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The more we are criticized, the more people apply to us

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  • The more we are criticized, the more people apply to us

    The more we are criticized, the more people apply to us
    ArmInfo's exclusive interview with Svetlana Stepanova, Head of the
    Russian Federal Migration Service Office in Armenia

    by David Stepanyan

    Thursday, September 15, 14:44

    Ms. Stepanova, what are the major goals and the results of your
    Office's activity?

    The RFMS Office in Armenia will mark its 15th anniversary this year.
    The Office provides various services, and first of all, advisory
    services on the migration legislation of the Russian Federation, new
    rules of residence, labor etc. The State Program to Assist Voluntary
    Repatriation of Russian Compatriots from abroad was launched in the
    country in 2007. Since there are almost no ethnic Russians in Armenia,
    our applicants are mostly Armenians- citizens of the Republic of
    Armenia. Our Service has offices in Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan,
    Turkmenistan, Latvia, Moldova and Ukraine. It is a world practice and
    our activity fully meets it without any reservations.

    Let's talk of the specific goals of the State Program...

    The major goal of the State Program we are implementing in Armenia is
    to assist the citizens, our compatriots, who have made a decision to
    obtain permanent residency in Russia. At present over 30 regions of
    Russia receive compatriots. We receive job vacancies from every
    region. A potential migrant visiting us selects a region and a job
    vacancy, and fills a form. We are criticized for allegedly settling
    Siberia, North and Far East by means of the State Program. The program
    covers almost all the regions of Russia in the West, Central District,
    Ural, Siberia, Far East.

    What are the statistics of emigrants and geography of their settlement
    in Russia?

    За четыре года реализации госпрограммы в Армении к нам оратились за
    консультацией 31656 человек. Анкет нами ыло принято 3587, число
    выданных свидетельств - 1104, всего же в Россию на постоянное место
    жительства выехало 2166 человек, речь идет о участниках программы и
    их семьях. Хочу уточнить: мы принимаем заявления на переселение на
    постоянное место жительства в Россию, а не временно. В основном
    граждане Армении предпочитали Калининград, а сейчас пользуются
    спросом Калуга, Липецк, Воронеж. Также популярными в последнее время
    стали и регионы Приморья, Новосиирского, Хааровского краев,
    Еврейской автономной оласти.

    In general, 31656 people applied to the Service for consultation over
    the four year of the state program's implementation in Armenia. A
    total of 1104 people were provided with certificates and 2166 people
    moved to Russia for permanent residence, she said and added that the
    Russian Federal Migration Service Office in Armenia receives only the
    applications for permanent but not temporary residence in Russia.
    Armenian citizens chiefly preferred Kaliningrad, but at present they
    prefer Kaluga, Lipetsk and Voronezsh. The regions of Premorye,
    Novosibirsk, Khabarovsk and Jewish Autonomous Region have also become
    popular for the last period of time.

    What is the reason of the local Mass Media's propaganda against your Office?

    I do not understand the goal of such statements. They are incompetent,
    groundless and speculative. I see even certain anti-Russian subtext in
    that criticism. Taking advantage of the moment, I'd like to ask those
    who make such anti-propaganda. What is you goal and what do you want?

    What specialties and professions are in demand in Russia?

    Physicians and teachers are highly in demand in the Russian regions.
    There is also need for builders, engineers, workers and others
    specialists. The remuneration salary shown in the base of vacancies
    may change depending on the qualification and abilities of a person.
    We are following the fate of our beneficiaries-migrants. After
    resettlement the participants of the State Program are naturalized in
    Russia in a half-year as a rule and they continue building their life
    just as the other citizens of Russia.

    Что Вы думаете по поводу так называемой "утечки мозгов", есть ли среди
    наших мигрантов люди - высококвалифицированные специалисты?

    What do you think of the so-called "brain drain" from Armenia to
    Russia? Are there any highly qualified specialists among our migrants?

    First of all, professionals are in demand everywhere, including
    Russia. Has anyone calculated how many highly qualified specialists
    from Armenia leave for Europe and the USA? Yes, the nature of
    relations between Armenia and Russia is "easy". I don't think it is
    bad. I am sure, Armenia would like have the non-visa regime with
    European Union as well. I don't think that those who write critical
    articles about our representation would like to have visa obstacles
    between Russia and Armenia just the same way as Russia has with
    Georgia. Actually, within the frames of the state program 44% of
    people with higher education left Armenia for Russia, 30% - with
    secondary technical trading and 25% - with secondary education. For
    this reason, I think there is no need to assess it like "brain drain".

    Are there any age restrictions for applicants?

    The State Program involves people at working age. At present, 27% of
    emigrants from Armenia are people under 30, 55% are people at the age
    of 30-50 and the remaining 18% are people above 50.

    When the program will be completed and will it be extended?

    The State Program will be completed till the end of 2012. But our
    Office will continue working also after competition of the program. We
    hope to boost organized attraction of labor migrants to Russia. A
    Russian-Armenian Working Group was set up last year to develop a
    relevant intergovernmental agreement. As soon as the agreement is
    coordinated and signed, the RFMS Office in Armenia will be involved in
    organized attraction of labor migrants to specific companies in Russia
    and provide working permit also in Armenia. Thanks to such selection,
    all the labor migrants will get legal protection, medical insurance
    and an opportunity of legal work at any company in Russia. As regards
    extension of the State Program, it requires a state decision. We just
    fulfill the tasks set to us and provide specific assistance to the
    people applying to our Office.
