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BAKU: Armenia hinders EU admission of former Soviet states

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  • BAKU: Armenia hinders EU admission of former Soviet states, Azerbaijan
    Sept 17 2011

    Armenia hinders EU admission of former Soviet states
    Sat 17 September 2011 06:44 GMT | 2:44 Local Time

    News.Az interviews political scientist Fikrat Sadikhov.

    Euronest Parliamentary Assembly, the first meeting of which was held
    in Strasbourg on 14-15 September, failed to adopt a resolution with
    recommendations for the forthcoming summit of the Eastern Partnership
    due to positions of delegations from Armenia and Azerbaijan, sources
    in the European Parliament said.

    Moreover, the draft resolution including recommendations for the
    Eastern Partnership summit to be held in Warsaw, among other things,
    contained a proposal to provide a perspective of EU membership to
    Eastern Partnership member countries. What are your comments in this

    Indeed, the debates in Strasbourg were quite dramatic, and it is quite
    natural, since we are talking about the conflicting parties who are
    participants of this union, or rather, not parties, but a country
    which has occupied territory of another state.

    Of course, Azerbaijan, as a country that suffers occupation and could
    not restore its territorial integrity to this day because of Armenia's
    position, took a rather harsh attitude towards Armenia and it is quite
    natural and based on real situation.

    As far as I know, the question of principles of sovereignty,
    territorial integrity, inviolability of borders was raised in
    Strasbourg. And pro-Armenian MPs even suggested to remove this
    provision completely. Of course, our delegation could not accept such
    a proposal and demanded to keep the text in its previous version. In
    fact, after the vote, we could get the version we insisted upon

    There were, for example, some discrepancies regarding the expression
    of separate articles. Of course, there can be no unity between
    Azerbaijan and Armenia in such matters, because we perceive
    territorial integrity and the right of peoples to self-determination
    differently. In other words, we do not believe that the right of
    peoples to self-determination contradicts principles of territorial

    Therefore, the Armenian delegation was behaving aggressively.
    Moreover, it even announced a boycott and even threatened to use a
    veto right. This is, so to speak, internal political kitchen, which
    was unlikely to contribute to pro-Armenian resolution.

    Of course, the countries that participated in the session, and in
    particular Ukraine, suggested to make some compromise provisions to
    the document. Here, the Armenian delegation acted in its own way and
    began to demand the right of peoples to self-determination. That is,
    it resorted to its old, worn-out approach which is absolutely devoid
    of reason as it contradicts all basic norms and principles of
    international law.

    Of course, members of our delegation participated in these debates
    rather tense and actively, and, as far I understood, the Azerbaijani
    side has achieved a result.

    What do you mean?

    The result is the decision to hold the next session of this quite
    influential organization in Baku, the capital of an Eastern
    Partnership member state which is not an EU member. In general, this
    is a major achievement of Azerbaijani diplomacy.

    The fact that such a decision was adopted after tense debates shows
    that the countries that voted for this decision quite constructively
    assess the situation, have a real approach to the situation and
    realize that territorial integrity of a country, part of whose
    territory is occupied by another state, is a top priority.

    In this situation, it is clear that Armenia continues to create
    setbacks for Azerbaijan's cooperation with the civilized world. Does
    our country have to forget about European integration that promises
    big prospects just because of Armenia?

    I do not think so. It is hard to believe. What is obvious is that the
    Armenian delegation was the loser. In any case, we cooperate within
    international organizations, such as Euronest and several other
    projects of not bilateral, but regional and interstate cooperation,
    because we are obliged to do this. There is a program of Eastern
    Partnership, a framework of the Council of Europe, PACE, OSCE, and so

    Of course, we have to do this. But this does not mean that we can
    sacrifice our principles, and above all, the principles of sovereignty
    and surrender to Azerbaijan delegation which demands to include some
    mythical articles to a provision on Euronest resolution. Therefore,
    Armenia showed its non-constructive position in all its glory in this

    So, maybe it's not very big, but still a victory of Azerbaijan, as we
    could persuade delegations of the member states participating in this
    session to vote for Azerbaijan so that next session of this powerful
    structure will take place in Baku. This is a significant
    accomplishment for Azerbaijan.

