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ANKARA: PKK, Israel, and lies

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  • ANKARA: PKK, Israel, and lies

    Yeni Safak , Turkey
    Sept 15 2011

    PKK, Israel, and lies

    by Yasin Dogan (Yalcin Akdogan)
    [translated from Turkish]

    The PKK issued two different statements during the current week. It
    claimed that an international effort is made to use it as an
    instrument. The first was related to the organization's reaction to
    Israeli Foreign Minister Lieberman's argument that Israel might use
    the PKK and the second was related to the apology the Firat News
    Agency [ANF] made after it removed the report it posted on its website
    on the talks that were allegedly held [between the Turkish
    Ingelligence Organization and the PKK] in Oslo. It was removed from
    the website within a short period after it was posted.

    The two developments showed that terrorist PKK tried to create the
    impression that it will not allow itself to be used. Strangely enough,
    the assessments that have been made on the two statements described
    Israel as the main actor and the PKK as an instrument that is being
    used. The report was serviced when the Turkish delegation arrived in
    Egypt, a visit which attracted significant attention. It was aimed at
    weakening the Turkish Government and the MIT [Turkish Intelligence
    Organization] undersecretary. Israel issued statements against him
    several times in the past.

    Jewish daily Yedioth pulished a report on Lieberman's statement that
    they might support the PKK against Turkey. However, it was later
    denied. A high-level reaction came from the PKK to it. Stressing that
    the PKK will not allow itself to be used against any country, Murat
    Karayilan said: "We regret that they regard us as a tactical
    instrument." In fact, he further blamed Israel for the capture of PKK
    leader Abdullah Ocalan and called for an apology.

    It is understood that the disclosure of the relations between Israel
    and the PKK made the organization uneasy. It had some of the Israeli
    officials issue differing statements through the ANF. The statements
    that were made by journalist Jonathan Spyer, former Israeli Government
    expert on foreign policy, were carried by the news agency.
    Furthermore, Lieberman's statements on the PKK were described as his
    personal views. While trying to save the PKK, Spyer hinted that Israel
    might adopt such a policy. He said: "I do not believe that Lieberman's
    statement in Yedioth, which mentioned the Armenian Lobby and the PKK
    to threatened Turkey, reflected the views of the Israeli Government.
    What he said should be seen as the [personal] remarks of Foreign
    Minister Lieberman. He outlined possible moves that should be made
    against Turkey. If Turkey maintains its present approach against

    BDP [Peace and Democracy Party] co-chairman Selahattin Demirtas made a
    similar statement on the relations between Israel and the PKK shortly
    after the disclosure that was made by the PKK on the Qandil Mountain.
    Stressing that the statements that link the BDP with the PKK made him
    uneasy from time to time, Demirtas moved to adopt a defensive position
    as if they are the parts of the same body. He said: "The Kurdish
    people will not rely on Israel or any other international force. That
    is impossible. We will reject the promises Israel might make to the
    Kurds because of its problems with Turkey. We will reject the
    opportunities it might present to the Kurds in a golden tray and
    prefer to be crushed. The freedom Israel might create will not be
    freedom. We are not a movement that can sell off our fraternal
    relations for the sake of international interests. Had we been such a
    movement, Kurdistan would have been established a long time ago."

    The statements by the PKK on the Qandil Mountain and the BDP were due
    to their fear that the people in the region might react to the hint
    that Israel might use the organization. That is why the PKK adopted a
    tactical approach.

    The report on the alleged meeting in Oslo was posted on the pro-PKK
    websites. However, it was later removed and an apology was made. The
    ANF serviced the information under the title: "The Report That Will
    Create a Serious Problem for Recep Tayyip Erdogan." However, it issued
    this statement after a short time: "The recording in a Dicle News
    Agency [DIHA] internet report was serviced on our website this
    morning. It remained posted for a short time, until the DIHA officials
    warned that the it was not posted by them. They later disclosed that
    it appeared on their website after a cyber attack. Consequently, the
    source of the report became unknown. It was removed from our website
    15 minutes after it was posted. We apologize to all those who follow
    our website."

    The two developments show that the organization, fearing an
    unfavourable impression in the public opinion, adopted a hesitating
    approach. It is now trying to manage the situation through tactical
    moves that will allow it to do harm without being harmed in return.
