that. Now people are
    thinking about it.

    [Die Zeit] How important is language?

    [Gul] Everything hinges on language. These days, the situation should
    be that a German citizen of Turkish origin speaks accent-free German.

    And how is the best way to learn that? In kindergarten. And if Turks
    in Germany do not send their children to kindergarten, then we need
    to find out why. Indeed, that is what integration means: following
    the rules of the country in which you live. Serving that country. And
    that in turn requires motivation. What makes me sad is that sometimes
    that motivation is lacking.

    [Die Zeit] Why is that?

    [Gul] Take German visa policy as an example. I receive e-mails from
    prominent businessmen and scientists who report to me on the German
    authorities' restrictive practices on issuing visas. The citizens of
    other countries that are not - as we are - candidates for EU accession
    do not face such hurdles from Germany. An individual person's fate
    can depend on such a visa. It is as if the close ties between our
    two countries do not exist. That also demotivates the Turks who live
    in Germany.

    [Die Zeit] Who is the president of the Turks in Germany, Mr Wulff
    or you?

    [Gul] Of course Mr Wulff is the president of German citizens of Turkish
    origin. But there are also German Turks who still regard Turkey as
    their motherland, whose families live here. Many of them might regard
    me as their emotional president. They are German citizens. But they
    cannot be simply required to loosen their close ties to their land
    of origin.

    [Zaman] There are tens of thousands of Germans living in Turkey. Do
    you see yourself as their president too?

    [Gul] Without a doubt! I have German compatriots, just as I have
    Christian, Jewish, or Armenian compatriots. I am their president,
    I celebrate with them when they have holidays, and I visit their
    places of worship. Of course, they are in the minority, for which
    reason they are sometimes forgotten. But I do not forget them.

    [Zaman] Many people in Germany and Europe are hoping for a
    "Euro-Islam," and an Islamic conference was held in Berlin. What do
    you think of that?

    [Gul] Islam is certainly one of Germany's religions, professed
    by German citizens as well. Thus, concern must be shown for the
    followers of that religion, and it must be ensured that they are able
    to practice it.

    [Zaman] Have you heard of Thilo Sarrazin?

    [Gul] Who?

    [Zaman] Thilo Sarrazin, the former member of the Executive Board of
    the Bundesbank.

    [Gul] Oh yes, of course. I followed the debate and am familiar with
    his theories. Well, every society engenders such extreme, marginal
    views. They should not be dwelt on for too long.

    [Zaman] Do you perceive a danger of Islamophobia in Europe?

    [Gul] Yes, I do. But the question is this: What is a modern state? For
    me, it is a multicultural state. It was Europe that gave the world
    that modern state, with its democracy and its rule of law. The
    theories and their implementation are thoroughly European. The fact
    that that same Europe is engendering Islamophobia strikes me as a
    complete contradiction. The point is to encourage everyone towards
    integration and to tolerate everyone's culture. After all, it is
    not possible to reverse Muslim immigration to Europe. Islamophobia,
    anti-Semitism, xenophobia: These are diseases that, once they break
    out, are difficult to treat.

    [Die Zeit] What role is Islam playing in the Arab Spring?

    [Gul] Not a significant one. The most important part is Arab youth.

    The regimes have lost face. We live in a world in which all means of
    communication are open. Everyone follows everything and compares it to
    their own situation. The young Arabs feel that they are living lives
    devoid of dignity. They know the difference between right and wrong.

    Communication technology is the substructure of the revolution. With
    that technology, the West has made the strongest contribution to
    that revolution.

    [Zaman] Does technology promote democracy?

    [Gul] Yes, that is the case in Egypt and Syria.

    [Die Zeit] How did you feel when Hosni Mubarak fell in February?

    [Gul] When the people revolted, the regime collapsed like a cardboard
    box. For me, that happened far too late. There was a pressing need
    for the regimes to reform their countries. And when they did not,
    the pressure came from below. The people can no longer live with such
    old regimes.

    [Die Zeit] But you have long had close relations with Syrian ruler
    Bashar al-Asad. Following the break with al-Asad, how do things stand
    between Turkey and Syria?

    [Gul] We are neighbours, and we have drawn the ties between our peoples
    tighter. We also had close relations with the Syrian Government. We
    urged that reforms be carried out rapidly. I myself repeatedly
    brought this up with Mr al-Asad, even before the Arab Spring
    broke out. But the government did nothing, and then the situation
    escalated. Authoritarian, closed regimes can no longer continue in
    this form.

    [Die Zeit] Many Syrian opposition figures are in Turkey. Are you now
    switching allies: from the Arab rulers to the Arab revolutionaries?

    [Gul] We in Turkey have attained certain standards of law and
    democracy. We want the peoples in the region to attain that as well.

    We sympathize with them when they demand their rights. Just as people
    assemble freely in London, Berlin, and Paris, they can do the same
    in Turkey too. That is entirely within their rights, and we cannot
    interfere with that.

    [Die Zeit] What does Turkey have to offer the Arab world?

    [Gul] There are historical commonalties, and we have the same
    religion. But Turkey is also seen as a source of inspiration. The
    Arabs see that, in a country with a Muslim population, democracy
    prevails, together with a multiparty system and equality between men
    and women. Why, they ask, should that not also be the case with them?

    [Die Zeit] The situation in the Middle East is quite explosive. Why
    is Turkey intensifying its dispute with Israel right now?

    [Gul] That is because of Israel more than Turkey. Last year, a
    Turkish aid ship carrying people from 37 countries was attacked in
    international waters. Afterward, no weapons were found that could have
    been used for a counterattack. One might have expected an apology from
    Israel following that attack. They did not apologize and maintained
    that they were right, even though they had violated international law.

    [Die Zeit] Would the crisis be resolved if Israel were to apologize?

    [Gul] Yes, that is our unequivocal demand.

    [Die Zeit] So Israel's embargo against the Gaza Strip would no longer
    be an issue for you?

    [Gul] The most important point for us is that people were killed in
    the action against the aid ship. But the embargo too is not covered
    by international law. That is why the EU, Russia, and the American
    government have similarly demanded that it be lifted.

    [Die Zeit] Could Germany mediate between Israel and Turkey?

    [Gul] Berlin certainly could not bring that off.

    [Die Zeit] That's a shame. Does that mean that Germans play no role
    in this region from the Turkish perspective?

    [Gul] Germans and Turks share a great deal, and the labour recruitment
    agreement 50 years ago was not the first time that they got to know
    each other. We were comrades in arms in World War I. My residence here
    is located on the site of historic meetings between Germans and Turks
    during World War I. (He points to the picture window.) Down there
    in the Bosporus is where German warships sailed under the Turkish
    flag and fired on the Russians in the Black Sea. There were German
    generals in the Turkish armed forces, German doctors and nurses. There
    are also graves of German nurses who cared for Turkish soldiers. Our
    close relations date back to much earlier than 1960.

    [Zaman] That was all a long time ago. What can the governments do
    today to deepen relations?

    [Gul] I would like to see a relationship between Germany and Turkey
    that is similar to the one between Germany and France . We should have
    government consultations with Germany. That is important to us. When
    President Wulff was here last year, he was surprised by how many of my
    office staff speak German. My chief adviser attended school in Austria,
    and the future ambassador to Berlin attended school in Germany. It is
    important to me that the Turkish ambassador in Germany speak German
    as well as a German. That has been a shortcoming in the past. Thus,
    we are very well prepared for German-Turkish friendship.

    [Zaman] What can Turks and Germans do to help ease the relationship
    between Europe and the Islamic world?

    [Gul] Politicians or businessmen of Turkish origin in Germany, artists,
    and athletes can serve as good examples of integration. The German
    national soccer team includes young and talented players of Turkish
    origin. Everyone is proud of their success. There is a long-standing
    tradition of smart people emigrating to the United States. Big
    countries have always opened their doors and let people in. That
    should not be a fearful prospect, and Germans should not be afraid
    of it either.

    [translated from German]
